5 Deployment

The deployment phase is when you will be designing, configuring, and building the integration, conversions, training, reports, and any extensions needed to run the Store Inventory Operations Cloud Services for your business. Here are some other things to consider as you transition into this phase.

Get Started

Review additional product-specific tools and resources that help you and your implementation team by referencing the Documentation Libraries at this location: https://docs.oracle.com/en/industries/retail/index.html. Key documents for each cloud service, include:

  • Implementation guide:

    • Configuration

    • Configuration of key foundational data

    • Translation information

  • Security guide:

    • Technical details on the security architecture

    • Details on the roles, duties, and privileges by solution

Leverage Oracle Support

Attend a session on Working Effectively with Support (WEWS) to learn about support policies and best practices when working with Oracle Support. Oracle Support representatives are ready 24/7 to answer questions and address issues about your service. Access the Oracle Support Contacts Global Directory to find the Oracle Support Hotline for your country, and explore the page on Working Effectively with Oracle Support - Best Practices found on My Oracle Support under Doc ID 166650.1.

Get Connected

Register for RGBU support communities:

  • Use My Oracle Support Community (Doc ID 2299812.1) to post technical questions and get resolution on technical issues.

    • See Getting Started to learn how to use the Support Community.

  • Use the Rack to view informative resources and participate in discussions around Retail Solutions: www.oracleretailrack.com