Customer Analytics
This section describes the metrics available in Customer Analytics of Oracle Utilities Analytics Warehouse. The metrics analyze customer specific information.
Oracle Utilities Analytics Warehouse Dashboards for Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing provides the Customer analytics content in the following dashboards:
The Overview dashboard provides a high-level overview of customer information for the current month, such as customer loss and gain, customer contacts, and customer case information.
To access this dashboard:
1. Go to the Home page.
2. Select Dashboards > Customer Analytics > Overview.
The dashboard provides the following analyses. The data for current calendar year and month is displayed by default. You may modify the criteria per requirement.
Customer Growth
This analysis provides insight into the net customer growth (customer gain/loss) for the current month and previous two months.
Business users can analyze and interpret customer gains and losses for the selected period.
The bar graph shows the net customer gain/loss for the current month and previous two months. Hover over the bars for specific details.
Drill Down
The graph drills down to the Customers dashboard to display a detailed analysis about customers for the selected period.
Source Object
Service Agreement Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Service Agreement
Net Gain/Loss of Last 3 Months
Customer Contact Volume
This analysis summarizes the total number of customer contacts created in the current month and previous two months.
This analysis compares the customer contact volume of the current month against the previous two months. Business users can analyze the trend in creating new customers.
The bar graph shows the number of customer contacts created in the current month and previous two months. Hover over the bars for specific details.
Drill Down
The graph drills down to the Customer Contacts dashboard for detailed information about customer contacts.
Source Object
Customer Contact Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Customer Contact
Count of Customer Contacts
This analysis shows the total number of customer cases against each case type for the current month and previous three months. It also shows the average case count for the previous three months.
Cases % = 100 * ((Number of cases for selected month)/Average of last three months)
Business users can analyze customer case information, such as the rate at which cases get opened and closed, case resolution, and case duration statistics.
The table shows the customer case count in the current month and last three months, the average of the last three months, a calculated result, against each case type.
Drill Down
The Case Type column link drills down to the Cases dashboard for more detailed information about customer cases.
Source Object
Case Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Case
Case Count
Average Case Duration
This analysis provides a summary of the case duration against each case type for the selected month and previous three months. It also shows the average case duration for the last three months.
The case duration percentage is calculated as the case duration for the current month divided by the average of the last three months.
This analysis provides a clear picture of how quickly the customer cases were handled over the past few months. Business users can interpret the metrics for cases based on final outcomes.
The table shows the case duration against each case type for the current month and last three months, the average for the last three months, and a calculated result.
Drill Down
The Case Type table link drills down to the Status and Duration dashboard page for detailed information about customer cases.
Source Object
Case Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Case
Average Case Duration
The Customeraaas dashboard provides insight into customer information, such as customer gains and/or losses.
To access this dashboard:
1. Go to the Home page.
2. Select Dashboards > Customer Analytics > Customers.
The dashboard provides the following dashboard pages. The data for current calendar year and month is displayed by default. You may modify the criteria per requirement.
Customers Map
The Customers Map dashboard page identifies the areas with highest number of customers gained or lost.
Customer Net Gain/Loss
This analysis provides a spatial representation of the number of customers gained or lost in a specific region for the selected month.
Business users can identify and analyze the areas with maximum, minimum, and average customer gain/loss.
The color-coded region on the map shows the net customer gain/loss in that area, along with its postal code.
The postal code link broadcasts the postal code value to the Customer Gain/Loss Distribution and Customer Net Gain/Loss by Month analyses on the same dashboard page.
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Service Agreement Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Service Agreement
Net Gain/Loss
Customer Gain/Loss Distribution
This analysis provides insight into the distribution of customers in a geographical area (postal code) across various customer classes and service types, in the selected month.
The data is based on the postal code selected on the Customer Net Gain/Loss map.
Business users can analyze the distribution of customer gains/losses in a geographical area for the selected period.
The View By drop down slices the data by customer class or service type.
The Postal Code drop down slices the data for the area with the respective postal code.
The table displays the customer gain, loss, and net gain/loss against the selected customer segment for the selected postal code and in the selected period.
Drill Down
The Gain column link drills down to the Trend dashboard page to show the trend for gain in customers for the selected period and in the selected area.
The Loss column link drills down to the Trend dashboard page to show the trend for loss of customers in the selected period and in the selected area.
The Net Gain/Loss column link drills down to the Trend dashboard page to show the trend for net customer gain/loss for the selected period and in the selected area.
Source Object
Service Agreement Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Service Agreement
Gain, Loss, Net Gain/Loss
Customer Net Gain/Loss by Month
This analysis displays a 15-month trend for the number of customers gained and lost and the net customer gain/loss in a geographical area.
The data is based on the postal code selected on the Customer Net Gain/Loss map.
Business users can identify the geographical areas with minimum and maximum customer loss/gain.
The Postal Code drop down slices the data for the area with the respective postal code.
The bar graph shows the net customer gain or loss for the respective months in the selected geographical area. Hover over the bars for specific details.
Drill Down
The graph drills down to the Trend dashboard page to display trend-specific details for the selected month.
Source Object
Service Agreement Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Service Agreement
Gain, Loss, Net Gain/Loss
The Trend dashboard page provides a snapshot of the trend for net customer gain and loss.
Customer Net Gain/Loss Trend
This analysis displays a 15-month trend for the customers gained and lost across various customer segments.
Business users can identify the trend for customer gain or loss and take necessary measures to prevent from customer loss, if any.
The View By drop down slices the data by customer class or service type.
The graph shows the customer gain/loss against the selected segment for previous 15 months, one month at a time. Hover over the graph bars to view the actual details.
Use the slider to view the data for a specific month.
Drill Down
The graph drills down to the Details dashboard page for account specific details.
Source Object
Service Agreement Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Service Agreement
Gain, Loss, Net Gain/Loss
The Details dashboard page provides detailed information about the service agreements started and ended at account level.
Customer Details
This analysis shows the account level details of the top 100 customers (in each customer class) with service agreements that started and/or ended on the selected month.
The accounts at the top of the list are the ones with highest number of service agreements that started in the selected month. Business users can login to the source application and analyze the data further.
The table displays the customer class and the start/end of the service agreements for each customer account.
Drill Back
The Account table link drills back to the Account Maintenance page in the Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing system.
Source Object
Service Agreement Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Service Agreement
Counts of SA Started and SA Ended
The Cases dashboard provides customer case information, such as the rate at which cases get opened and closed, case resolution, and case duration statistics.
To access this dashboard:
1. Go to the Home page.
2. Select Dashboards > Customer Analytics > Cases.
The dashboard provides the following dashboard pages. The data for current calendar year and month is displayed by default. You may modify the criteria per requirement.
Case Map
The Case Map dashboard page identifies the areas with highest number of open cases.
This analysis provides a spatial representation of the number of customer cases opened in a specific region in the selected month.
Business users can identify and analyze the areas where maximum customer cases are opened in the selected month.
The color-coded region on the map shows the number of customer cases in that area, along with its postal code.
The postal code link broadcasts the postal code value to the Cases Distribution and Cases by Month analyses on the same dashboard page.
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Case Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Case
Case Count
Cases Distribution
This analysis provides insight into the distribution of customer cases in a geographical area (postal code) across various case types and customer classes, for the selected month. The data is based on the postal code selected on the Cases map.
Business users can analyze the distribution of cases opened in an area under a specific case type, in the selected month.
The View By drop down slices the data by customer class or case type.
The Postal Code drop down slices the data for the area with the respective postal code.
The pie chart shows the distribution of customer cases categorized under each customer segment for the selected postal code and in the selected period.
Drill Down
The pie chart drills down to the Details dashboard page to display account specific information for the selected customer segment.
Source Object
Case Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Case
Case Count
Cases by Month
This analysis shows a 15-month trend on how customer cases are opened or closed on a monthly basis, in the selected geographical area. The data is based on the postal code selected on the Cases map.
Business users can analyze the rate at which customer cases are opened or closed in a particular geographical area.
The Postal Code drop down slices the data for the area with the respective postal code.
The bar graph shows the count of open or closed cases per month, for rolling 15 months, in the selected postal code. Hover over the lines for specific details.
Drill Down
The graph drills down to the Details dashboard page to display account specific information.
Source Object
Case Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Case
Opened Case Count, Closed Case Count
Status and Duration
The Status and Duration dashboard page presents the metrics for cases based on the final outcome and the durations.
Case Final Outcomes
This analysis displays the total count of cases against each final outcome (resolved, rejected, literature sent, cancelled, etc), per month, for the previous 15 months.
The business users can analyze the case count, final outcomes, and case types for the selected period.
The bar graph shows the number of customer cases against each final outcome (resolved, rejected, literature sent, cancelled, etc) for the previous 15 months. Hover over the bars for specific details.
The table shows the number of cases per each final outcome against each case type. The data is displayed for the current month and previous 14 months.
Drill Down
The Cases column link drills down to the Details page to display account specific details.
Source Object
Case Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Case
Case Count
Case Duration Statistics
This analysis shows the monthly trend in maximum, minimum, and average duration for the customer cases created in the previous 15 months.
The business users can identify any patterns, over time, in the duration taken for closure of customer cases.
The graph shows the maximum, minimum, and average case duration as a monthly trend, for the 15 previous months. Hover over the lines for specific details.
The table shows the maximum, minimum, and average case duration values for each month.
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Case Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Case
Maximum Duration, Average Duration, Minimum Duration
Case Duration Distribution
This analysis shows the distribution of average case duration as a 15-month trend broken down into various customer segments (case type, customer class, or jurisdiction).
Business users can analyze the distribution metrics for the respective case durations.
The View By drop down slices the data by case type, customer class, or jurisdiction.
The bar graph shows the average case duration (in days) for the respective groups in the selected customer segment. Hover over the graph bars for specific details.
Use the slider to view the data for a specific month.
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Case Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Case
Average Case Duration
The Details dashboard page provides detailed information about the customer cases at account level.
Case Detail
This analysis shows the account level details of the top 100 customers (in each customer class) with the highest number of cases opened and closed. The data is shown for the selected month.
The accounts at the top of the list are the ones with highest number of cases opened or closed. Business users can login to the source application and analyze the data further.
The table displays the customer class and the count of open/closed cases, for each customer account.
Drill Back
The Account column link drills back to the Account Maintenance page in the Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing system.
Source Object
Case Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Case
Cases Opened, Cases Closed
Customer Contacts
The Customer Contacts dashboard provides a detailed insight into customer contact information.
To access this dashboard:
1. Go to the Home page.
2. Select Dashboards > Customer Analytics > Customer Contacts.
The dashboard provides the following dashboard pages. The data for current calendar year and month is displayed by default. You may modify the criteria per requirement.
The Distribution dashboard page provides a snapshot of the distribution of customer contact volumes.
Contacts by Class
This analysis displays the contact volume (in the selected month) by contact class and contact type.
Business users can analyze the data and accordingly plan resources to attend to all customer requests/contacts.
The pie chart shows the percentage of customer contacts for each contact class in the selected month.
The table shows the total contact count and its percentage against various contact types in each contact class. The data is shown for the month.
Drill Down
The Contacts column link drills down to the Trend or Details dashboard pages. These dashboard pages provide detailed information about the customer contact trend and also account level details of each contact.
Source Object
Customer Contact Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Customer Contact
Customer Contacts, Number of Contacts, % of Total
Top 5 Contact Types by Volume
This analysis displays the top five contact types with the highest number of customer contacts created in the selected period.
These statistics help the business users to monitor resource allocation to handle the customer contacts for the specific period.
The table shows the number of customer contacts created against each contact type in the selected month. The contact types are ranked per the highest customer contacts in each contact type.
Drill Down
Click the Contacts column link to navigate to the Details dashboard page for specific account level details of the selected record.
Source Object
Customer Contact Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Customer Contact
Top 10 Customers by Volume
This analysis displays the top ten customers that have been contacted the most in the selected month.
These statistics help the business users to identify the customers with more interactions.
The table shows the names of customers and the number of contacts made to each customer in the selected period. The customers are ranked based on the highest contacts made.
Drill Down
The Contacts column link drills down to the Details dashboard page to show specific account level information about the selected record.
Source Object
Customer Contact Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Customer Contact
The Trend dashboard page summarizes the customer contact volume in the selected time period.
Contacts by Day of Week
This analysis shows the total number of customer contacts made on each day of the week for the selected month.
Business users can analyze the resource allocation for customers. More resources will be allocated on the days when there are more contacts from customers.
The graph shows the number of customer contacts made on each day of the week. Hover over the bars for specific values.
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Customer Contact Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Customer Contact
Number of Contacts
Contacts by Day of Week Hourly Summary
This analysis shows the total number of customer contacts made on each day of the week (in the selected month) broken down into an hourly summary.
For each day, the customer contact count is broken down into time periods that help the business users to analyze whether or not that time of day is adequately staffed.
The Day of Week drop down allows you to select the week day for which you want to view the data. The weekday selected is broken down to various time buckets (12 am - 4 am, 5 am - 8 am, etc).
The Select View drop down allows you to view the data either as a bar chart or as a radar chart.
The graph shows the number of customer contacts made in each time bucket for the selected weekday. Hover over the graph to view specific details for the selected time bucket.
The table shows the number of customer contacts made in each hour of the selected day of the week.
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Customer Contact Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Customer Contact
Number of Contacts
The Details dashboard page provides detailed information about the customer contacts at account level.
Contact Detail
This analysis shows the account level details of the top 100 customers based on the customer contacts. The data is shown for the selected month.
The accounts at the top of the list are the ones for which the highest number of customer contacts have been made. Business users can login to the source application and analyze the data further.
The table displays the customer information details based on the customer contacts made in the selected period.
Drill Back
The Account column link drills back to the Account Maintenance page in the Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing system.
Source Object
Customer Contact Fact
OAS Subject Area
CCB - Customer Contact