Usage Details
The Usage Details dashboard provides key performance indicators (KPIs) for the Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management usage.
To access the dashboard:
1. Go to the Home page.
2. Select Dashboards > Meter Data Analytics > Usage Details.
The data for current month and year is displayed by default. You can modify the generic criteria per requirement before compiling the analyses in this dashboard.
The dashboard provides the following dashboard page:
The Overview dashboard page displays the usage distribution and usage summary details.
Usage Distribution
This analysis shows the measured usage quantity distribution by various dimension attributes. The data is shown for the selected month.
Using this tool, business users can analyze the distribution of usage quantity for the selected period. In other words, how good are the meter readings? Users can view this data in various ways, such as usage calculation group (rate class), device type, region, etc.
The View By drop-down slices the data by usage calculation group, city, device type, geo code, head end system, manufacturer, market, model, postal code, service provider, or service type.
The pie chart shows the distribution of usage quantity per the category selected in the View By option.
The table displays the measured usage quantity and the percentage of total for the selected category.
Note: This analysis shows two pie charts which enable you to view the distribution across two different categories simultaneously.
Drill Down
The <category> column link drills down to the Usage by Day dashboard page for more details.
Source Object
Measured Quantity Fact
OAS Subject Area
MDM - Measured Quantity
Measured Quantity, % of Total
Usage Summary
This analysis summarizes the measured usage quantities over the previous 15 months.
Using this tool, business users can analyze usage trends from previous periods.
The bar graph shows the total usage per month, for the previous 15 months. The quantities are color coded for each quarter. The line on the graph represents the monthly average by year.
The X-axis represents the month and year. The Y-axis represents the total usage quantity. Hover over the bars for specific details.
Drill Down
The Month column link drills down to the Usage by Day dashboard page for daily details in the selected month.
The Usage Trend link at the bottom-left corner of this analysis navigates to the Usage Trend dashboard page for detailed analysis and insight into total quantity.
Source Object
Measured Quantity Fact
OAS Subject Area
MDM - Measured Quantity
Total Quantity, Monthly Average by Year
Usage Trend
The Usage Trend dashboard page shows the trends across normal usage, estimated usage, and time-of-use (TOU) mapped usage.
Usage Trend
This analysis shows the trend in normal usage quantities for the previous 15 months.
Using this tool, business users can analyze measurement trends from the previous periods.
The bar graph shows the normal measured quantity for each month. The line on the graph represents the count of measuring components for each month.
The X-axis represents the month and year. The Y1-axis represents the normal measured quantity, while the Y2-axis represents the measurement component count. Hover over the bars for specific details.
The table displays the normal measured quantity, normal quantity %, and the total quantity for each month.
Drill Down
The Month column link drills down to the Usage by Day dashboard page for specific usage details in the selected month.
Source Object
Measured Quantity Fact
OAS Subject Area
MDM - Measured Quantity
Normal Quantity, MC Count, Normal Quantity %, Total Quantity
Estimated Usage Trend
This analysis shows the trend of estimated measurement quantities for the previous 15 months.
Using this tool, business users can monitor trends regarding estimated and user-edited quantities. They can also understand the sub trends within the overall usage quantities. Utilities always strive to limit the number estimated bills.
The stacked bar graph shows the monthly trend in usage quantity across various dimension attributes. The X-axis represents the month and year. The Y-axis represents the usage quantity. Hover over the bars for specific details.
The table displays the usage quantity across various categories for each month.
Drill Down
The Month column link drills down to the Usage by Day dashboard page for specific usage details in the selected month.
Source Object
Measured Quantity Fact
OAS Subject Area
MDM - Measured Quantity
Usage Quantity, % of Total
TOU-Mapped Usage
This analysis shows the TOU-mapped estimated measurement quantities for the previous 15 months.
Using this tool, business users can monitor usage trends. Users can also apply time-of-use maps to see the peak and off peak totals.
The TOU Map drop-down slices the data for a particular interval.
The bar graph shows the estimated quantities across various mapped time-of-use for each month. The X-axis represents the month and year. The Y-axis represents the estimate quantity. Hover over the bars for specific details.
The table displays the estimated quantity and % of total for each time-of-use.
Drill Down
The graph bars drill down to the Usage by Day dashboard page for specific usage details in the selected month.
Source Object
Measured Quantity Fact
OAS Subject Area
MDM - Measured Quantity
Estimated Quantity
Degree Days
The Degree Days dashboard page provides details about the heating and cooling degree days for the selected period.
Degree Days - Total Usage
This analysis shows a 15-month historical trend of the total usage quantity and also the heating/cooling degree days.
This analysis shows the relationship between total usage and degree days. Degree days are used to identify when weather sensitive premises began using air conditioning or heating. Both heating and cooling degree days can be shown. For temperature sensitive premises, the energy consumed should correlate with the degree days.
Business users use the data for energy monitoring and targeting purposes. They also use this analysis as an input in making decisions for energy management programs.
Cooling Degree Days is normally the number of degrees the average daily temperature is above the baseline (65F) on hot days. Heating Degree Days is the number of degrees below 65F on cold days. Daily values are added together to get a monthly value.
The bar graph shows the degree days and total usage for each month. The X-axis represents the month and year. The Y1-axis represents the heating/cooling degree days and the Y2-axis represents the total usage. Hover over the bars for specific details.
The table displays the heating degree days, cooling degree days, and the total usage details for each month, for the previous 15 months.
Drill Down
The Month column link drills down to the details page displaying daily values in the selected month.
Source Object
Measured Quantity Fact
OAS Subject Area
MDM - Measured Quantity
Heating and cooling degree days, Total Usage
Degree Days - Average Usage
This analysis shows a 15-month historical trend of the average usage per measuring component, and also the heating/cooling degree days.
This analysis shows the relationship between average usage and degree days. Degree days are used to identify when weather sensitive premises began using air conditioning or heating. Both heating and cooling degree days can be shown. For temperature sensitive premises, the energy consumed should correlate with the degree days.
Business users use the data for energy monitoring and targeting purposes. They also use this analysis as an input in making decisions for energy management programs.
Cooling Degree Days is normally the number of degrees the average daily temperature is above the baseline (65F) on hot days. Heating Degree Days is the number of degrees below 65F on cold days. Daily values are added together to get a monthly value.
The bar graph shows the degree days and average usage for each month. The X-axis represents the month and year. The Y1-axis represents the heating/cooling degree days and the Y2-axis represents the average usage. Hover over the bars for specific details.
The table displays the heating degree days, cooling degree days, and the average usage details for each month, for the previous 15 months.
Drill Down
The Month column link drills down to the details page displaying daily values in the selected month.
Source Object
Measured Quantity Fact
OAS Subject Area
MDM - Measured Quantity
Heating and cooling degree days, Average Usage
Usage by Day
The Usage by Day dashboard page provides the daily usage details.
Usage by Day
This analysis displays the usage values for the selected month on a daily basis.
Using this tool, business users can monitor trends in the usage quantities for each day in the selected month. The analysis is useful for consumption analysis, allowing users to determine how consumer behavior changes by day. It helps in analyzing usage for weekdays, weekend days and holidays. It is also helpful when evaluating critical peak events to see how consumer behavior changed.
The View By drop-down slices the data by measured quantity or average measured quantity.
The bar graph shows the quantity and the respective measuring component count against the selected segment, for each day in the selected month. The X-axis represents the month and day. The Y1-axis represents the measured quantity and the Y2-axis represents the measuring component count. Hover over the bars for specific values.
The table displays the measured quantity, cumulative quantity, average measured quantity, and the estimated quantity details.
Drill Down
The Calendar Day column link drills down to the Usage by Hour dashboard page for hourly details.
Source Object
Measured Quantity Fact
OAS Subject Area
MDM - Measured Quantity
Quantity, Measuring Component Count
Three-Month Usage Trend
This analysis compares the usage data trend over a three-month period.
Using this tool, business users can monitor daily usage trends over a three month period.
The bar graph shows the measured quantity for each day in the previous three months. The X-axis represents the month and day. The Y-axis represents the measured quantity. Hover over the bars for specific values.
The table displays the measured quantity, cumulative quantity, and the estimated quantity details for the previous three months.
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Measured Quantity Fact
OAS Subject Area
MDM - Measured Quantity
Measured Quantity, Cumulative Quantity, Estimated Quantity, % of Total
Usage by Hour
The Usage by Hour dashboard page provides the hourly usage details.
Usage by Hour
This analysis displays the usage values on an hourly basis. The data is displayed for the selected day.
Using this tool, business analysts can monitor trends in the usage volume for each hour of the selected day.
This is very useful for consumption analysis. It allows users to determine how consumer behavior changes by hour. This will help business users determine optional TOU periods: on-peak, off-peak, etc. It is also helpful when evaluating critical peak events to see how consumer behavior changed.
The View By drop-down slices the data by measured quantity and average measured quantity segments.
The bar graph shows the measured quantity details for each hour on the selected day. The X-axis represents the hour. The Y1-axis represents the measured quantity, while the Y2-axis represents the measuring component count. Hover over the bars for specific values.
The table displays the measured quantity, cumulative quantity, and average measured quantity details for each hour of the selected day.
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Measured Quantity Fact
OAS Subject Area
MDM - Measured Quantity
Measured Quantity, Cumulative, Average usage for day, % of Total
Three-Day Usage Trend
This analysis helps in comparing the usage data trend for a three-day period.
Using this tool, business users can monitor usage trends for each hour in a three-day period.
The bar graph shows the measured quantity for each hour in the three-day period. The X-axis represents the day and hour. The Y-axis represents the measured quantity. Hover over the bars for specific values.
The table displays the measured quantity and cumulative quantity details for each hour in the three-day period.
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Measured Quantity Fact
OAS Subject Area
MDM - Measured Quantity
Measured Quantity, Cumulative Quantity, % of Total
Usage Comparison
The Usage Comparison dashboard page focuses on the usage comparison against the selected dimensions.
Usage Comparison
This analysis compares the usage data for two selected dimensions during the selected calendar month.
This analysis serves as a comparison tool for analysts to view the usage volume against two specific values for any chosen dimensional attribute.
This is helpful when making comparisons between types of customers, such as those on electric vehicles rates and those not on electric vehicle rates.
The Comparison Dimension drop-down allows you to select the dimension for comparison (by device type, city, geo code, head end system, market, manufacturer, model, service provider, or usage calculation group).
The Dimension Value 1 and Dimension Value 2 drop-downs filter the data by the available dimensional values in the selected comparison dimension.
The bar graph shows the usage against the selected dimension attributes for each day of the selected month. The X-axis represents the month and day. The Y-axis represents the usage. Hover over the bars for specific values.
The table displays the measured quantity and cumulative quantity for each day in the selected month.
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Measured Quantity Fact
OAS Subject Area
MDM - Measured Quantity
Average Measured Usage per MC for Dimensional Value 1, Average Measured Usage per MC for Dimensional Value 2, Measured Quantity, Cumulative Quantity, % of Monthly Total
TOU-Mapped Usage Comparison
This analysis compares the TOU mapped usage for the dimensions selected in the Usage Comparison analysis on the same dashboard page. The data is shown for the selected month.
Using this tool, business users can monitor the trends in the usage volume and also the sub trends based on the time-of-use maps.
The TOU Map drop-down filters the data by TOU map dimension attributes.
The bar graph shows the average measured quantity for the selected dimensions. The X-axis represents the attributes in the selected TOU map. The Y-axis represents the average measured quantity. Hover over the bars for specific values.
The table displays the measured quantity, cumulative usage quantity, and average measured quantity details for the attributes in the selected usage option.
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Measured Quantity Fact
OAS Subject Area
MDM - Measured Quantity
Average Measured Usage per MC for Dimensional Value 1, Average Measured Usage per MC for Dimensional Value 2