The Overview dashboard consists of a collection of answers that provide a high level view into the key metrics related to operational devices. Users can monitor the warranty status, service history type distribution, disposition distribution, and device rejection volumes. Users can also identify what types of devices are high on stock, which device types are installed on the field for longer periods, and which type of devices spend a lot of time in repair.
To access this dashboard:
1. Go to the Home page.
2. Select Dashboards > Operational Device Analytics > Overview.
The dashboard includes the following analyses. The data for current calendar year and month is displayed by default. You may modify the criteria per requirement.
Warranty Status
This analysis shows the percentage of devices that are in warranty. The data is shown for the current month and previous two months.
This analysis shows the percentage of assets that are within warranty for that month. Business users need to take appropriate measures, such as replacing those devices, prevent them from failures, etc, to ensure devices are compliant.
The bar graph shows the warranty compliance as a percentage. The X-axis represents the month. The Y-axis represents the warranty compliance. Hover over the bars for specific values.
Drill Down
The graph drills down to the Warranty dashboard page in the Device Attributes dashboard for specific warranty details.
Source Object
Operational Device Snapshot Fact
OAS Subject Area
ODM - Operational Device Snapshot
Warranty Status (% Devices within Warranty)
Service History Type Distribution
All services performed on devices like inspection service, maintenance service, etc, are captured as “service histories”. Service histories are grouped based on their service history types.
This analysis shows the distribution of service histories by service history type for the selected month.
A device can be associated with different service histories in a month. This analysis shows the distribution of various service histories based on their types. The data is shown for the selected month. This can help them to identify the major types of service histories they focus upon.
The pie chart shows the distribution of each service history type as a percentage of total number of service histories.
Drill Down
The pie chart drills down to the Inspection History dashboard page for more specific details.
Source Object
Service History Fact
OAS Subject Area
ODM - Service History
% of Service History Type
Top 10 Device Types with Highest Average Installed Age
This analysis shows the top 10 device types that have the highest average installed age as of the selected month.
Business users can identify the device types that are installed in the field for a relatively longer period.
The bar graph shows the top 10 device types with highest average install age. X-axis represents the device types. Y-axis represents the average installed device age (in months) in the selected month. Hover over the bars for specific details.
Drill Down
The graph bars drill down to the Installed Devices dashboard for more specific details.
Source Object
Operational Device Snapshot Fact
OAS Subject Area
ODM - Operational Device Snapshot
Average Installed Asset Age
Top 10 Device Types with Most Inventories
“Inventory” consists of spare devices which can replace the installed devices in case of defects or failures.
This report shows the top 10 device types in the inventory.
Business users can get an insight into the device types that are ample in the inventory. They can focus on maintaining inventory for other device types.
The bar graph shows the top 10 device types with highest number of devices in the inventory. The X-axis represents the device types. The Y-axis represents the device count. Hover over the bars for specific details.
Drill Down
The graph bars drill down to the Storeroom Inventory dashboard for more specific details.
Source Object
Operational Device Snapshot Fact
OAS Subject Area
ODM - Operational Device Snapshot
Top 10 Device Types with Longest Average Time In Repair
This analysis shows the top 10 device types having the longest average time in repair. The data is shown for the selected calendar month.
The utilities companies are aware of the device types that cost most time to repair. If these are critical devices, customers can consider reserve more inventories for them. Otherwise, customers can think about substitutes with shorter time in repair.
The bar graph shows the top 10 device types that have the longest average time in repair. The X-axis shows the device types. The Y-axis represents the average time in days. Hover over the bars for specific details.
Drill Down
The graph bars drill down to the Repair dashboard page in the Repair and Testing dashboard for more specific details.
Source Object
Operational Device Snapshot Fact
OAS Subject Area
ODM - Operational Device Snapshot
Average Time in Repair
Disposition Distribution
“Disposition” refers to the status of an asset. It can be used to keep track of an asset during its entire life cycle. A device can be in any of the following disposition states: in receipt, in store, rejected, installed, in repair, or retired.
This analysis shows the distribution of assets by different disposition states in the selected month.
Business users can analyze the disposition of all the devices in the selected month and take appropriate measures. For example: if more number of devices are in “in repair” state, it might be an alarming situation for the customer.
The View By drop down slices the data by excluding installed devices or including installed devices.
The pie chart shows the distribution of various disposition states for assets in the selected month.
Drill Down
The pie chart drills down to the Storeroom Inventory or Installed Devices dashboards respectively for more specific details.
Source Object
Operational Device Snapshot Fact
OAS Subject Area
ODM - Operational Device Snapshot
Total Assets
Rejection Volume
A device is rejected when it fails acceptance tests.
This analysis shows the number of failed tests for each month over a period of three months.
Business users can compare and see the trend at which devices are getting rejected in the last three months. If there is an increase in the rejection, appropriate measures are taken, such as choosing another device manufacturer.
The bar graph shows the devices that got rejected in each month. The data is shown for previous three months. The X-axis represents the calendar month. The Y-axis represents the device count. Hover over the bars for specific values.
Drill Down
The graph drills down to the Acceptance Testing dashboard page for more specific details.
Source Object
Operational Device Snapshot Fact
OAS Subject Area
ODM - Operational Device Snapshot
Failed Tests