Frequently Asked Questions

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Who should I contact if I have trouble installing Live Energy Connect?

If you have any trouble installing Live Energy Connect, contact My Oracle Support.

What versions of Python does the product use and support?

Live Energy Connect is compatible with Python 3.11.7, which is included in the Live Energy Connect installer.

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Can I install multiple versions of Python on a machine that is running Live Energy Connect?

It is not recommended to install multiple versions of Python 3.x on the same machine. You can install Python 2 and Python 3.x on the same machine. If you already have Python 3.11.7 installed on your machine, the installer will only install the packages needed for using Python with Live Energy Connect. If you have a version of Python 3 installed on your machine that is not Python 3.11.7, uninstall Python 3 or upgrade to Python 3.11.7 before installing the product.

Note: Uninstalling Python 3 may affect other software on your machine that uses Python.

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How do I upgrade my version of Live Energy Connect?

If you need to upgrade your Live Energy Connect installation, uninstall all Live Energy Connect software completely and then reinstall the software. See Uninstalling Live Energy Connect for steps on how to uninstall the software. Make sure to back up any configuration files you would like to keep before uninstalling Live Energy Connect.

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How do I use Secure ICCP with LEC Server?

The Live Energy Connect installer installs all the software components required for Secure ICCP. For information refer to Configuring Live Energy Connect for Secure ICCP.

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