10 Advanced Management Console Migration

The migration of the Advanced Management Console to the latest available version involves redeploying the latest Enterprise Archive (EAR) file over the previous Advanced Management Console version within the WebLogic Server Administrator Console. The migration process is facilitated by an update wizard, where the Advanced Management Console server updates the database either manually or automatically. The Advanced Management Console agent is then updated to the latest version to be consistent with the redeployed Advanced Management Console server.


As a best practice, always ensure to take a back up or a snapshot of the existing database before you continue with the upgrade process. If there is no back up, then you can’t go back and try to upgrade subsequently, in case an error occurs at any point.

During the migration process, the Advanced Management Console server stops processing requests from the agent, processing Java Usage Tracker records, and updating security baseline records.

This topic contains the following sections that describe the Advanced Management Console server upgrade to the latest version, the Advanced Management Console database update, and the Advanced Management Console agent update:


Ensure to always clear browser cache and cookies, after the Advanced Management Console is updated to a new version.

Uploading a New Version of Advanced Management Console Server

The Advanced Management Console migration process begins with redeploying the latest Enterprise Archive (EAR) file over the previous Advanced Management Console version within the WebLogic Server administration console. You need WebLogic Server administrator credentials to perform this migration task.

To upload the Advanced Management Console over the previous version:

  1. Enter https://wls-hostname:/port/console in a web browser, where wls-hostname and port are the DNS name and SSL listen port number of the Administration Server.
  2. Authenticate using your administrator credentials.
  3. Select the Deployments option from the Domain Structure panel.
  4. In the right panel, select the check box for the Advanced Management Console application.
  5. Click Update.
  6. In the navigation panel, locate the EAR file for the latest version of the Advanced Management Console file and check it in. For example, the EAR file for the 2.7 version is JavaAMC-2_7.ear.
  7. Click Next. Use the default values.
  8. Click Finish.
  9. Restart the WebLogic Server after Advanced Management Console is deployed.

Updating the Advanced Management Console Database

After you have uploaded a new version of the Advanced Management Console EAR file, for example, JavaAMC-2_7.ear to WebLogic Server, the Advanced Management Console administrator must update the Advanced Management Console database.


You need not update the database if there are no changes to the database between the previous and the later Advanced Management Console versions.

To update the database, load the /amcwebui and check whether or not the Advanced Management Console Database Update screen (update wizard) is displayed. If the screen is not displayed, then no changes are required, and the Advanced Management Console is fully operational. If the screen is displayed, then it guides you to perform database updates.

The database can be updated either manually or automatically using administrator credentials. If no database updates are required from the current Advanced Management Console version to the latest one, then the update wizard is not displayed and you do not need to explicitly perform any task. Follow these topics to update the Advanced Management Console:

Automatic Update of the Database

To do an automatic update of the Advanced Management Console database:

  1. Enter https://wls-hostname:port/console in a web browser where wls-hostname and port are the DNS name and the SSL listen port the WebLogic server instance (the default port is 7002) to start the WebLogic Server Administration Console. A Welcome screen is displayed that indicates a database update.
  2. Click Next on the Welcome screen to choose between automatic or manual database update as shown in Figure 10-1.

    Figure 10-1 Advanced Management Console Database Update — Welcome Screen

    Description of Figure 10-1 follows
    Description of "Figure 10-1 Advanced Management Console Database Update — Welcome Screen"
  3. Click Update Automatically for the Advanced Management Console server to update the database for you.
  4. Click Update to complete the process. Or, click Cancel to cancel the automatic database update.

When the update is completed, a screen is displayed indicating that the Advanced Management Console database is successfully updated.

Manual Update of the Database

To do a manual update of the Advanced Management Console database:

  1. Enter https://wls-hostname:port/console in a browser where wls-hostname and port are the DNS name and the SSL listen port the WebLogic server instance (the default port is 7002) to start the WebLogic Server Administration Console. A Welcome screen is displayed that indicates a database update.
  2. Click Next on the Welcome screen to select between an automatic or manual database update.
  3. Click Update Manually to update the database using a SQL script.
  4. Click the SQL script link to download the SQL script.

    The SQL script is saved as amc_mysql_update.sql. Connect to Advanced Management Console database to apply it.

  5. Click Continue after applying the SQL script on your database. Or, click Cancel to cancel the manual database update.

After the update is completed, a message is displayed to indicate that the Advanced Management Console database is successfully updated.

Updating the Advanced Management Console Agent

After you update the database, update the Advanced Management Console agent to the latest release to be consistent with the redeployed Advanced Management Console server.


When you update from Advanced Management Console 2.1 release to a later Advanced Management Console release, the Advanced Management Console agent automatically updates itself to the agent that is specific to the Advanced Management Console later release.

You can update the Advanced Management Console agent manually. However, Oracle recommends automatic updates.

Manually Updating the Advanced Management Console Agent Version 2.0

Learn more about how to manually update Advanced Management Console version 2.0 to be consistent with the Advanced Management Console server.

To manually update Advanced Management Console agent version 2.0:

  1. Don’t remove the old agent. At the Windows command prompt, enter sc stop "AMC Agent" or net stop "AMC Agent" to stop the agent service.
    You need administrator privileges for this command to work.
  2. Ensure that %programData%\Oracle\Java_AMC_2 folder is preserved. The new agent picks the settings automatically from this folder.
  3. Remove the contents of <existing amc agent root directory>. Download the latest agent bundle from the server after you have updated the server to the latest release of the Advanced Management Console. Extract the .zip file for the new agent bundle to the same <existing amc agent root directory>.
  4. At the Windows command prompt, enter sc start "AMC Agent" or net start "AMC Agent" to start the agent service again.
    You need administrator privileges for this command to work.
  5. After you have started the new agent and verified that it works, you can remove %programData%\Oracle\Java_AMC_2".

Manually Updating the Advanced Management Console Agent Version 2.1 and later

Learn more about how to manually update Advanced Management Console agent version 2.1 and later to be consistent with the Advanced Management Console server.

To manually update Advanced Management Console agent version 2.1 and later:

  1. Don’t remove the old agent. At the Windows command prompt, enter sc stop "AMC Agent" or net stop "AMC Agent" to stop the agent service.
    You need administrator privileges for this command to work.
  2. Backup conf\AMCServer.properties and conf\AMCUser.properties if these files exist.
  3. Remove the contents of <existing amc agent root directory>. Download the latest agent bundle from the server after you have updated the server to the latest release of the Advanced Management Console. Extract the .zip file for the new agent bundle to the same <existing amc agent root directory>.
  4. Restore the conf\AMCServer.properties and conf\AMCUser.properties files that you saved in step 2.
  5. At the Windows command prompt, enter sc start "AMC Agent" or net start "AMC Agent" to start the agent service again.
    You need administrator privileges for this command to work.