5 Java Runtime Environment Management

The Advanced Management Console agents enables you to install or uninstall the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) — both Enterprise and Non Enterprise from managed desktops. You can also customize a JRE version on Installers tab and select it for installing on targeted desktops. The installed JREs from managed desktops can also be uninstalled for targeted desktops.

The JRE Management topic consists of the following sections:

About the JRE Management Architecture

The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) management workflow consists of the following components: User Interface (UI), Server, and agents.

This topic describes the JRE architecture:
  • UI: The user interface for JRE Management is facilitated through the Desktop and the Status tabs in the Advanced Management Console
    • Desktops: In the Desktops tab, select required desktops, where a JRE should be installed or uninstalled, and click Install JRE or Uninstall JRE respectively.

    • Status: In the Status Tab, you can see view the details of all the scheduled actions (commands) with information about the number of desktops, where each action is completed, failed, or in progress.

    • Installer: In the Installers tab, you can add Java versions and configure them for both enterprise and non-enterprise JREs. Enterprise JREs are similar to .msi packages, which contain both JRE packages and configuration files, while non-enterprise JREs don’t contain any configuration files. Non-Enterprise JREs cannot be configured. They are used without configuration.

  • Server/Database: The information about each install JRE or uninstall JRE action is stored. Each action contains information about all desktops, where it is targeted to, as well as status on each desktop

  • Agents: The agent actions perform the JRE installation and uninstallation processes.

Installing JRE

In the Desktop tab of /amcwebui, click Install JRE to install a configured Java Runtime Environment (JRE).

As a prerequisite, in the Installer tab of the Advanced Management Console, click Add Java Version to add and configure a Java version before you start with the JRE installation process:
To install JRE:
  1. In the Advanced Management Console, click the Desktops tab. Ensure that you have selected the targeted Desktop from the Display drop-down list.
  2. Click Install JRE to display the Install JRE dialog.
    The Enterprise button is highlighted, by default.
  3. Select a JRE from the from the Select JRE to install drop-down list.
    You can select an available JRE version added to Installers tab. Once you select a JRE, the corresponding Configuration is displayed in the Select a Configuration for JRE drop-down list. For example, if you select Java 8 Update 141 JRE, then in the Select a Configuration for Java 8 Update 141 drop-down list, 8u141config is displayed.
  4. Select target desktops on which to install the selected JRE. You can either select the Selected Desktop or All Filtered Desktops. Ensure that you have selected at least one desktop.
    Once you select either of these options, Next is enabled. If you haven’t selected at least one desktop, the Next button is not enabled.


    In case you have selected more than 1000 desktops, then a warning message is displayed under Summary.
  5. Click Next to display the Schedule screen and select the following (Optional step):
    1. Postpone JRE downloads, hours: Select a value if you want to postpone the time taken to download the JRE.
    2. Time interval to spread JRE downloads uniformly, hours: Select a value to spread the time taken to download the JRE.
  6. Click Next to display the summary of the selected JRE. The selected schedule is shown under Summary.
  7. Click Install JRE to schedule Install JRE command.

Installing a Non-Enterprise JRE

You can install non-enterprise JREs for Windows and on macOS. However, the non-enterprise don’t have the ability to define customization, but can be installed by using Install JRE from the Desktops tab.

As a prerequisite, in the Installer tab of the Advanced Management Console, click Add Java Version to add and configure a Java version before you start with the JRE installation process:
To install a non-enterprise JRE:
  1. In the Advanced Management Console, click the Desktops tab. Ensure that you have selected the targeted Desktop from the Display drop-down list.
  2. Click Install JRE to display the Install JRE dialog.
    The Enterprise tab is highlighted, by default.
  3. Select target desktops on which to install the selected JRE. You can either select the Selected Desktop or All Filtered Desktops.
    Once you select either of these options, Next is enabled.
  4. Click Non-Enterprise tab.
  5. Select a JRE from the Select JRE to install drop-down list.
  6. Click Next to display the Schedule screen and select the following (Optional step):
    1. Postpone JRE downloads, hours: Select a value if you want to postpone the time taken to download the JRE.
    2. Time interval to spread JRE downloads uniformly, hours: Select a value to spread the time taken to download the JRE.
  7. Click Next to display the summary of the selected JRE:
  8. Click Install JRE to schedule Install JRE command.

Uninstalling JREs

You can uninstall detected Oracle JREs on managed desktops, which are installed using Oracle Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installers or Enterprise Microsoft Windows Installer (MSI). The Advanced Management Console doesn't uninstall privately-installed JREs or JREs that are present on the desktops but are not actually installed.

To uninstall JREs:
  1. In the Advanced Management Console, click the Desktops tab. Ensure that you have selected targeted Desktops from the Display drop-down list.
  2. Click Uninstall JRE to display the Uninstall JRE dialog.
  3. Select the target desktops from which you want to uninstall the JREs. Select either of the following target options: Selected Desktops or All Filtered Desktops.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Select how you would like to uninstall JRE versions.. You can select either of the following options: Uninstall JRE versions below the security baseline or Uninstall specific JRE versions.
    The Next button is enabled only when you select either of these options. If you select Uninstall specific JRE versions, then a list of JRE versions are displayed as shown:
  6. Click Next to display the Summary of the JREs selected to be uninstalled.
  7. Click Uninstall JRE to uninstall the selected JREs.


The Status tab forms a major User Interface (UI) component of the Java Runtime Engine (JRE) management architecture. This tab further comprises the following tabs: Commands, Desktop, Java, and Java Releases tabs.

  • Commands: In the Commands tab, you can view the details of the agent actions, such as Install JRE and Uninstall JRE, along with their status: whether Scheduled, In Progress, Completed, Failed, or Cancelled. For each of these command status, you can click on the counter to see all the desktops, where the command is in the specified state. To cancel any of the actions, click the Cancel icon.

  • Desktops: In the Desktops tab, you can view the details of the rule sets that have failed and retired desktops. Click Display data in Desktops tab to go to the Desktop tab.

  • Java: In the Java tab, you can view the details of the number of processed and failed Java Usage Tracker records, as well as information about Java Security Baseline.

  • Java Releases: In the Java Releases tab, information about the upcoming and released CPUs are displayed. The Java Versions, Type (CPU/LU/PSU), and Date are displayed in a tabular format in this tab. Also, a warning appears as a number next to the Java Releases tab that indicates the number of new releases that you may not be aware of. For example, (4), where (4) indicates that 4 new releases have happened since you last visited the Java Releases tab.