9 Other Settings

The Advanced Management Console enables administrators to specify the parameters in the Java Usage Tracker properties file. Administrators can also configure the server parameters that the agent uses.

This topic includes the following sections:

Customizing Java Usage Tracker Properties

The Advanced Management Console agent automatically enables the Usage Tracker on agent-managed Windows and macOS desktops. However, you need to manually configure the Java Usage Tracker on the Linux operating system.

To customize the Java Usage Tracking settings:
  1. In the Advanced Management Console UI, click the Configuration tab.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. Configure the parameters as described in the following table:
    Parameter Description

    Port Number

    The port number of the host.

    The default value is 19870.


    The character or string that separates entries in the log file.

    The default is <SEP>.

    Quote Character

    The character or string used to quote fields.

    The default is <QT>.

    Inner Quote Character

    The character or string that is used to quote an item containing a space in JVM argument and additional properties field, which are space-separated lists.

    The default is <IQT>.

  4. Click Save.


    For Linux desktops, download the usagetracker.properties file and place it in the <JRE directory/lib/management folder.

Server Settings

You can edit the default values for server settings as follows:
  1. In the Advanced Management Console UI, click the Configuration tab.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. Enter the Hostname of the server.
  4. Enter the Port Number of the server.
  5. Customize the browser Session Timeout for the AMC UI. A notification is displayed informing the user about the timeout and an option to extend the session. The value should be set in the range of 5 minutes to 480 minutes(8 hours).The default value is 60 minutes.
  6. Click Save.

Database Maintenance

Cleaning of older commands are auto-scheduled and runs every midnight. However, you can use the Advanced Management Console Database cleaning tool to manually delete previous commands of the specified status and date. You can also edit the threshold date and status of the commands.

Perform the following steps to do the database maintenance:
  1. In the Advanced Management Console UI, click the Configuration tab.
  2. Click Database Maintenance.
  3. Click Clean DB to delete all commands.
  4. Click Edit to change the date and select the required status of the commands.
  5. Click Save.
The commands older than the specified date and with the specified status are deleted.