3 Deploy Containerized Advanced Management Console on Kubernetes Environment

Ensure that all prerequisites are met before you start the deployment.

See Setup the Environment for details.

Create a working directory on your Kubernetes controller machine (on the machine where helm package and kubectl of your cluster is configured). Place all the required artifacts such as helm package, custom-values.yaml file, jks files, and so on in this working directory. You can perform helm install, update, and uninstall, and kubectl create and delete from this working directory. See Helm Commands for the complete list of CLI commands for helm.

Configure the Database

Ensure that you have installed and configured MySQL or Oracle database; either on-premise or on DBaaS.

See Database Installation and Configuration for Advanced Management Console to setup and configure the database.

The DB service locator, name, and user credentials must be provided for WebLogic data source setup through AMC helm chart.

Deploy WebLogic Kubernetes Operator

Follow these steps to deploy WKO:
  1. Add the WKO chart repository to the local cache by using the following command:
    helm repo add weblogic-operator https://oracle.github.io/weblogic-kubernetes-operator/charts
  2. Create namespaces for WKO deployment and AMC deployment. A WebLogic domain will be deployed in this namespace and it will be managed by WKO. Use the following commands to create the namespace:
    kubectl create namespace <operator-namespace> 
    kubectl create namespace <amc-namespace>
    Example Command:
    $ kubectl create namespace wko-ns
    $ kubectl create namespace amc-ns
  3. Install the WKO in the Operator's namespace <operator-namespace> by using the following command:
    helm install <release-name> weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator \       
    --set "domainNamespaces={<amc-namespace>}" \         
    -n <operator-namespace>
    Example Command:
    $ helm install wko weblogic-operator/weblogic-operator \
    --set "domainNamespaces={amc-ns}" \
    -n wko-ns 
You can verify the status of your installation using the following commands:
  • Verify if the operator’s pod is running. Note that it might take a while for the operator's pod to be up and running.
     kubectl get pods -n <operator-namespace> --watch
    Example Command:
    $ kubectl get pods -n wko-ns  --watch
    Expected Output:
    NAME                                 READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    weblogic-operator-75c85f5649-l6cbx   1/1     Running   0          107s
  • View the operator's pod log to verify if the operator is up and running:
     kubectl logs -n <operator-namespace> -c weblogic-operator deployments/weblogic-operator
    Example Command:
    $ kubectl logs -n wko-ns -c weblogic-operator deployments/weblogic-operator

Create Kubernetes Secrets and ConfigMap

A Secret is an object that contains sensitive data, such as passwords, tokens, or keys. A ConfigMap is an object that stores non-confidential data in key-value pairs.

Create Kubernetes Secrets

You can store and manage confidential information, such as passwords, authentication tokens, and ssh keys in Kubernetes Secret. Storing confidential information in a Secret is safer and more flexible than using them directly in a container image.

You can create Secrets to store user credentials, database connection information, LDAP server credentials, mail server configuration, and so on. Each Secret must have a unique name, which is updated in the custom-values.yaml file. The Secrets are referenced through this file during deployment.

Create Secrets as shown in the following example. The credentials and namespace depicted in the examples are sample values. These values might change based on your requirement.

# Create Secret for WLS Admin Credentials
$ kubectl create secret generic amc-wls-credentials \
--from-literal=username=weblogic \
--from-literal=password='Welcome@123' \
-n amc-ns

##Create Secret for Database Connection 
$ kubectl create secret generic amc-ds-credentials \
--from-literal=username=amc2 \
--from-literal=password='amc2' \
-n amc-ns

##Create Secret for mail session in Weblogic
$ kubectl create secret generic amc-mail-credentials \
--from-literal=username=first.last@example.com \
--from-literal=password='mailserverpassword' \
-n amc-ns

##Create Secret for connecting to LDAP server, LDAP Server integration from WLS
$ kubectl create secret generic amc-ldap-credentials \
--from-literal=password='AMC2Admin$' \
-n amc-ns

The Secret names are updated in the custom-values.yaml file. See the sample custom-values.yaml file.

Create a ConfigMap

ConfigMaps are useful for storing and sharing non-sensitive, unencrypted configuration information. It binds configuration files, command-line arguments, environment variables, port numbers, and other configuration artifacts.

You can use a ConfigMap to override any environment-specific configuration.

The WLS for Containerized AMC is configured with default Demo Identity and Demo Trust keystore certificates. During deployment, if you want to overwrite the default configuration, use Custom Identity and Java Standard Trust method. For detailed steps, see Configure Keystores. However, you must have a valid Identity keystore to overwrite the default configuration.

Create a ConfigMap to add a keystore file as shown in the following example. Change the values based on your requirement.

# For Reusing existing JKS or Overriding default JKS Certificate
$ kubectl create configmap amc-keystore --from-file=<path>/amckeystore.jks -n amc-ns

Provide the details of the ConfigMap and the file name in custom-values.yaml file. You can also create a Secret for the passwords associated with keystore and alias, and update the secret name in custom-values.yaml file.

Example Command:
$ kubectl create secret generic amc-jks-credentials \
--from-literal=password='keystore_password' \
-n amc-ns

Configure AMC Helm Chart

Ensure to download the AMC Helm Chart from GitHub. The Kubernetes manifest resources including the domain resource file as required by the WKO is packaged as Helm chart.

The Kubernetes manifest resources including the domain resource file as required by the WKO is packaged as a Helm chart. Ensure that you download the AMC Helm Chart from GitHub and then install it from the local path. The configuration parameters that are required to deploy the Containerized AMC are part of the default values.yaml included in the AMC Helm Chart.

Configurable Parameters

Default values are configured in the AMC Helm Chart.

You can download the Helm Chart from GitHub.

The table provides the default values that are configured in the AMC Helm Chart.

Table 3-1 AMC Helm Chart Configurable Values

Configuration Keys Sub-Keys (if any) Description Default (if any) Mandatory or Optional Accepted Range of Values
namespace   Kubernetes namespace that the AMC domain should be a part of. amc Mandatory  
domain   Domain name for the WebLogic Kubernetes Operator to manage. amc-domain Optional  
image repo Repository hosting the AMC container image. None Mandatory  
tag Tag for the AMC container image. None Mandatory  
pullPolicy Policy for image pull. IfNotPresent Optional Always, IfNotPresent,Never
pullSecrets For image pull authentication with container registry hosting the AMC container image. None Optional  
weblogicCredentials secretsName Name of the Kubernetes Secret containing the credentials for WebLogic server. <domain-name>-weblogic-credentials Depends on the option selected

Either of these scenarios:

(a): User creates a Kubernetes secret containing username and password as keys in the same namespace beforehand. The name of the secret is passed against secretsName field

(b): User provides plain text input against username and password fields. The Kubernetes secret is auto generated by Helm chart. Name of the secret can be optionally passed by the user. If not, the default value would be of the form <domain-name>-weblogic-credentials

username Username to be used for WebLogic admin server. None Depends on the option selected  
password Password to be used for WebLogic admin server. None Depends on the option selected  
weblogicSSLCertificateOverride enabled Enable to override the default SSL certificate used by WebLogic server. false Optional  
configmapName The ConfigMap should be created from the jks file in the AMC namespace beforehand. The name should be updated against this field.   Mandatory, if enabled  
keystore: filename The name of the jks file used to create the configuration map.   Mandatory, if enabled  
keystore:secretsName Name of the Kubernetes Secret containing the keystore password. <domain-name>-weblogic-keystore-credentials Depends on the option selected Either of these scenarios:

(a): User creates a Kubernetes secret containing password as key in the same namespace beforehand. The name of the secret is passed against secretsName field.

(b): User provides plain text input against password field. The Kubernetes secret is auto generated by Helm chart. Name of the secret can be optionally passed by the user. If not, the default value would be of the form <domain-name>-weblogic-keystore-credentials.

keystore:password Plain text password for keystore.   Depends on the option selected  
keystorealias:alias Name of the alias in the jks.   Mandatory, if enabled  
keystorealias:secretsName Name of the Kubernetes Secret containing the keystore alias password. <domain-name>-weblogic-keystorealias-credentials Depends on the option selected Either of these Scenarios:

(a): User creates a Kubernetes secret containing password as key in the same namespace beforehand. The name of the secret is passed against secretsName field.

(b): User provides plain text input against password field. The Kubernetes secret is auto generated by Helm chart. Name of the secret can be optionally passed by the user. If not, the default value would be of the form <domain-name>-weblogic-keystorealias-credentials.

keystorealias:password   Depends on the option selected    

Number of managed server pods to spin up.

Note:Automatic scaling of managed servers is not yet supported.

2 Mandatory 2 to 10
restartVersion   An increment in this value forces domain restart and introspect on upgrade of deployment. 1 Optional  
extraEnv JAVA_OPTIONS Java Options(for memory, proxy, and so on) to be applied to WebLogic containers. -Xmx2g-Xms512m - Dweblogic.StdoutDebugEnabled=false Optional  
USER_MEM_ARGS User memory arguments to be supplied to WebLogic containers. -XX:+UseContainerSupport Optional  
resources limits Set the Kubernetes resource limit for CPU or Memory on the WebLogic containers. 3Gi for admin server memory and 5Gi for managed server memory Optional  
requests Set the Kubernetes resource request for CPU or Memory on the WebLogic containers. 1Gi for both admin and managed server memory Optional  
isVersionUpgrade   Set to true for AMC version upgrades. false Optional  
database type Type of database. mysql Mandatory mysql, oracle
name Name of the database. amc2 Mandatory  
credentials.secretsName Name of Kubernetes Secret containing the credentials for database connection. <domain-name>-datasource-credentials Depends on the option selected Either of these scenarios:

(a): User creates a Kubernetes secret containing username and password as keys in the same namespace beforehand. The name of the secret is passed against secretsName field.

(b): User provides plain text input against username and password fields. The Kubernetes secret is auto generated by Helm chart. Name of the secret can be optionally passed by the user. If not, the default value would be of the form <domain-name>-datasource-credentials.

credentials.username Username for the database connection. None Depends on the option selected  
credentials.password Password for the database connection. None Depends on the option selected  
host Hostname where the Database instance is running. None Mandatory  
port Port number of the database instance is running on. 3306 Mandatory  
isOracle11 To be enabled if using Oracle 11g as Database for AMC. false Optional  
use_cj_driver_mysql8 Enables the usage of com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver. false Optional To be enabled only if using MySQL8 and WLS
nodePort enabled Set to true to enable NodePort service. false Optional  
adminserver Port number exposing WebLogic admin server interface for access outside cluster using Kubernetes NodePort service. Random port assignment Optional  
managedserver Port number exposing AMC interface for access outside cluster using Kubernetes NodePort service. Random port assignment Optional  
loadBalancer enabled

Set to true to enable LoadBalancer service.

Note:Once the LoadBalancer service is enabled for the Containerized AMC, it is persisted even on disabling the option. This is done on purpose to retain the assigned external IP address. Ensure that this service is not deleted inadvertently, else this will lead to AMC services being inaccessible.

Note:If only LoadBalancer service is enabled in the custom-values.yaml file, the WebLogic admin server console will not be accessible. If there is a need to access the Weblogic admin server console, enable the NodePort service as well.

false Optional  
port Port number exposing AMC interface for access outside cluster using Kubernetes LoadBalancer service. 8002 Mandatory, if enabled  
annotations Annotations for the LoadBalancer service. None Optional  
mailServer enabled Set to true to enable Mail Server configuration. false Optional  
properties Settings for the mail server. None Mandatory, if enabled  
credentials.secretsName Name of Kubernetes Secret containing the credentials for mailserver connection. <domain-name>-mailserver-credentials Depends on the option selected Either of these scenarios:

(a): User creates a Kubernetes secret containing username and password as keys in the same namespace beforehand. The name of the secret is passed against secretsName field.

(b): User provides plain text input against username and password fields. The Kubernetes secret is auto generated by Helm chart. Name of the secret can be optionally passed by the user. If not, the default value would be of the form <domain-name>-mailserver-credentials.

credentials.username Username for the Mail Server connection. None Depends on the option selected  
credentials.password Password for the Mail Server connection. None Depends on the option selected  
ldap enabled Set to true to enable LDAP Server configuration. false Optional  
credentials.secretsName Name of Kubernetes Secret containing the credential for LDAP connection. <domain-name>-ldap-credentials Depends on the option selected Either of these scenarios:

(a): User creates a Kubernetes secret containing password as key in the same namespace beforehand. The name of the secret is passed against secretsName field.

(b): User provides plain text input against password field. The Kubernetes secret is auto generated by Helm chart. Name of the secret can be optionally passed by the user. If not, the default value would be of the form <domain-name>-ldap-credentials.

credentials.password Password for the LDAP Server connection. None Depends on the option selected  
host Host name of LDAP server. None Mandatory, if enabled  
port Port number for LDAP service. 389 Optional  
enableSSL Set to true to use SSL for LDAP. false Optional  
principal LDAP principal None Mandatory, if enabled  
userbaseDN Base domain name (DN) for user. None Mandatory, if enabled  
groupbaseDN Base domain name (DN) for group. None Mandatory, if enabled  

Deploy Containerized Advanced Management Console

Ensure WKO is deployed successfully before proceeding with the AMC deployment.

Follow these steps to deploy the Containerized AMC:
  1. Create the AMC container image using WIT and distribute the container image to all Kubernetes cluster nodes. See Create the AMC Container Image.
  2. Clone the AMC repository from GitHub:
    git clone https://github.com/oracle/helm-charts.git
  3. Create the AMC helm chart package:
    helm package helm-charts/java-amc/

    The helm package command will create the java-amc-1.0.0.tgz file.

  4. Configure the deployment parameters. See Configurable Parameters. You can override the configurable parameters based on your requirement and save as custom-values.yaml file in the working directory.

    Find below the sample custom-values.yaml file for creating an AMC Domain in a Weblogic dynamic cluster with two managed servers. In this example, the AMC domain is deployed into a Kubernetes namespace amc-ns, on an OKE Kubernetes cluster in OCI. The WebLogic domain is integrated with an Oracle DBaas 19c on OCI, Mail Server, LDAP server, and uses an external Identity JKS file. Both the NodePort and LoadBalancer (OCI LoadBalancer) are enabled for the deployment, that is the WebLogic Admin Server can be accessed as a NodePort Service and the AMC WebUI can be accessed either through an OCI LoadBalancer or a NodePort Service.


    Ensure that the parameters in the custom-values.yaml file is indented properly to avoid execution error.
    namespace: amc-ns
    domain: amc-domain
    replicaCount: 2
    isVersionUpgrade: false 
        JAVA_OPTIONS: "-Xmx2g -Xms512m"
        USER_MEM_ARGS: ""
        JAVA_OPTIONS: "-Xmx4g -Xms1g -Dhttps.proxyHost=proxy.example.com -Dhttps.proxyPort=80 -Dhttp.proxyHost=proxy.example.com -Dhttp.proxyPort=80"
        USER_MEM_ARGS: ""
          memory: "2Gi"
          memory: "1Gi"
          memory: "5Gi"
          memory: "1Gi"
      repo: amc2u20
      tag: latest
      pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
      secretsName: amc-wls-credentials 
      enabled: true
      configmapName: amc-keystore
        filename: amckeystore.jks
        secretsName: amc-jks-credentials
        alias: amctest
        secretsName: amc-jks-credentials
      type: oracle
      name: amc2
        secretsName: amc-ds-credentials
      host: dbaas.s4.example.com
      port: 1521
      enabled: true
      adminserver: 30720
      managedserver: 30721
      enabled: true
      port: 6503
        service.beta.kubernetes.io/oci-load-balancer-internal: "true"
        service.beta.kubernetes.io/oci-load-balancer-subnet1: "ocid1.subnet.oc1.<country.region.xyz>"
      enabled: true
        mail.smtp.host: mail.example.com
        mail.transport.protocol: smtp
        mail.smtp.auth: true
        mail.smtp.ssl.enable: true
        mail.debug: true
        secretsName: amc-mail-credentials
      enabled: true
        secretsName: amc-ldap-credentials 
      host: ldap.example.com
      port: 389
      enableSSL: false
      principal: cn=amc,dc=example,dc=com
      userbaseDN: ou=users,ou=amc,dc=example,dc=com
      groupbaseDN: ou=groups,ou=amc,dc=example,dc=com
  5. Install the Containerized AMC container image that you have created, using the following commands:
    • To validate the configured parameters through a dry run:
      helm install <release-name> <path to amc helm package> \
       --values custom-values.yaml  -n <amc-namespace> --dry-run

      Example Command:

      $ helm install amc  ./java-amc-1.0.0.tgz \
      --values custom-values.yaml -n amc-ns  --dry-run


      Helm is not allowed connections to the Kubernetes API server during a dry run and thus cannot determine the presence of secrets. Ignore this warning One or more secrets specified are not present in this namespace, if any, during dry run.
    • Install the chart, thus deploying the Containerized AMC:
      helm install <release-name> <path to amc helm package> \
      --values custom-values.yaml -n <amc-namespace>
      Example Command:
      $ helm install amc  ./java-amc-1.0.0.tgz \ 
      --values custom-values.yaml -n amc-ns 
The installation might take a while to complete. You can track the status of the installation using the following commands:
kubectl get events -n <amc-namespace> --watch
kubectl get all -n <amc-namespace> -o wide
Example Commands:
$ kubectl get events -n amc-ns --watch
$ kubectl get all -n amc-ns -o wide

You should see the details about Pods and Services, and the server status as Running after sometime.

Access the Containerized AMC

You can access Containerized AMC using the NodePort service or the LoadBalancer service or both, depending on the configuration in the custom-values.yaml.

After you deploy the AMC on Kubernetes environment and verify the status of deployment using the command kubectl get all -n amc-ns, the complete node and server information is displayed. The following is an example output:

Figure 3-1 Server Details

Server Details

The details of the servers and nodes, including internal and external ports are displayed.

Access Containerized AMC using LoadBalancer Service

In the LoadBalancer service type, note down the external IP and port number. You can use the values to create the URL to access Containerized AMC. Considering the example, the URL to access the Containerized AMC will be

Access Containerized AMC using NodePort Service

In the NodePort service type, you can create URLs of the Admin Server and AMC Server using any of the Kubernetes node IP addresses/host name and the external port number mapped against respective NodePort services.

  • Admin Server: http://<kubernetes-node>:30720/console/login/LoginForm.jsp
  • AMC Server: https://<kubernetes-node>:30721/amcwebui/login.html

Run the following command to retrieve the Kubernetes node IP addresses:

kubectl get nodes -o wide

You can login using the credentials provided in the custom-values.yaml file.


  • It is recommended to access the Containerized AMC using LoadBalancer service rather than NodePort service.
  • If only LoadBalancer service is enabled in the custom-values.yaml file, the WebLogic admin server console will not be accessible. If there is a need to access the admin server console, enable the NodePort service as well.

Initialize the Containerized AMC

During initialization, the host name (or host IP) has to be provided. This host name (or host IP) is to be used by all agents to communicate with the server.

By default, the AMC initialization wizard fetches the server host name from the CN (common name) of SSL certificate. However, the CN name might not be the valid server host name for Containerized AMC. Hence, during initialization, provide a valid server host name to access Containerized AMC. Also, ensure that you don't have to change the host name (or host IP) once you specify.

For example, as shown in the following screen shot, the host name is fetched from SSL certificate by default. This is not a valid host name. You need to provide a valid host name or IP for the Containerized AMC to communicate with the server.

Figure 3-2 Initializing Containerized AMC

Initializing Containerized AMC