Interindustry Space

CLA Remarks

0x0X Type 4, last or only command in chain

0x1X Type 4, not last command in chain (paired with 0x0X)

0x2X Reserved for Future Use

0x3X Reserved for Future Use

0x4X Type 16, no SM, last or only command in chain

0x5X Type 16, no SM, not last command in chain (paired with 0x4X)

0x6X Type 16, SM, last or only command in chain

0x7X Type 16, SM, not last command in chain (paired with 0x06X)

The encoding details are as follows.

Type 4:

b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
0  0  0  x  y  y  z  z

Type 16:

b8 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1
0  1  y  x  z  z  z  z


x = Command Chaining bit

  • 0 = last or only command

  • 1 = command chaining

y = Secure Messaging indicator, see ISO7816-4:2003 section 6 for further information.

z = Logical channel indicator

Type 4 supports logical channels [0..3]

Type 16 supports logical channels [0..15], which are mapped to logical channels [4..19]