Proprietary Java Card Technology Space

CLA Remarks

0x8X Type 4, last or only command in chain

0x9X Type 4, not last command in chain (paired with 0x8X)

0xAX Type 4, last or only command in chain

0xBX Type 4, not last command in chain (paired with 0xAX)

0xCX Type 16, no SM, last or only command in chain

0xDX Type 16, no SM, not last command in chain (paired with 0xCX)

0xEX Type 16, SM, last or only command in chain

0xFX Type 16, SM, not last command in chain (paired with 0xEX)

The encoding details are as follows.

Type 4:

b8    b7    b6    b5    b4    b3    b2    b1
1     0     N/A   x     y     y     z     z

Type 16:

b8    b7    b6    b5    b4    b3    b2    b1
1     1     y     x     z     z     z     z