18 Java Card Accessibility Information

Java Card Development Kit provides a wide range of features that support accessibility. Oracle is committed to creating products, services, and supporting documentation that is accessible to the disabled community. Java Card Runtime Environment is executed through command line interface.

This topic details the Java Card Development Kit features that support accessibility.

Access to Java Card Development Kit Support

The Java Card Development Kit customers have access to electronic support through email with their assigned support engineer provided by the Java Card Licensee Engineering (JLE) organization.

Hearing impaired customers in the U.S. who wish to speak to their assigned support engineer can use the telecommunications relay service (TRS). Information about the TRS is available at http://www.fcc.gov/cgb/consumerfacts/trs.html and a list of telephone numbers is available at https://www.fcc.gov/general/telecommunications-relay-services-directory International hearing-impaired customers must use the TRS at +1.605.224.1837.

Java Card Development Kit Features that Support Accessibility

Oracle's goal is to ensure that disabled users of our products can perform the same tasks, and access the same functionality as other users.

Java Card Development Kit supports the following accessibility features:

  • Can be operated using only the keyboard
  • Communicates all information independent of color
  • Time Based Media is not used
  • Images of text are not used
  • Moving, blinking, or scrolling content is not used
  • Doesn’t disrupt platform accessibility features such as Sticky Keys, High Contrast, and Large Fonts
  • Provides online documentation in an accessible format

Keyboard Navigation

Java Card Development Kit uses standard navigation keys.

Documentation Accessibility Features

Java Card Development Kit documentation supports the following accessibility features:

  • The documents are available in the HTML format to give maximum opportunity for the users to apply screen-reader software technology.
  • The images in the documents are provided with alternative text so that users with vision impairments can understand the contents of the images.