Class Bio1toNBuilder

  • public class Bio1toNBuilder
    extends Object
    The Bio1toNBuilder class is a BioMatcher object factory. It builds empty/blank biometric matchers.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static byte BODY_ODOR
      Body Odor.
      static byte DEFAULT_INITPARAM
      The default value of the provider specific initialization information, initParam parameter in the buildBioTemplate() method.
      static byte DNA_SCAN
      Pattern is a DNA sample for matching.
      static byte EAR_GEOMETRY
      Ear geometry ID is based on overall geometry/shape of the ear.
      static byte FACIAL_FEATURE
      Facial feature recognition (visage).
      static byte FINGER_GEOMETRY
      Finger geometry ID is based on overall geometry/shape of a finger.
      static byte FINGERPRINT
      Fingerprint identification (any finger).
      static byte GAIT_STYLE
      Gait (behavioral).
      static byte HAND_GEOMETRY
      Hand geometry ID is based on overall geometry/shape of the hand.
      static byte IRIS_SCAN
      Pattern is a scan of the eye's iris.
      static byte KEYSTROKES
      Keystrokes dynamics (behavioral).
      static byte LIP_MOVEMENT
      Lip movement (behavioral).
      static byte PALM_GEOMETRY
      Palm geometry ID is based on overall geometry/shape of a palm.
      static byte PASSWORD
      General password (a PIN is a special case of the password).
      static byte RETINA_SCAN
      Pattern is an infrared scan of the blood vessels of the retina of the eye.
      static byte SIGNATURE
      Written signature dynamics ID (behavioral).
      static byte THERMAL_FACE
      Thermal Face Image.
      static byte THERMAL_HAND
      Thermal Hand Image.
      static byte VEIN_PATTERN
      Pattern is an infrared scan of the vein pattern in a face, wrist, or, hand.
      static byte VOICE_PRINT
      Pattern is a voice sample (specific or unspecified speech).
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static OwnerBioMatcher buildBioMatcher​(short maxNbOfBioTemplateData, byte bioType, byte tryLimit)
      Creates an empty/blank (un-initialized) OwnerBioMatcher instance of the specified biometric type and from the default biometric provider.
      static OwnerBioMatcher buildBioMatcher​(short maxNbOfBioTemplateData, byte bioType, byte tryLimit, byte[] RID, byte initParam)
      Creates an empty/blank (un-initialized) OwnerBioMatcher instance of the specified biometric type and from the specified biometric provider.
      static OwnerBioTemplateData buildBioTemplateData​(byte bioType)
      Creates an empty/blank (un-initialized) BioTemplateData instance of the specified biometric type and from the default biometric provider.
      static OwnerBioTemplateData buildBioTemplateData​(byte bioType, byte[] RID)
      Creates an empty/blank (un-initialized) BioTemplateData instance of the specified biometric type and from the specified biometric provider.
    • Field Detail


        public static final byte FACIAL_FEATURE
        Facial feature recognition (visage).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final byte VOICE_PRINT
        Pattern is a voice sample (specific or unspecified speech).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final byte FINGERPRINT
        Fingerprint identification (any finger).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • IRIS_SCAN

        public static final byte IRIS_SCAN
        Pattern is a scan of the eye's iris.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final byte RETINA_SCAN
        Pattern is an infrared scan of the blood vessels of the retina of the eye.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final byte HAND_GEOMETRY
        Hand geometry ID is based on overall geometry/shape of the hand.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final byte SIGNATURE
        Written signature dynamics ID (behavioral).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final byte KEYSTROKES
        Keystrokes dynamics (behavioral).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final byte LIP_MOVEMENT
        Lip movement (behavioral).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final byte THERMAL_FACE
        Thermal Face Image.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final byte THERMAL_HAND
        Thermal Hand Image.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • DNA_SCAN

        public static final byte DNA_SCAN
        Pattern is a DNA sample for matching.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final byte EAR_GEOMETRY
        Ear geometry ID is based on overall geometry/shape of the ear.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final byte FINGER_GEOMETRY
        Finger geometry ID is based on overall geometry/shape of a finger.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final byte PALM_GEOMETRY
        Palm geometry ID is based on overall geometry/shape of a palm.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final byte VEIN_PATTERN
        Pattern is an infrared scan of the vein pattern in a face, wrist, or, hand.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • PASSWORD

        public static final byte PASSWORD
        General password (a PIN is a special case of the password). Note that this is not a biometric, but is nevertheless a pattern that must be matched for security purposes, and since it is frequently combined with biometrics for security, we provide a code here to assist with that combination.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final byte DEFAULT_INITPARAM
        The default value of the provider specific initialization information, initParam parameter in the buildBioTemplate() method.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • buildBioMatcher

        public static OwnerBioMatcher buildBioMatcher​(short maxNbOfBioTemplateData,
                                                      byte bioType,
                                                      byte tryLimit)
                                               throws Bio1toNException
        Creates an empty/blank (un-initialized) OwnerBioMatcher instance of the specified biometric type and from the default biometric provider. At least one OwnerBioTemplateData should be enrolled with this OwnerBioMatcher.
        maxNbOfBioTemplateData - the maximum number of BioTemplateData to be supported. maxNbOfBioTemplateData must be at least 1.
        bioType - the biometric type of BioTemplateData to be supported. Valid codes are listed in the biometric pattern type constants.
        tryLimit - the maximum unsuccessful matches before matcher is blocked. tryLimit must be at least 1.
        the OwnerBioMatcher object instance of the requested biometric type and tryLimit access.
        Bio1toNException - with the following reason codes:
      • buildBioMatcher

        public static OwnerBioMatcher buildBioMatcher​(short maxNbOfBioTemplateData,
                                                      byte bioType,
                                                      byte tryLimit,
                                                      byte[] RID,
                                                      byte initParam)
                                               throws Bio1toNException
        Creates an empty/blank (un-initialized) OwnerBioMatcher instance of the specified biometric type and from the specified biometric provider. At least one OwnerBioTemplateData should be enrolled with this OwnerBioMatcher. This method takes in a provider identifier (RID) and an initialization parameter which should be passed to the constructor of the appropriate OwnerBioMatcher implementation.
        maxNbOfBioTemplateData - the maximum number of BioTemplateData to be supported. maxNbOfBioTemplateData must be at least 1.
        bioType - the type of the biometric templates to be supported. Valid codes are listed in the biometric pattern type constants.
        tryLimit - maximum unsuccessful matches before matcher is blocked. tryLimit must be at least 1.
        RID - the RID of the provider of OwnerBioMatcher implementation. null value means default provider
        initParam - the provider specific initialization information for the OwnerBioMatcher instance. DEFAULT_INITPARAM is default value.
        the OwnerBioMatcher object instance of the requested bioType and tryLimit access.
        Bio1toNException - with the following reason codes:
      • buildBioTemplateData

        public static OwnerBioTemplateData buildBioTemplateData​(byte bioType)
                                                         throws Bio1toNException
        Creates an empty/blank (un-initialized) BioTemplateData instance of the specified biometric type and from the default biometric provider.
        bioType - the biometric type of the BioTemplateData to be created. Valid codes are listed in the biometric pattern type constants.
        a OwnerBioTemplateData instance of the requested biometric type and from the default biometric provider.
        Bio1toNException - with the following reason codes:
      • buildBioTemplateData

        public static OwnerBioTemplateData buildBioTemplateData​(byte bioType,
                                                                byte[] RID)
                                                         throws Bio1toNException
        Creates an empty/blank (un-initialized) BioTemplateData instance of the specified biometric type and from the specified biometric provider.
        bioType - the biometric type of the BioTemplateData to be created. Valid codes are listed in the biometric pattern type constants.
        RID - the RID of the provider of OwnerBioTemplateData implementation. null value stands for the default provider.
        a OwnerBioTemplateData instance of the requested biometric type and biometric provider.
        Bio1toNException - with the following reason codes: