Class Bio1toNException

  • public class Bio1toNException
    extends CardRuntimeException
    The Bio1toNException class encapsulates specific exceptions which can be thrown by the methods of the javacardx.biometry1toN package in case of error.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      This reason code is used to indicate that the maximum number of BioTemplateData requested exceeds the supported capacity.
      static short ILLEGAL_USE
      This reason code is used to indicate that the method should not be invoked based on the current state of the card.
      static short ILLEGAL_VALUE
      This reason code is used to indicate that one or more input parameters is out of allowed bounds.
      static short INVALID_DATA
      This reason code is used to indicate that the data the system encountered is illegible.
      static short MISMATCHED_BIO_TYPE
      This reason code is used to indicate the biometric type of a BioTemplateData does not match that of the BioMatcher for enrollment.
      static short NO_BIO_TEMPLATE_ENROLLED
      This reason code is used to indicate that no reference biometric template data is available for matching, or that the BioTemplateData is uninitialized.
      static short UNSUPPORTED_BIO_TYPE
      This reason code is used to indicate that the provided bio template type is not supported by the template builder.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Bio1toNException​(short reason)
      Constructs a new Bio1toNException exception using a provided reason code.
    • Field Detail


        public static final short ILLEGAL_VALUE
        This reason code is used to indicate that one or more input parameters is out of allowed bounds.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final short INVALID_DATA
        This reason code is used to indicate that the data the system encountered is illegible.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final short UNSUPPORTED_BIO_TYPE
        This reason code is used to indicate that the provided bio template type is not supported by the template builder.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final short NO_BIO_TEMPLATE_ENROLLED
        This reason code is used to indicate that no reference biometric template data is available for matching, or that the BioTemplateData is uninitialized.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final short ILLEGAL_USE
        This reason code is used to indicate that the method should not be invoked based on the current state of the card.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final short BIO_TEMPLATE_DATA_CAPACITY_EXCEEDED
        This reason code is used to indicate that the maximum number of BioTemplateData requested exceeds the supported capacity.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final short MISMATCHED_BIO_TYPE
        This reason code is used to indicate the biometric type of a BioTemplateData does not match that of the BioMatcher for enrollment.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • Bio1toNException

        public Bio1toNException​(short reason)
        Constructs a new Bio1toNException exception using a provided reason code. To conserve on resources use throwIt() to use the Java Card runtime environment instance of this class.
        reason - the reason code for this exception.
    • Method Detail

      • throwIt

        public static void throwIt​(short reason)
                            throws Bio1toNException
        Throws the Java Card runtime environment owned instance of Bio1toNException with the specified reason. Java Card runtime environment owned instances of exception classes are temporary Java Card runtime environment Entry Point Objects and can be accessed from any applet context. References to these objects cannot be stored in class variables or instance variables or array components.
        reason - the reason for the exception.
        Bio1toNException - always.