Interface OwnerBioMatcher

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface OwnerBioMatcher
    extends BioMatcher
    The OwnerBioMatcher interface should be implemented by the applet which owns the BioMatcher. It extends the BioMatcher interface and adds functionality to enroll one or more Biometric Template Data containers.
    • Method Detail

      • putBioTemplateData

        void putBioTemplateData​(short index,
                                BioTemplateData templateData)
                         throws Bio1toNException,
        Enrolls the provided BioTemplateData at the specified index. The provided BioTemplateData must be loaded/initialized.

        This method has to be called several times to add all the required BioTemplateData for 1 to N matching

        If the method is called with the same index several times, the former BioTemplateData added to that index is replaced by the new one. If the method is called with a null reference for the BioTemplateData, the former BioTemplateData is removed. When OwnerBioTemplateData are already enrolled with a OwnerBioMatcher modifying its data will impact the OwnerBioMatcher (stored as reference).

        Note: indexing starts at value « 1 » (« 0 » is an invalid value).

        index - the index where the BioTemplateData must be added.
        templateData - the BioTemplateData to enroll.
        Bio1toNException - with the following reason codes:
        SecurityException - if the reference template is not own by the caller.
      • resetUnblockAndSetTryLimit

        void resetUnblockAndSetTryLimit​(byte newTryLimit)
                                 throws Bio1toNException
        Resets the validated flag, unblocks and updates the try limit value and resets the try counter to the try limit value.
        newTryLimit - the number of tries allowed before the 1toN template is blocked. newTryLimit must be at least 1.
        Bio1toNException - with the following reason codes:
      • getIndexOfLastMatchingBioTemplateData

        short getIndexOfLastMatchingBioTemplateData()
        Gets the index of the last matching BioTemplateData.

        Note: indexing starts at value « 1 » (« 0 » is an invalid value).

        Specified by:
        getIndexOfLastMatchingBioTemplateData in interface BioMatcher
        the index of the last matching BioTemplateData.
        Bio1toNException - with the following reason codes:
      • getBioTemplateData

        OwnerBioTemplateData getBioTemplateData​(short index)
        Gets the OwnerBioTemplateData enrolled at the specified index. This method is used to retrieve the 'orginal' OwnerBioTemplateData in order to change its data using the init, update, doFinal methods.

        Note: indexing starts at value « 1 » (« 0 » is an invalid value).

        Specified by:
        getBioTemplateData in interface BioMatcher
        index - the index of the OwnerBioTemplateData to retrieve.
        null if no OwnerBioTemplateData is available at the specified index.