3 Enabling and Testing Java Access Bridge

By default, Java Access Bridge is not enabled. Enable it either through the command line or the Windows Control Panel. Test it by running a Java application that uses the Accessibility API.

Java Access Bridge Supported Java SE Platforms

Java Access Bridge is included with JRE 7u6 and later.

Enabling Java Access Bridge Through the Command Line

Enable Java Access Bridge with the jabswitch command.

Run the following command (where %JRE_HOME% is the directory of your JRE):

%JRE_HOME%\bin\jabswitch -enable

Enabling Java Access Bridge Through the Control Panel

Enable Java Access Bridge through the Control Panel with the Ease of Access Center.

  1. Click Start, select Control Panel, then Ease of Access, then Ease of Access Center. Alternatively, press Windows logo key + U to access the Ease of Access Center.
  2. Select Use the computer without a display.
  3. In the section Other programs installed, select the check box Enable Java Access Bridge (you may have to scroll down).

Disabling Java Access Bridge

Disable Java Access Bridge with the jabswitch command.

Run the following command:

%JRE_HOME%\bin\jabswitch -disable


You cannot disable Java Access Bridge through the Windows Ease of Access Center.

Testing Java Access Bridge

Test Java Access Bridge by first installing a supported assistive technology then running a Java application that uses the Accessibility API.

  1. Ensure that Java Access Bridge is enabled.
  2. Install an assistive technology product that supports Java Access Bridge such as one of the following products:
  3. Run a Java application that uses the javax.accessibility package and ensure that your assistive technology product works properly with it.

Java Access Bridge Tools

Use the jaccessinspector and jaccesswalker tools, which are part of the JRE and JDK, to test Java Access Bridge.

The jaccessinspector tool uses the Java Accessibility Utilities API to examine accessible information about the objects in the Java Virtual Machine. The jaccesswalker tool walks through the component trees in a particular Java Virtual Machine and presents the accessibility hierarchy in a tree view. Find these tools in the JRE's or JDK's bin directory.

Minimum Version Requirements of Assistive Technologies on 64-Bit Operating Systems

This topic lists the minimum version requirements of some assistive technologies for 64-bit operating systems.

  • JAWS: Version 13 and later

  • NVDA: Version 2011.3 and later

  • SuperNova: Version 13 and later

  • ZoomText: Version 10.1.5 and later


64-bit applications require 64-bit browsers; in particular, if you use Internet Explorer, ensure it's the 64-bit version.