Module java.base
Package java.util

Class Calendar.Builder

Enclosing class:

public static class Calendar.Builder extends Object
Calendar.Builder is used for creating a Calendar from various date-time parameters.

There are two ways to set a Calendar to a date-time value. One is to set the instant parameter to a millisecond offset from the Epoch. The other is to set individual field parameters, such as YEAR, to their desired values. These two ways can't be mixed. Trying to set both the instant and individual fields will cause an IllegalStateException to be thrown. However, it is permitted to override previous values of the instant or field parameters.

If no enough field parameters are given for determining date and/or time, calendar specific default values are used when building a Calendar. For example, if the YEAR value isn't given for the Gregorian calendar, 1970 will be used. If there are any conflicts among field parameters, the resolution rules are applied. Therefore, the order of field setting matters.

In addition to the date-time parameters, the locale, time zone, week definition, and leniency mode parameters can be set.


The following are sample usages. Sample code assumes that the Calendar constants are statically imported.

The following code produces a Calendar with date 2012-12-31 (Gregorian) because Monday is the first day of a week with the ISO 8601 compatible week parameters.

   Calendar cal = new Calendar.Builder().setCalendarType("iso8601")
                        .setWeekDate(2013, 1, MONDAY).build();

The following code produces a Japanese Calendar with date 1989-01-08 (Gregorian), assuming that the default ERA is Heisei that started on that day.

   Calendar cal = new Calendar.Builder().setCalendarType("japanese")
                        .setFields(YEAR, 1, DAY_OF_YEAR, 1).build();

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • Builder

      public Builder()
      Constructs a Calendar.Builder.
  • Method Details

    • setInstant

      public Calendar.Builder setInstant(long instant)
      Sets the instant parameter to the given instant value that is a millisecond offset from the Epoch.
      instant - a millisecond offset from the Epoch
      this Calendar.Builder
      IllegalStateException - if any of the field parameters have already been set
      See Also:
    • setInstant

      public Calendar.Builder setInstant(Date instant)
      Sets the instant parameter to the instant value given by a Date. This method is equivalent to a call to setInstant(instant.getTime()).
      instant - a Date representing a millisecond offset from the Epoch
      this Calendar.Builder
      NullPointerException - if instant is null
      IllegalStateException - if any of the field parameters have already been set
      See Also:
    • set

      public Calendar.Builder set(int field, int value)
      Sets the field parameter to the given value. field is an index to the Calendar.fields, such as DAY_OF_MONTH. Field value validation is not performed in this method. Any out of range values are either normalized in lenient mode or detected as an invalid value in non-lenient mode when building a Calendar.
      field - an index to the Calendar fields
      value - the field value
      this Calendar.Builder
      IllegalArgumentException - if field is invalid
      IllegalStateException - if the instant value has already been set, or if fields have been set too many (approximately Integer.MAX_VALUE) times.
      See Also:
    • setFields

      public Calendar.Builder setFields(int... fieldValuePairs)
      Sets field parameters to their values given by fieldValuePairs that are pairs of a field and its value. For example,
         setFields(Calendar.YEAR, 2013,
                   Calendar.MONTH, Calendar.DECEMBER,
                   Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 23);
      is equivalent to the sequence of the following set calls:
         set(Calendar.YEAR, 2013)
         .set(Calendar.MONTH, Calendar.DECEMBER)
         .set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 23);
      fieldValuePairs - field-value pairs
      this Calendar.Builder
      NullPointerException - if fieldValuePairs is null
      IllegalArgumentException - if any of fields are invalid, or if fieldValuePairs.length is an odd number.
      IllegalStateException - if the instant value has been set, or if fields have been set too many (approximately Integer.MAX_VALUE) times.
    • setDate

      public Calendar.Builder setDate(int year, int month, int dayOfMonth)
      Sets the date field parameters to the values given by year, month, and dayOfMonth. This method is equivalent to a call to:
         setFields(Calendar.YEAR, year,
                   Calendar.MONTH, month,
                   Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, dayOfMonth);
      year - the YEAR value
      month - the MONTH value (the month numbering is 0-based).
      dayOfMonth - the DAY_OF_MONTH value
      this Calendar.Builder
    • setTimeOfDay

      public Calendar.Builder setTimeOfDay(int hourOfDay, int minute, int second)
      Sets the time of day field parameters to the values given by hourOfDay, minute, and second. This method is equivalent to a call to:
         setTimeOfDay(hourOfDay, minute, second, 0);
      hourOfDay - the HOUR_OF_DAY value (24-hour clock)
      minute - the MINUTE value
      second - the SECOND value
      this Calendar.Builder
    • setTimeOfDay

      public Calendar.Builder setTimeOfDay(int hourOfDay, int minute, int second, int millis)
      Sets the time of day field parameters to the values given by hourOfDay, minute, second, and millis. This method is equivalent to a call to:
         setFields(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, hourOfDay,
                   Calendar.MINUTE, minute,
                   Calendar.SECOND, second,
                   Calendar.MILLISECOND, millis);
      hourOfDay - the HOUR_OF_DAY value (24-hour clock)
      minute - the MINUTE value
      second - the SECOND value
      millis - the MILLISECOND value
      this Calendar.Builder
    • setWeekDate

      public Calendar.Builder setWeekDate(int weekYear, int weekOfYear, int dayOfWeek)
      Sets the week-based date parameters to the values with the given date specifiers - week year, week of year, and day of week.

      If the specified calendar doesn't support week dates, the build method will throw an IllegalArgumentException.

      weekYear - the week year
      weekOfYear - the week number based on weekYear
      dayOfWeek - the day of week value: one of the constants for the DAY_OF_WEEK field: SUNDAY, ..., SATURDAY.
      this Calendar.Builder
      See Also:
    • setTimeZone

      public Calendar.Builder setTimeZone(TimeZone zone)
      Sets the time zone parameter to the given zone. If no time zone parameter is given to this Calendar.Builder, the default TimeZone will be used in the build method.
      zone - the TimeZone
      this Calendar.Builder
      NullPointerException - if zone is null
      See Also:
    • setLenient

      public Calendar.Builder setLenient(boolean lenient)
      Sets the lenient mode parameter to the value given by lenient. If no lenient parameter is given to this Calendar.Builder, lenient mode will be used in the build method.
      lenient - true for lenient mode; false for non-lenient mode
      this Calendar.Builder
      See Also:
    • setCalendarType

      public Calendar.Builder setCalendarType(String type)
      Sets the calendar type parameter to the given type. The calendar type given by this method has precedence over any explicit or implicit calendar type given by the locale.

      In addition to the available calendar types returned by the Calendar.getAvailableCalendarTypes method, "gregorian" and "iso8601" as aliases of "gregory" can be used with this method.

      type - the calendar type
      this Calendar.Builder
      NullPointerException - if type is null
      IllegalArgumentException - if type is unknown
      IllegalStateException - if another calendar type has already been set
      See Also:
    • setLocale

      public Calendar.Builder setLocale(Locale locale)
      Sets the locale parameter to the given locale. If no locale is given to this Calendar.Builder, the default Locale for Locale.Category.FORMAT will be used.

      If no calendar type is explicitly given by a call to the setCalendarType method, the Locale value is used to determine what type of Calendar to be built.

      If no week definition parameters are explicitly given by a call to the setWeekDefinition method, the Locale's default values are used.

      locale - the Locale
      this Calendar.Builder
      NullPointerException - if locale is null
      See Also:
    • setWeekDefinition

      public Calendar.Builder setWeekDefinition(int firstDayOfWeek, int minimalDaysInFirstWeek)
      Sets the week definition parameters to the values given by firstDayOfWeek and minimalDaysInFirstWeek that are used to determine the first week of a year. The parameters given by this method have precedence over the default values given by the locale.
      firstDayOfWeek - the first day of a week; one of Calendar.SUNDAY to Calendar.SATURDAY
      minimalDaysInFirstWeek - the minimal number of days in the first week (1..7)
      this Calendar.Builder
      IllegalArgumentException - if firstDayOfWeek or minimalDaysInFirstWeek is invalid
      See Also:
    • build

      public Calendar build()
      Returns a Calendar built from the parameters set by the setter methods. The calendar type given by the setCalendarType method or the locale is used to determine what Calendar to be created. If no explicit calendar type is given, the locale's default calendar is created.

      If the calendar type is "iso8601", the Gregorian change date of a GregorianCalendar is set to Date(Long.MIN_VALUE) to be the proleptic Gregorian calendar. Its week definition parameters are also set to be compatible with the ISO 8601 standard. Note that the getCalendarType method of a GregorianCalendar created with "iso8601" returns "gregory".

      The default values are used for locale and time zone if these parameters haven't been given explicitly.

      If the locale contains the time zone with "tz" Unicode extension, and time zone hasn't been given explicitly, time zone in the locale is used.

      Any out of range field values are either normalized in lenient mode or detected as an invalid value in non-lenient mode.

      a Calendar built with parameters of this Calendar.Builder
      IllegalArgumentException - if the calendar type is unknown, or if any invalid field values are given in non-lenient mode, or if a week date is given for the calendar type that doesn't support week dates.
      See Also: