Built-in Filters

The Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI) Registry, the RMI Distributed Garbage Collector, and Java Management Extensions (JMX) all have filters that are included in the JDK. You should specify your own filters for the RMI Registry and the RMI Distributed Garbage Collector to add additional protection.

Filters for RMI Registry


Use these built-in filters as starting points only. Edit the sun.rmi.registry.registryFilter system property to configure reject-lists and/or extend the allow-list to add additional protection for the RMI Registry. To protect the whole application, add the patterns to the jdk.serialFilter global system property to increase protection for other serialization users that do not have their own custom filters.

The RMI Registry has a built-in allow-list filter that allows objects to be bound in the registry. It includes instances of the java.rmi.Remote, java.lang.Number, java.lang.reflect.Proxy, java.rmi.server.UnicastRef, java.rmi.server.UID, java.rmi.server.RMIClientSocketFactory, and java.rmi.server.RMIServerSocketFactory classes.

The built-in filter includes size limits: 

Supersede the built-in filter by defining a filter using the sun.rmi.registry.registryFilter system property with a pattern. If the filter that you define either accepts classes passed to the filter, or rejects classes or sizes, the built-in filter is not invoked.  If your filter does not accept or reject anything, the built-filter is invoked.

Filters for RMI Distributed Garbage Collector


Use these built-in filters as starting points only. Edit the sun.rmi.transport.dgcFilter system property to configure reject-lists and/or extend the allow-list to add additional protection for Distributed Garbage Collector. To protect the whole application, add the patterns to the jdk.serialFilter global system property to increase protection for other serialization users that do not have their own custom filters.

The RMI Distributed Garbage Collector has a built-in allow-list filter that accepts a limited set of classes. It includes instances of the java.rmi.server.ObjID, java.rmi.server.UID, java.rmi.dgc.VMID, and java.rmi.dgc.Lease classes.

The built-in filter includes size limits:


Supersede the built-in filter by defining a filter using the sun.rmi.transport.dgcFilter system property with a pattern. If the filter accepts classes passed to the filter, or rejects classes or sizes, the built-in filter is not invoked.  If the superseding filter does not accept or reject anything, the built-filter is invoked.

Filters for JMX


Use these built-in filters as starting points only. Edit the com.sun.management.jmxremote.serial.filter.pattern management property to configure reject-lists and/or extend the allow-list to add additional protection for JMX. To protect the whole application, add the patterns to the jdk.serialFilter global system property to increase protection for other serialization users that do not have their own custom filters.

JMX has a built-in filter to limit a set of classes allowed to be sent as a deserializing parameters over RMI to the server. The filter's pattern must include the types that are allowed to be sent as parameters over RMI to the server and all types that they depend on, plus javax.management.ObjectName and java.rmi.MarshalledObject types. The default filter covers any type that Open MBeans and MXBeans might use. Applications that register their own MBeans in the platform MBean server may need to extend the filter to support any additional types that their MBeans accept as parameters. Specify the filter's pattern with the com.sun.management.jmxremote.serial.filter.pattern management property in the $JAVA_HOME/conf/management/management.properties file. You can override the value of this property with the java command-line option -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.serial.filter.pattern=<pattern>.