Creating a Filter with ObjectInputFilter Methods

The ObjectInputFilter interface includes the following static methods that enable you to quickly create filters:

  • allowFilter(Predicate<Class<?>>, ObjectInputFilter.Status)
  • rejectFilter(Predicate<Class<?>>, ObjectInputFilter.Status)
  • rejectUndecidedClass(ObjectInputFilter)
  • merge(ObjectInputFilter, ObjectInputFilter)

The allowFilter method creates a filter based on a Predicate that takes a Class as its argument. The created filter returns ObjectInputFilter.Status.ALLOWED if the predicate is true. Otherwise, it returns the value of the allowFilter method’s second argument. The following creates a filter that accepts the Integer class. All other classes are considered undecided:

ObjectInputFilter intFilter = ObjectInputFilter.allowFilter(
    cl -> cl.equals(Integer.class), ObjectInputFilter.Status.UNDECIDED);

The rejectFilter method is the inverse of allowFilter: It creates a filter based on a Predicate that takes a Class as its argument. The created filter returns ObjectInputFilter.Status.REJECTED if the predicate is true. Otherwise, it returns the value of the rejectFilter method’s second argument. The following creates a filter that rejects any class loaded from the application class loader:

ObjectInputFilter f = ObjectInputFilter.rejectFilter(cl ->
    cl.getClassLoader() == ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader(), Status.UNDECIDED);

The rejectUndecidedClass method creates a new filter based on an existing filter by rejecting any class that the existing filter considers as undecided. The following creates a filter based on intFilter. It accepts the Integer class but rejects all other (undecided) classes:

ObjectInputFilter rejectUndecidedFilter =

The merge method creates a new filter by merging two filters. The following merges the filters intFilter and f. It accepts the Integer class but rejects any class loaded from the application class loader:

ObjectInputFilter mergedFilter = ObjectInputFilter.merge(intFilter, f);

A merged filter follows these steps when it filters a class:

  1. Return Status.REJECTED if either of its filters return Status.REJECTED.
  2. Return Status.ACCEPTED if either of its filters return Status.ACCEPTED.
  3. Return Status.UNDECIDED (both of its filters return Status.UNDECIDED).

The merge method is useful in filter factories. Every time a filter is set on a stream, you can append that filter to the one that the filter factory creates with the merge method. See the ObjectInputFilter API documentation for an example.


It's a good idea to merge the JVM-wide filter with the requested, stream-specific filter in your filter factory. If you just return the requested filter, then you effectively disable the JVM-wide filter, which will lead to security gaps.