Filtering Processes with Streams

The method ProcessHandle.allProcesses returns a stream of all processes visible to the current process. You can filter the ProcessHandle instances of this stream the same way that you filter elements from a collection.

In the following excerpt, the method filterProcessesTest prints information about all the processes owned by the current user, sorted by the process ID of their parent's process:

public class ProcessTest {

  // ...

  public static void main(String[] args) {

  static void filterProcessesTest() {
    Optional<String> currUser = ProcessHandle.current().info().user();
        .filter(p1 ->

  static int parentComparator(ProcessHandle p1, ProcessHandle p2) {
    long pid1 = p1.parent().map(ph ->;
    long pid2 = p2.parent().map(ph ->;
    return, pid2);

  static void showProcess(ProcessHandle ph) {
    ProcessHandle.Info info =;
    System.out.printf("pid: %d, user: %s, cmd: %s%n",, info.user().orElse("none"), info.command().orElse("none"));

  // ...

Note that the allProcesses method is limited by native operating system access controls. Also, because all processes are created and terminated asynchronously, there is no guarantee that a process in the stream is alive or that no other processes may have been created since the call to the allProcesses method.