Module java.desktop

Class Sequencer.SyncMode

Enclosing interface:

public static class Sequencer.SyncMode extends Object
A SyncMode object represents one of the ways in which a MIDI sequencer's notion of time can be synchronized with a master or slave device. If the sequencer is being synchronized to a master, the sequencer revises its current time in response to messages from the master. If the sequencer has a slave, the sequencer similarly sends messages to control the slave's timing.

There are three predefined modes that specify possible masters for a sequencer: INTERNAL_CLOCK, MIDI_SYNC, and MIDI_TIME_CODE. The latter two work if the sequencer receives MIDI messages from another device. In these two modes, the sequencer's time gets reset based on system real-time timing clock messages or MIDI time code (MTC) messages, respectively. These two modes can also be used as slave modes, in which case the sequencer sends the corresponding types of MIDI messages to its receiver (whether or not the sequencer is also receiving them from a master). A fourth mode, NO_SYNC, is used to indicate that the sequencer should not control its receiver's timing.

See Also: