Module java.desktop
Package javax.swing

Class ToolTipManager

All Implemented Interfaces:
MouseListener, MouseMotionListener, MouseWheelListener, EventListener

public final class ToolTipManager extends MouseAdapter implements MouseMotionListener
Manages all the ToolTips in the system.

ToolTipManager contains numerous properties for configuring how long it will take for the tooltips to become visible, and how long till they hide. Consider a component that has a different tooltip based on where the mouse is, such as JTree. When the mouse moves into the JTree and over a region that has a valid tooltip, the tooltip will become visible after initialDelay milliseconds. After dismissDelay milliseconds the tooltip will be hidden. If the mouse is over a region that has a valid tooltip, and the tooltip is currently visible, when the mouse moves to a region that doesn't have a valid tooltip the tooltip will be hidden. If the mouse then moves back into a region that has a valid tooltip within reshowDelay milliseconds, the tooltip will immediately be shown, otherwise the tooltip will be shown again after initialDelay milliseconds.

See Also: