
Interface HttpResponse<T>

Type Parameters:
T - the response body type

public interface HttpResponse<T>
An HTTP response.

An HttpResponse is not created directly, but rather returned as a result of sending an HttpRequest. An HttpResponse is made available when the response status code and headers have been received, and typically after the response body has also been completely received. Whether or not the HttpResponse is made available before the response body has been completely received depends on the BodyHandler provided when sending the HttpRequest.

This class provides methods for accessing the response status code, headers, the response body, and the HttpRequest corresponding to this response.

The following is an example of retrieving a response as a String:

HttpResponse<String> response = client
  .send(request, BodyHandlers.ofString());

The class BodyHandlers provides implementations of many common response handlers. Alternatively, a custom BodyHandler implementation can be used.
