Module java.xml

Class SchemaFactory


public abstract class SchemaFactory extends Object
Factory that creates Schema objects. Entry-point to the validation API.

SchemaFactory is a schema compiler. It reads external representations of schemas and prepares them for validation.

The SchemaFactory class is not thread-safe. In other words, it is the application's responsibility to ensure that at most one thread is using a SchemaFactory object at any given moment. Implementations are encouraged to mark methods as synchronized to protect themselves from broken clients.

SchemaFactory is not re-entrant. While one of the newSchema methods is being invoked, applications may not attempt to recursively invoke the newSchema method, even from the same thread.

Schema Language

This spec uses a namespace URI to designate a schema language. The following table shows the values defined by this specification.

To be compliant with the spec, the implementation is only required to support W3C XML Schema 1.0. However, if it chooses to support other schema languages listed here, it must conform to the relevant behaviors described in this spec.

Schema languages not listed here are expected to introduce their own URIs to represent themselves. The SchemaFactory class is capable of locating other implementations for other schema languages at run-time.

Note that because the XML DTD is strongly tied to the parsing process and has a significant effect on the parsing process, it is impossible to define the DTD validation as a process independent from parsing. For this reason, this specification does not define the semantics for the XML DTD. This doesn't prohibit implementors from implementing it in a way they see fit, but users are warned that any DTD validation implemented on this interface necessarily deviate from the XML DTD semantics as defined in the XML 1.0.

URIs for Supported Schema languages
value language
XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI ("") W3C XML Schema 1.0
