
Streamline Frontend CI/CD with OCI DevOps Service and OCI Object Storage


This tutorial: Set Up Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Object Storage and Oracle API Gateway for Static Website Hosting, describes how to host statically compiled JavaScript application, utilizing Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation on OCI Object Storage and Oracle API Gateway.

To establish a complete production workflow, in this tutorial we will guide you through setting up a robust CI/CD DevOps pipeline for your static frontend website using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure DevOps service.

The OCI DevOps service is an end-to-end, continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) platform for developers. Using this service, DevOps engineer can easily build, test, and deploy software and applications on Oracle Cloud. The DevOps build and deployment pipelines reduce change-driven errors and decrease the time customers spend on building and deploying releases. The service also provides private Git repositories to store your code and supports connections to external code repositories.



Task 1: Create an OCI Object Storage Bucket

Create a new bucket in OCI Object Storage. This bucket will be used to host your static website as described in Set Up OCI Object Storage and Oracle API Gateway for Static Website Hosting.

Object Storage Bucket

Task 2: Create a DevOps Project

Navigate to Developer Services, DevOps, Projects, click Create Devops project, enter the project name, select a notification topic, and then click Create.

Note: You have to create a new notification topic if you have not already created it.

Create Devops

Task 3: Establish the Code Repository

You have a choice of either creating a new private Git repository or mirroring your existing repository within OCI Code Repositories.

Note: Follow this document: Setting up Repository for interacting with your code repositories.

Create build_spec.yaml file in the repo using the following code. This will serve as the Build Specification for our DevOps build.

version: 0.1
component: build
timeoutInSeconds: 1000
shell: bash
  # exportedVariables are made available to use as parameters in sucessor Build Pipeline stages
  # For this Build to run, the Build Pipeline needs to have a BUILDRUN_HASH parameter set

  - type: Command
    name: "Define unique build tag"
    timeoutInSeconds: 140
    command: |
      export BUILDRUN_HASH=`echo ${OCI_BUILD_RUN_ID} | rev | cut -c 1-7`
  - type: Command
    name: "Install Nodejs"
    command: |
      sudo yum install -y oracle-nodejs-release-el7 oracle-release-el7
      echo "Installation Complete..."
  - type: Command
    name: "Frontend build"
    command: |
      npm install
      npm run build
      echo "Build Done..."
  - type: Command
    name: "Zip build files"
    command: |
      cd dist
      zip -r -j angular-conduit/*
      echo "Zip complete"
  - name: static-website-build     # Change this to your artifact name.
    type: BINARY
    location: dist/

Task 4: Establish Artifact Registry

OCI Artifact Registry is a repository service for storing, sharing, and managing software development packages. With Artifact Registry, you can manage artifacts to make artifacts immutable, identify artifacts with secure hash, add versions, upload and download, fetch the latest and control visibility and permissions. For more information, see Artifact Registry

  1. To create Artifact Registry, navigate to OCI Console, Developer Services, Containers And Artifacts, Artifacts Registry and click Create Repository, enter the following details and click Create. This will create an Empty Artifact Registry for storing your artifacts.

    Create Artifact Registry

    Deployment Spec

  2. To create Deployment Artifact, we will use DevOps Shell container runtime to deploy the build artifact to OCI Object Storage. To do this, we will create a deployment specification. For more information, see Deployment Specification.

    Command Specification - deployemnt_spec.yaml

    version: 0.1
    component: command
    timeoutInSeconds: 6000
    shell: bash
      - name: "static-artifact"
        type: GENERIC_ARTIFACT
        registryId: "<Artifact Registry OCID>"                # replace this with your Artifact Registry OCID
        path: "build/"                      # replace this with your Build Artifact Path
        version: ${version}
        location: /workspace/input/
      - type: Command
        timeoutInSeconds: 600
        name: "unzip artifact"
        command: |
          echo "unzipping..."
          ls -latr /workspace/input
          mkdir -p /workspace/output
          unzip /workspace/input/ -d /workspace/output
          ls -latr /workspace/output
      - type: Command
        name: "Bucket cleanup"
        timeoutInSeconds: 140
        command: |
          oci os object bulk-delete --force --bucket-name <bucket_name>     # replace this with your bucket name.
          echo "delete complete..."
      - type: Command
        name: "Static Website Deployment"
        timeoutInSeconds: 140
        command: |
          oci os object bulk-upload --bucket-name  <bucket_name> --content-type auto --src-dir /workspace/output/  # replace this with your bucket name.
          echo "deployment complete..."

    Note: : The –content-type auto parameter figures out and sets the content type of the file being uploaded, if not specified the content type of the uploaded file is set as octet-stream.

  3. Navigate to OCI Console, Developer Services, Artifact Registry, select the Registry created in Step 1, click Upload Artifact, then enter Artifact Path Name as download-artifact, Version as 1 and click Upload to upload the deployment specification.

    Deployment Spec

Task 5: Establish Build and Deployment Pipelines

Build Pipeline: This is where your application code is compiled, tested, and packaged. In OCI DevOps, you can define build pipelines that specify the steps needed to build your application. This often includes running automated tests to ensure code quality.

Deployment Pipeline: This is where the built artifacts are deployed to various environments, such as testing, staging, and production. In OCI DevOps, deployment pipelines allow you to define the process for deploying your applications, including the ability to specify different deployment strategies (like blue-green or canary deployments). We will proceed with setting up the build and deployment pipelines.

  1. Access Artifact Registry and IAM Policies.

    You can access the artifacts that you store in Artifact Registry from the DevOps service. You can create a reference to three types of artifacts in Artifact Registry: instance group deployment configurations, general artifacts, and Kubernetes manifests. Your administrator must grant the read all-artifacts permission to the pipeline resources.

    We need to add several IAM policies so that the DevOps services build and deployment pipeline and container service can access the artifact registry for uploading and downloading the artifacts. For more information, see DevOps IAM Policies

  2. Create Build Pipeline. For more information about OCI Build Pipeline, see Managing Build Pipelines.

    1. Navigate to OCI Console, Developer Services, DevOps, select your project, select Build Pipeline and click Create build pipeline, then open pipeline that you created.

      Create Build pipeline

    2. To manage build, click Add Stage, Managed Build, Next, enter the following details, and then click Add.

      • Stage Name: npm build

      • Build Runner Shape: Default Shape

      • Base Container Image: Oracle Linux 7 x86_64 standard:1.0 (You change it according to your need)

      • Build Spec File Path: build_spec.yaml Primary Code Repository - Click on Select Source Connection type - OSI Code Repository, Select Your Repo in table,

      • Branch: main.

        Note: You change the build machine according to your need.

      Create Build pipeline

      add build stage

      build stage

    3. Add another stage Deliver Artifact. Click Plus sign below the “Managed Build” stage, select Deliver artifacts and click Next.

      build stage

      Enter Stage Name as save-artifact, click Create Artifact and enter the following details.

      • Name: save-artifacts

      • Type: General Artifact

      • Artifact Location: Set a custom artifact location and Version

      • Artifact Path: build/

      • version: ${version}

      • Under Associate build artifacts with build result, enter Build config/result artifact name as static-website-build and click Add.

        deliver artifact stage 1

        deliver artifact stage

      Note: : Make sure the build artifact name is the same as in the Build Specification output Artifacts stage.

  3. Create Deployment Pipeline, For more information about deployment pipeline, see Managing Deployment Pipelines.

    1. Navigate to DevOps, select your project, select Deployment Pipeline, click Create Deployment Pipeline, enter the required information and then click Create.

      deploy stage

    2. Click Add Stage and select Integrations as “Execute Shell Command” and click Next, enter the Stage Name and set the artifact we created in Task 4.2 as the command specification.

      deploy stage1

    3. Select the deployment specification, we uploaded to Artifact Registry in Task 4.2.

      deploy stage2

    4. Select the container instance shape and size for the shell stage and click Add.

      deploy stage3

  4. Trigger deployment pipeline stage. We have our build and deployment pipeline created, we need to trigger the deployment pipeline from our build pipeline. To do this, we will go back to our build stages and add additional stage of type Trigger deployment.

    1. To add stage, click the Plus sign below Deliver Artifacts and select Trigger deployment.

      trigger stage

    2. Enter Stage Name as deploy to oss, select Select deployment pipeline, and then click Add.

      trigger stage deploy

      We have added a trigger for the deployment pipeline. Now our build and deploy pipeline are complete.

      manual run stage

Task 6: Add Parameters

We will add build version to the parameters, so we can track each individual build using its build number. Navigate to the build pipeline we created in Task 5.1, go to the Parameters, add Name as “version”, Default value as “0”, Description as “version for artifact” and click the Plus sign to add the parameter to the build.

parameter stage

Task 7: Test

Go to the build pipeline we have created and click Start manual run.

manual run stage

You can see run logs as below.

manual run stage



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