
Install Oracle Estate Explorer tool in Windows Environment for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure


Oracle Estate Explorer is a tool that enables customers to programmatically evaluate groups of Oracle databases for migration readiness. It is mainly designed to be run on database estates that are managed with Oracle Enterprise Manager, although it is possible to benefit from the tool for databases that are managed by other solutions.

Oracle Estate Explorer enables small, medium, and large estates of databases to be explored, analyzed, and prioritized in a highly automated, rapid, and flexible way. The output from Oracle Estate Explorer provides a high-level estate overview of the tested group of databases, ranks them according to their alignment with Oracle Autonomous Database prerequisites and delivers a graded relative effort of any remediation required.

The tool is completely open for any code review, modification and use by customers. It is developed and maintained by Oracle Database Product Management team. Customer is fully responsible to license all required and used by Oracle Estate Explorer components – specifically Oracle database.


Install Oracle Estate Explorer tool in Windows environment for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)

Image 1


Task 1: Download SQLcl and Configure it Locally (Windows machine)

  1. Download SQLcl.

    Image 2

  2. Configure system variable path in the advanced system settings.

    Image 3

    Image 4

Task 2: Download Oracle Estate Explorer Latest Software and Configure it Locally (Windows machine)

  1. Download and unzip the Oracle Estate Explorer latest software.

    Image 5

  2. Configure the local location where you want to have the oee_install_on_cloud folder.

  3. Edit the connect_to_db.sql file.

    Image 6

    Image 7

  4. Edit the connect_to_oee.sql file.

    Image 8

  5. Edit the set_config.sql file.

    Image 9

Task 3: Open a Terminal Locally

  1. Set SQLPATH to the oee_install_on_cloud project folder like SET SQLPATH =Path/oee_install_on_cloud.

    Image 10

  2. Run sql /nolog command.

  3. When SQL is prompted, to uninstall everything, run @oee_clean.sql.

    Image 11

  4. Run @oee_install.sql command.

    Image 12

Task 4: Launch Oracle APEX

  1. Go to APEX Application Development, APEX Instances, APEX Instance Details and click Launch APEX.

    Image 13

  2. Enter the Workspace, MPACK_OEE User and Password. Image 14

  3. Click App Builder.

    Image 15

  4. Click Oracle Estate Explorer V2.x.

    Image 16

  5. Click Run Application.

    Image 17

  6. Log in to Oracle Estate Explorer with the MPACK_OEE user and password. Image 18

Once logged in, the Home screen provides an overview of the available database catalogs. A database catalog includes high-level properties of all target Oracle Databases (which are managed by Oracle Enterprise Manager or other tool).

Image 19

Image 20


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