
Monitor Applications using OCI Application Performance Monitoring and OpenTelemetry


Monitoring applications that vary in stack components can often be challenging. A unified approach to monitor these components allows for end-to-end visibility and insight into issues that may arise. OpenTelemetry is an industry standard for collecting trace, metric, and log data for most programming languages. It can provide powerful insights when combined with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Observability and Management services such as OCI Application Performance Monitoring and OCI Logging Analytics.

Diagram showing OpenTelemetry data flow.

OCI Application Performance Monitoring provides deep visibility into the performance of applications and provides the ability to diagnose issues quickly to deliver a consistent level of service. This includes the monitoring of the multiple components and application logic spread across clients, third-party services, and back-end computing tiers, on-premises or on the cloud.

Diagram showing OCI Application Performance Monitoring service overview.

OCI Logging Analytics is a cloud solution in OCI that index, enrich, aggregate, explore, search, analyze, correlate, visualize, and monitor all log data from applications and system infrastructure. Gain powerful insights from log data using curated AI/ML models built within OCI Logging Analytics.

Diagram showing OCI Logging Analytics service overview.

OpenTelemetry has various implementations for different programming languages and is constantly being updated or developed. The purpose of using this framework is to have an unified and standardized way to collect and send monitoring data.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to instrument an application with OpenTelemetry and export the collected data to OCI services such as OCI Application Performance Monitoring and OCI Logging Analytics.



GitHub Example

If you would like to implement monitoring for MERN/MEAN/MEVN application(s), use the GitHub repository oci-observability-and-management. This repository includes files to:

Task 1: Configure OCI Application Performance Monitoring

  1. Create an OCI Application Performance Monitoring (APM) domain

    Note: Review the OCI Application Performance Monitoring documentation for prerequisite tasks.

    1. Log in to the OCI Console and navigate to Observability & Management, Application Performance Management, Administration to open OCI Application Performance Monitoring administration page.

    2. Click Create APM Domain and enter a domain name. Note the following information found in the OCI Application Performance Monitoring domain page.

      • Data upload endpoint: URL for sending data to OCI Application Performance Monitoring.

      • Public data key: Used with the OCI Application Performance Monitoring browser agent.

      • Private data key: To connect with data collectors such as OpenTelemetry.

      Image showing OCI Application Performance Monitoring domain details.

  2. Instrument an Application

    To monitor an application’s frontend, instrument the OCI Application Performance Monitoring browser agent. For more information, see Browser/Client Instrumentation Steps.

    Server Instrumentation

    • To get end-to-end traces, context propagation is needed from the frontend traces of a browser/client to the server. One thing to keep in mind when doing so is ensuring there are HTTP headers to provide the context. By default, OpenTelemetry uses W3C (traceparent) to automatically propagate the context. There are other header types which can be used but need to be accounted in the application code.

      Diagram HTTP header data for context propagation.

    • Be sure to add the following code with the snippet of JavaScript that runs the browser/client instrumentation.

      window.apmrum.traceSupportingEndpoints = [ { headers: [ 'W3C'], hostPattern: '.*' } ];
    • Instrument the automatic instrumentation or manual backend depending on what is available, see steps for your programming language.

    Examples in GitHub

Task 2: Configure OCI Logging Analytics

  1. Send Application Logs

    Send application logs to OCI Logging Analytics which enables to correlate traces, metrics and logs to gain complete visibility of the application. Logging can be enabled using standard logging libraries and custom log appender. Log appender must be built to send the logs using OCI provided SDK or REST endpoints as shown.

    Diagram showing log data flow.

  2. Create an API Signing Key

    1. Go to the OCI Console and navigate to User, User Settings.

    2. Select API Keys under Resources.

    3. Click Add API Key, Generate API Key Pair, Download Private Key and Add.

    4. Copy the content from Configuration File Preview and click Close.

      Image of a configuration file preview in OCI.

  3. Create a Configuration File

    Create a directory (.oci) and a config file with content from configuration file preview and path to private key file. Below is an example of the configuration file.

    user= [User OCID]
    fingerprint= [API Key Fingerprint]
    tenancy= [Tenancy OCID]
    region= [Region]
    key_file= [Path to Private Key File]
  4. Create a Log Parser

    1. Go to the OCI Console and navigate to Observability & Management, Logging Analytics, Administration.

    2. Click Parsers, Create Parser and select Type as JSON.

    3. Enter example JSON log content, it will parse and extract fields and map it to specific field names and click Save Changes.

      Image of a log parser configuration in OCI.

  5. Create a Log Source

    1. Go to the OCI Console and navigate to Logging Analytics, Administration, Sources , Create Source.

    2. Enter Source Type as File and Entity Types as Host (Linux).

    3. In Specific Parser, select the parser created in Task 2.4 and click Create Source.

      Image of a log source details in OCI.

  6. Create a Log Group

    1. Go to the OCI Console and navigate to Logging Analytics, Administration, Log Groups, Create Log Group.

    2. Enter Name, Description of log group and click Create.

      Note: Note the Oracle Cloud Identity (OCID) of log group which will be used later.

      Image of a log group's details in OCI.

      Image highlighting a log group OCID in OCI.

      Image highlighting a compartment OCID in OCI.

  7. Get the Namespace Details

    1. Go to the OCI Console and navigate to Identity, Compartments and click on compartment where the log source is created and copy OCID of the compartment.

    2. Open Cloud Shell and run the following command to get the namespace.

      oci os ns get -c compartmentID

    Image showing how to get the namespace details in an OCI console.

  8. Create a Log Appender

    A custom log appender can be built using OCI Logging Analytics SDKs provided for different programming languages like Java, Python, .Net, TypeScript/JavaScript, Go and Ruby or use OCI API Rest endpoints. For more information, see Software Development Kits (SDKs) and API Reference and Endpoints.

    Example in GitHub: Log Appender – JavaScript (MERN Stack).

Make a note of the following parameters required to initialize and send logs to OCI Logging Analytics from the above steps.

Once the log records are created for different log levels (debug, info, warn and error) through log appender, it will be sent to OCI Logging Analytics, and you can view the log records in Log Explorer as shown below.

Log Explorer view in OCI Logging Analytics.

Task 3: Correlate Traces and Logs

OpenTelemetry includes TraceId and SpanId in the log records and this allows to directly correlate logs and traces that correspond to the same execution context. Application traces and spans flows into OCI Application Performance Monitoring and logs into OCI Logging Analytics service. OCI Application Performance Monitoring provides an easy way to navigate from traces and spans to logs in OCI Logging Analytics in one click using a drilldown configuration.

Drilldowns are links to other services in OCI or other custom services using customizable URLs including attributes from spans (for example: loganalytics/explorer?search=<OciInstanceId> where ociInstanceId is a span attribute). Follow the steps below to configure drilldowns in OCI Application Performance Monitoring.

GIF showing an example drilldown from OCI Application Performance Monitoring to OCI Logging Analytics.

Task 4: Create a Custom Dashboard

Once tracing data and metrics are in OCI, use that data to visually represent it. Creating a custom dashboard is easy, just drag-and-drop the widgets needed and modify the source data (metric, trace, or log data).

For more information on custom dashboards, see:

Example dashboard that was created for a MERN application.

Image showing an custom dashboard in OCI Application Performance Monitoring.


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