
Configure and protect an Oracle Integration (Process) Custom Endpoint with OCI WAF


Oracle Integration is a fully managed, preconfigured environment that gives you the power to integrate your cloud and on-premises applications, automate business processes, gain insight into your business processes, develop visual applications, use an SFTP-compliant file server to store and retrieve files, and exchange business documents with a B2B trading partner.

Use Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Web Application Firewall (OCI WAF) to protect applications from malicious and unwanted internet traffic. WAF can protect any internet facing endpoint, providing consistent rule enforcement across a customer’s application.


Configure and protect an Oracle Integration instance with Custom Endpoint against malicious traffic from the Internet using OCI Firewall.

This tutorial will follow the Oracle Integration reference architecture recommendations for using the WAF and allowlist as suggested by the documentation.

Solution Architecture

More information can be found at: Provisioning and Administering Oracle Integration Generation 2.


Task 1: Create the Oracle Integration instance

  1. To create a new Oracle Integration instance via the Web Console, go to the Developer Services menu and click Integration.

    Create OCI Integrator

  2. On the Integration instances screen, select the compartment where the instance will be created and click Create instance.

    Select the compartment

  3. A screen for creating the instance will appear. Fill in the instance name, select the Oracle Integration version (Gen 2) and click Create.

    Fill the required information

    Note: The other items can be configured according to the needs of your environment. In this tutorial, we leave the default values.

  4. After creation is finished, the instance will be available. Click on the instance name to view details.

    View instance details

  5. To validate the functioning of your Oracle Integration instance, after accessing the details of your instance, click Service console.

    Open the Service Console of your instance

  6. A new browser tab will open and you will have access to the Oracle Integration home screen.

    Check your access

Task 2: Set up OCI Vault, DNS and SSL certificate

Once the Oracle Integration instance is created, create the Custom Endpoint for your instance. The Custom Endpoint will allow you to access the Oracle Integration interface using a private domain, for example:


To create the Custom Endpoint, follow these 5 steps:

  1. Create a VCN with a public subnet
  2. Create a CNAME entry in the custom DNS pointing to the Oracle Integration endpoint
  3. Create an SSL certificate for the new link (example, oic.<exampledomain>.com)
  4. Create an OCI Vault where the certificate will be stored
  5. Perform Custom Endpoint configuration on your Oracle Integration instance

Task 2.1: Create a VCN and public subnet in your compartment

  1. To create a VCN, open the services menu of your OCI web console and click Virtual Cloud Networks.

    Create a VCN

  2. Once inside the Networking page, check if you are in the correct compartment and click Start VCN Wizard.

    Start Wizard

    • Create your VCN according to the requirements of the environment you are building. Oracle Integration requires a public subnet to be created and service gateways to be available (NAT Gateway).

      Create your VCN accordingly

    • The VCN will be used during the creation of the Oracle Integration Custom Endpoint.

      Important: Make a note of your VCN’s OCID as it will be used for WAF configuration on Oracle Integration.

Task 2.2: Create a CNAME entry in custom DNS for the Oracle Integration endpoint

You must now access your domain’s DNS configuration environment to create a CNAME entry that will point to your Oracle Integration. When we configure the WAF, this CNAME entry will be changed, but it is important to create it at this time so that we can import the SSL certificate that will be used for encryption in transit of access to your Oracle Integration.

  1. Go back to the Oracle Integration service page in your OCI console.

    Create a CNAME at your proprietary DNS zone

  2. Within your instance details, note the domain FQDN provided by OCI for accessing the Service Console of your Oracle Integration instance.

    Capture your Oracle Integration FQDN

    • In our example, we will use the FQDN
  3. Create a CNAME in your domain pointing to the FQDN of your Oracle Integration Custom Endpoint.

    Note: It is not in the scope of this tutorial to show how to configure a CNAME in your DNS zone file.

  4. Once you have your FQDN, configure the CNAME of your own domain. After configuration, validate that the CNAME is correctly configured using the command dig.

    $ dig <oic>.<exampledomain>.com

    Example of dig command execution

Task 2.3: Create a SSL certificate for the new domain

Once the CNAME has been created, you must create an SSL certificate in order to enable encrypted Internet traffic for your instance. In this tutorial we will create a self-signed SSL certificate. However, in production environments, the certificate must be valid.

  1. To create the self-signed certificate, let’s first create a private key.

    $ openssl genrsa -out oic-lab.key 2048

    • As a result you will get the private key named oic-lab.key.

    Generate your private key

  2. Now, let’s create the CSR (Certificate Signing Request).

    $ openssl req -key oic-lab.key -new -out oic-lab.csr

    • Fill in the requested information to obtain your .csr file at the end. Note that the “Common Name” must be exactly the FQDN used for our tutorial.

    Generate your certificate signing request

  3. Now that we have the private key (oic-lab.key) and the csr (oic-lab.csr), let’s create the self-signed SSL certificate. To do this, run the command below.

    $ openssl x509 -signkey oic-lab.key -in oic-lab.csr -req -days 365 -out oic-lab.crt

    • This command will generate a self-signed certificate valid for 365 days.

    Generate your self signed certificate

    Now that we have our self-signed certificate, we can import it into an OCI Vault for use within Oracle Integration.

Task 2.4: Create an OCI Vault and import the SSL certificate

Now that we already have the self-signed SSL certificate, we must create an OCI Vault inside the compartment where Oracle Integration is running.

  1. To create the OCI Vault, access the Services menu in your OCI web console.

    Create your OCI Vault

  2. Once the Vault screen is loaded, check if you are in the correct compartment and click Create vault.

    Check compartment and hit create vault button

  3. Fill in the information for creating your Vault correctly, and click Create Vault.

    Fill the correct information needed at vault creation page

  4. After creating the Vault, create your Master Encryption Key.

    Create your Master Encryption Key

    • Before creating the Vault secret that will contain your self-signed certificate, you need to adapt the format of the certificate to be stored in the Vault. This suitability is just the concatenation of your certificate, key, intermediate certificates (if any) and certificate passphrase (if any). The final file format will be in JSON, as shown in the model below:

          "key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n…..-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n",
          "cert": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n….-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n",
          "intermediates": [
              "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n….-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n",
              "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n….-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n"
          "passphrase": "<private key password if encrypted key is provided>"
      • To get to this format with our set of certificates and keys, it will take some processing, because, as you can see, there should be no line breaks either in the key or in the certificate or passphrase.
  5. Use the command below to adjust your key.

    `awk -v RS= '{gsub(/\n+/, "\\n")}1' <seu\_arquivo.key>`

    awk your private key to correctly format your data before store it as a secret at Vault

  6. Copy this value and insert it in the “key” item of the example JSON above. Repeat the process with the file crt.

    awk your crt file to correctly format your data before store it as a secret at Vault

  7. Go back to the OCI web console and click on the Secrets menu of your OCI Vault and then click Create Secret.

    Create a secret

  8. Fill in the fields correctly and in the Secret Contents field, insert the JSON created in the steps above.

    Fill the correct infomation

    1. Fill the information needed at the Secret creation form, select your Master Encryption Key and paste your JSON secret in the Secret Contents field. Once the Secret has been created, let’s create the Oracle Integration Custom Endpoint.

Task 2.5: Configure Custom Endpoint for your Oracle Integration instance

  1. To configure the Oracle Integration Custom Endpoint, return to the Integration page in your OCI web console and access your instance.

    Configure Oracle Integration Custom Endpoint

  2. Click Edit.

    Click Edit

  3. In the Oracle Integration settings edit page, click Show Advanced Settings to view the Custom Endpoint configuration items.

    Click Show Advanced Settings

  4. To proceed with the configuration, enter a name for your Custom Endpoint and select the Secret that contains your SSL certificate stored inside the Vault. Finally, click Save changes.

    Enter a custom endpoint name and save changes

    • Your Oracle Integration instance will change to UPDATING status. Wait until it becomes active again.
  5. Once the instance has returned to the ACTIVE state, click Service Console to test access to your new Custom Endpoint.

    Open Service Console again

    • If everything has been configured correctly, the Service Console will open using the FQDN you configured in your DNS CNAME (Step 2 of Task 2.2).
  6. As in this tutorial, we are using a self-signed SSL certificate, it is expected that the browser issues an alert stating that the certificate cannot be verified. However, note that your Custom Endpoint’s FQDN is already in use.

    Access your custom endpoint using your proprietary DNS

  7. Once accessed, your Oracle Integration console should display, which indicates that your Custom Endpoint is working correctly.


Note: If you use a valid SSL certificate, the browser warning message about the validity of your certificate will not be issued.

Task 3: Configure WAF and Oracle Integration AllowList

Now that we have the Custom Endpoint up and running, let’s configure the WAF rule and Oracle Integration allowlist to protect access from Layer 7 attacks.

Before creating and configuring OCI WAF to protect Oracle Integration against external attacks, let’s first configure the Oracle Integration allowlist to restrict which source IP addresses can access the Custom Endpoint we just created. The idea is that only the WAF OCI CIDR has access permissions. In this way, we will be able to restrict external access to the Oracle Integration instance and, consequently, tunnel all external access only via the WAF.

To create the allowlist correctly, we will first need to capture the service CIDR that the WAF OCI uses in the region where we configure our Oracle Integration.

Task 3.1: Find your OCI region’s CIDR

Task 3.2: Find your region’s WAF CIDR

Note the addresses you find so that we can now include these records in the Oracle Integration allowlist.

Task 3.3: Configure AllowList in Oracle Integration

  1. Now that we have the WAF OCI public addresses, let’s create the allowlist within Oracle Integration. To do so, go back to your instance screen, click on the Network access menu and then click Edit.

    Creating allow list at Oracle Integration

  2. Fill in the information with the CIDRs obtained in the previous steps and also the OCID of the VCN that was created in Task 2.2.1.

    Fill the required information

  3. Once the allowlist is configured, only the WAF CIDR will be able to directly access the console. All other accesses coming via the Internet, must go through the WAF.

  4. To validate this, try to access your Oracle Integration Service Console. If everything is configured correctly, you will get a 403 Forbidden message in your browser.

    403 Forbidden message

Let’s configure the WAF to allow this access to be monitored and protected.

Task 3.4: Configure the OCI WAF Edge Rule

Initially we will need, also in the WAF, to create the record of the SSL certificate that will be used to provide secure HTTPS access to the Oracle Integration console.

  1. From your OCI web console menu, click Edge Policy Resources.

    Go to Edge Policy Resources

  2. On the service page, click Create Certificate.

    Create Certificate

  3. A page for configuring the digital certificate will open. Fill in the requested information and upload the .crt and .key file created in step 2.2.3 above.

    Fill the correct information

    Note: The Self signed certificate option is selected because the SSL certificate we created is self-signed. If you are going to use a valid certificate, this option must be unchecked.

  4. Once the certificate is created, go back to the Web Application Firewall menu to create a WAF policy that will protect the already configured Oracle Integration endpoint. To do this, in the Policies menu, click Create WAF policy.

    Create WAF Policy

  5. Click on the link for a “legacy workflow” rule to be created.

    Click the legacy workflow link

  6. A new menu will open and you will have to fill in the requested information correctly.

    Fill the requested information


    1. Name: Fill in a name for your policy.
    2. WAF Policy Compartment: Select in which compartment your policy will be created.
    3. Primary Domain: FQDN of the instance you created in your DNS.
    4. Origin Name: A name that will identify the URL where the WAF will send external user accesses.
    5. URI: The FQDN of your Oracle Integration instance (the same as the one configured in the CNAME in step 2.2.2 above).
    6. After filling in the items, click Create Edge policy. A new screen will appear with the details of your policy. Wait until the policy status is “ACTIVE”.

Now, to finish, we will need to perform the WAF protection rules configuration and, also, we will need to reconfigure the DNS CNAME to an FQDN belonging to the WAF infrastructure.

Task 3.5: Configure the OCI WAF protection rules

  1. Once your Edge Policy is created, you will need to set some parameters to protect access to your Oracle Integration instance via WAF. To do this, within your WAF Policy, click on the Settings menu, and then click Edit on the General Settings tab.

    Set the correct parameters

  2. Select the Enable HTTPS Support option and select the certificate you created in step 3.3. Click Save changes.

    Enable HTTPS Support

  3. After configuring the WAF to use the SSL certificate, you can configure the “Access Control” policy and the “Protection Rules”. These rules will provide the necessary security so that access to the Oracle Integration console is protected. WAF OCI has predetermined rules that can be used initially in its configuration, and it is also possible to customize rules according to the needs of your business. Customizing WAF rules is not in the scope of this procedure.

    • Access Control creation

      1. To configure the Access Control, click on the Access Control menu and then click Add access rule.

        Configure Access Control

      2. Within the Access Control configuration screen, fill in the items correctly and click Add access rule. Note that for this tutorial, we will create a rule that will allow access to the Oracle Integration console page only from IP addresses coming from Brazil.

        Add access rule

    • Creation of Protection Rules

      1. To carry out the configuration, click on the Protection Rules menu, then click on the Rules tab, and enable the policies you want. Click on the service menu of each rule and put it in Block.

        Create a Protection Rule

        • Select as many rules as necessary. In this tutorial, we will only enable Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) rules for demonstration purposes.
      2. Once the WAF protection rules are enabled, click on the Unpublished changes menu and then click Publish all.

        Publish the changes

Applying WAF rules takes approximately 10-15 minutes.

Task 3.6: Set the CNAME to the FQDN of the WAF

Once the “Protection Rules” of your WAF are configured, you can change the CNAME of your private domain so that all requests addressed to it are forwarded to the WAF and no longer to the Custom Endpoint of Oracle Integration.

  1. To do this, go to your WAF Policy page and copy the CNAME address that you must configure in your DNS.

    Copy the WAF FQDN and paste at the CNAME configuration in your proprietary DNS zone

  2. Copy this address and change the DNS pointing within your zone. After changing your DNS, run the command below to validate that the configuration is correct.

    $ dig <oic>.<exampledomain>.com

    Example of dig command

Task 3.7: Configure the Oracle Integration Application Role

One last step before testing access to Oracle Integration via the WAF is to change the Application Role of Oracle Integration to grant access to users correctly. Without this, users will not be able to access the Oracle Integration console.

  1. In your OCI web console, click Domains and access your Identity Domain configuration.

Change application role at Oracle Integration configuration

Note: If you have not set up a custom Identity Domain, then you will be using the domain called default. In this tutorial, we are using the default domain.

  1. In the Domains page, click default.

    Click on your identity domain link

  2. Once inside the default domain page, click on the “Oracle Cloud Services” menu and then click on the link for your ICO instance:

    Click on Oracle Cloud Services link

  3. Within your instance’s configuration page, click on the Application Roles menu to view the existing roles within the Oracle Integration application. In each of the roles, it is possible to assign users or groups of users, thus allowing detailed management of access profiles to the Oracle Integration environment.

    Click Application Roles

Task 4: Test and validate

After you finish applying your WAF policy and configuring your domain’s CNAME to point to the WAF’s FQDN, you can finally test that everything is working correctly.

  1. Access your endpoint’s URL via the FQDN of your domain. The Oracle Integration console page should display.

    Access your Oracle Integration URL again

  2. To validate the filtering performed by the WAF, access your policy configuration page and click on the Logs menu.

    Validate waf is working correctly

  3. To validate the operation of the WAF, we can test a simple XSS attack via URL in the browser.


    Simple XSS attack

  4. Finally, access the WAF log and see the record of blocking unauthorized access motivated by the XSS attack.

    Check WAF logs

    You now have an Oracle Integration environment available on the Internet and protected by the OCI WAF.

Before using this material, we recommend reading the reference links and official documentation for administering Oracle cloud environments.


Author - Rodrigo Pace de Barros (Oracle LAD A-Team Cloud Security Solution Engineer)

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