
Sign Kernel Modules for Use With UEFI Secure Boot

This tutorial explains how to sign your own modules to use with UEFI Secure Boot on Oracle Linux with Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel installed. The tutorial also explains how to add your own certificate to the kernel’s trusted certificate keyring in the case that you are using a UEK R6 kernel prior to UEK R6U3; and also how to use the mokutil utility to update the UEFI boot shim with the signing certificate.

This tutorial is intended for developers who are performing software testing. Do not use the procedures in this tutorial on production systems supported by Oracle.



At the end of this tutorial, you should be able to do the following:

Installing Required Packages

  1. Run the following commands based on your Oracle Linux system.

    • Oracle Linux 8

      sudo dnf update
      sudo dnf group install "Development Tools"
      sudo dnf install kernel-uek kernel-uek-devel keyutils mokutil pesign
    • Oracle Linux 7

      sudo yum-config-manager --enable ol7_optional_latest
      sudo yum update
      sudo yum group install "Development Tools"
      sudo yum-config-manager --enable ol7_UEKR6 && yum-config-manager --disable ol7_UEKR5
  2. Reboot the system.

Creating a sample custom kernel module

For the purpose of this tutorial, we create and build a sample custom kernel module. In most cases, the module is already provided by an external vendor and this step is not necessary. The process described here is for illustrative purposes.

  1. Create a ~/hello directory.

  2. Create the file ~/hello/hello.c with the following entries:

    #include <linux/module.h>  
    #include <linux/kernel.h>  
    #include <linux/init.h>
    MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Hello World Linux Kernel Module");
    static int __init hello_init(void)
      printk(KERN_INFO "Hello world!\n");  
      return 0;
    static void __exit hello_exit(void)  
      printk(KERN_INFO "Unloading Hello world.\n");  
  3. Create the file ~/hello/Makefile with the following entries:

    obj-m += hello.o
      make -C /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build M=$(PWD) modules
      make -C /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build M=$(PWD) clean
      cp hello.ko  /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/extra  
  4. Build and then install the module.

    cd ~/hello
    make && sudo make install
  5. Test the module.

    sudo modprobe hello
    modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'hello': Operation not permitted

    If the system is running in Secure Boot mode, modprobe fails because the module is not yet valid.

Creating local certificates and signing the module

  1. Create an OpenSSL configuration file to create a local signing certificate.


    cat >>/tmp/x509.conf <<EOF
    [ req ]
    default_bits = 4096
    distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
    prompt = no
    string_mask = utf8only
    x509_extensions = extensions
    [ req_distinguished_name ]
    O = Module Signing Example
    CN = Module Signing Example Key
    emailAddress =
    [ extensions ]

    For the O, CN, and emailAddress fields, enter values that are more appropriate.

  2. Generate a new private/public key pair based on the new configuration.

    Note that the certificate is valid for 10 years (3,650 days).

    mkdir ~/certs
    cd ~/certs
    openssl req -x509 -new -nodes -utf8 -sha512 -days 3650 -batch -config /tmp/x509.conf -outform DER -out pubkey.der -keyout priv.key
    Generating a RSA private key
    writing new private key to 'priv.key'
  3. Export the certificate in PEM format.

    openssl x509 -inform DER -in pubkey.der -out pubkey.pem
  4. Create a PKCS#12 version of the certificate.

    Specify the export password when prompted.

    openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey priv.key -in pubkey.pem -name cert -out cert.p12
    Enter Export Password:
    Verifying - Enter Export Password:
  5. Sign the module using the key you just generated.

    cd ~/certs
    sudo /usr/src/kernels/$(uname -r)/scripts/sign-file sha512 priv.key pubkey.der /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/extra/hello.ko
  6. With the modinfo command, verify that the module is signed with the key that you created.

    modinfo hello
    filename:       /lib/modules/5.4.17-2036.103.3.1.el8uek.x86_64/extra/hello.ko
    description:    Hello World Linux Kernel Module
    author:         A.Developer
    license:        GPL
    srcversion:     D51FB4CF0B86314953EE797
    retpoline:      Y
    name:           hello
    vermagic:       5.4.17-2036.103.3.1.el8uek.x86_64 SMP mod_unload modversions 
    sig_id:         PKCS#7
    signer:         Module Signing Example Key
    sig_key:        AB:2C:E3:AB:87:D9:9C:6A:31:B8:80:20:D4:92:25:F3:9A:26:DC
    sig_hashalgo:   sha512
    signature:      9F:B0:25:CB:14:C1:C7:10:7F:60:1E:E6:66:82:64:58:91:1F:01:A5:

Adding the certificate to the kernel trusted keyring (UEK R6U2 and below)

You do not need to perform this step if you are running UEK R6U3 or later. The Secure Boot implementation in UEK R6U3 is updated to allow module loading for modules signed with keys that are in the MOK database. For UEK R6 releases prior to UEK R6U3, modules are only able to load if the keys with which they are signed are in the kernel’s built-in trusted keyring.

  1. Create an NSS database to use with pesign.

    cd ~/certs
    certutil -d . -N
    Enter a password which will be used to encrypt your keys.
    The password should be at least 8 characters long,
    and should contain at least one non-alphabetic character.
    Enter new password:
    Re-enter password:
  2. Add the PCKS#12 key to the database.

    cd ~/certs
    pk12util -d . -i cert.p12
    Enter Password or Pin for "NSS Certificate DB":
    Enter password for PKCS12 file:
  3. Insert the key into the kernel’s bzImage.

    Note: Only a single additional custom certificate can be added to the kernel because the compressed size of the kernel’s boot image cannot increase.

    cd ~/certs
    sudo /usr/src/kernels/$(uname -r)/scripts/insert-sys-cert -s /boot/$(uname -r) -z /boot/vmlinuz-$(uname -r) -c pubkey.der
    INFO:    Executing: gunzip <vmlinux-ceDv0X >vmlinux-rFFumH
    WARNING: Could not find the symbol table.
    INFO:    sym:    system_extra_cert
    INFO:    addr:   0xffffffff828915d6
    INFO:    size:   8194
    INFO:    offset: 0x1c915d6
    INFO:    sym:    system_extra_cert_used
    INFO:    addr:   0xffffffff828935d8
    INFO:    size:   0
    INFO:    offset: 0x1c935d8
    INFO:    sym:    system_certificate_list_size
    INFO:    addr:   0xffffffff828935e0
    INFO:    size:   0
    INFO:    offset: 0x1c935e0
    INFO:    Inserted the contents of pubkey.der into ffffffff828915d6.
    INFO:    Used 1481 bytes out of 8194 bytes reserved.
    INFO:    Executing: gzip -n -f -9 <vmlinux-rFFumH >vmlinux-5wHA2r
  4. Remove the existing PE signature and re-sign the kernel with the new one by using the NSS database password that you created previously.

    cd ~/certs
    sudo pesign -u 0 -i /boot/vmlinuz-$(uname -r) --remove-signature -o vmlinuz.unsigned
    sudo pesign -n . -c cert -i vmlinuz.unsigned -o vmlinuz.signed -s
    Enter Password or PIN for 'NSS Certificate DB":
  5. Copy the signed kernel back to /boot.

    cd ~/certs
    sudo cp -bf vmlinuz.signed /boot/vmlinuz-$(uname -r)

Enrolling the certificate into the UEFI Secure Boot key database

For UEK R6 kernels prior to UEK R6U3, you must enroll the key that was used to sign the kernel image into the MOK database. For all other kernels, the key that is used to sign the module itself is enrolled into the database. These keys might be the same if you used the same key to sign the module and the kernel.

Note: For more information about using the mokutil utility, see

  1. Add the appropriate key as a Machine Owner Key (MOK) to the UEFI boot shim. The mokutil import command prompts you to enter a password that you will need to provide in the next step.

    sudo mokutil --import pubkey.der
    input password:
    input password again:
  2. Reboot your machine.

    On reboot, the UEFI SHIM should automatically start MokManager which is used to add the MOK key to the UEFI Secure Boot key database.

    1. Press a key to perform MOK Management.
      Be sure to press a key within 10 seconds to interrupt the boot process to add your MOK key.
    2. Select Enroll MOK.
    3. Select View key 0.
    4. Verify that the key matches the values you want.
    5. Press any key, then select continue.
    6. Select Yes to enroll the key.
    7. Provide the password used when you imported the key using mokutil.
    8. Select reboot.
  3. Verify that the certificate is installed in the trusted keyring.

    sudo keyctl show %:.builtin_trusted_keys
     892034081 ---lswrv      0     0  keyring: .builtin_trusted_keys
     367808024 ---lswrv      0     0   \_ asymmetric: Oracle CA Server: fbcd3d4d950c6b2b0e01f0a146c5a4e3855ae704
     230958440 ---lswrv      0     0   \_ asymmetric: Module Signing Example Key: a43b4e638874b0656db2bc26216f56c0ac39f72b
     408597579 ---lswrv      0     0   \_ asymmetric: Oracle America, Inc.: Ksplice Kernel Module Signing Key: 09010ebef5545fa7c54b626ef518e077b5b1ee4c
     839574974 ---lswrv      0     0   \_ asymmetric: Oracle Linux Kernel Module Signing Key: 2bb352412969a3653f0eb6021763408ebb9bb5ab
  4. Verify that the module can load successfully.

    sudo modprobe hello
    lsmod | grep hello
    hello                  16384  0
    dmesg | tail -2
    [  108.848848] hello: loading out-of-tree module taints kernel.
    [  108.849191] Hello world! 

Known Issues

The following kernel versions on Oracle Linux 7 may have issues accepting a new certificate while maintaining the same (or smaller) compressed size for the resulting vmlinuz file. It is recommended that you update to the latest available UEKR6 release before starting this process.

The compression issue is not observed in the equivalent versions of these kernels on Oracle Linux 8.

For more information

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