Add Custom Knowledge for Data Enrichment

Add custom knowledge to Oracle Analytics to augment the system knowledge. For example, you might add a custom knowledge reference that classifies prescription medication into USP drug categories Analgesics or Opioid.

Custom knowledge enables the Oracle Analytics semantic profiler to identify more business-specific semantic types and make more relevant and governed enrichment recommendations.
Before you start, download your custom knowledge reference files (in CSV format) and make them available locally for upload. You can also create your own custom knowledge reference files in CSV format. See Custom Knowledge Recommendations.
  1. In the Oracle Analytics Home page, click the Navigator, and then click Console.
  2. Click Reference Knowledge.
  3. Under Custom Knowledge, click Add Custom Knowledge.
  4. In the Open dialog, navigate to and select your custom knowledge CSV file, then click Open.
  5. In the Create Custom Knowledge from dialog, specify a name, verify the upload options, then click OK.

    The Custom Knowledge page lists the new file with the Include option selected. When content authors enrich datasets, Oracle Analytics presents enrichment recommendations based on this data.