Configure for Display and to Process Data in Views

You can configure various options that change the display and processing of data in views.

See also Use Fusion Middleware Control to Set Configuration Options for Data in Tables and Pivot Tables and Use Fusion Middleware Control to Set the Maximum Number of Rows Processed to Render a Table View.

This section contains the following topics:

Manually Configure for Data in Views

You can configure various options that change the processing and display of data in views.

See the following sections:

Manually Configure Cube Settings for Pivot Tables and Graphs

You can use settings within the Cube element to affect the display and processing of data in pivot tables and graphs. The settings also take effect for XMLA export.

  1. Open the instanceconfig.xml file for editing, located in:


  2. Locate the Cube section, in which you must add the following elements:
    • CubeMaxRecords — Specifies the maximum number of records that are returned by an analysis for the view to process. This roughly governs the maximum number of cells that can be populated in a view; unpopulated cells in a sparse view don't count. The default is 40000.

    • CubeMaxPopulatedCells — Specifies the maximum number of cells that are returned by an analysis for the view to process. This must be an appropriate value related to CubeMaxRecords.

  3. Include the elements and their ancestor elements as appropriate.

    For example, if a table has 10 columns and 1,000,000 rows, the number of cells is 10,000,000:

        <MaxCells>10000000</MaxCells> ===> for table
        <MaxCells>10000000</MaxCells> ===> for pivot
       <ResultRowLimit>1000000</ResultRowLimit> ==> no of rows


    Both CubeMaxRecords and ResultRowLimit limit the number of rows returned. The limit is determined by the setting with the larger value (see Use Fusion Middleware Control to Set the Maximum Number of Rows Processed to Render a Table View).
  4. Save your changes and close the file.
  5. Restart Oracle Analytics Server.

Manually Configure Settings for Data in Views

You can configure a similar group of settings that affects the display of data in table, pivot table, graph, trellis, narrative, ticker, and treemap views.

While the settings are often the same, you must include the element within each appropriate parent element to override the default setting that applies to that view, for example, many of the views use the MaxVisiblePages element. You must include that element within each of the Table, Pivot, Trellis, Charts, and Treemap parent elements, to override the default value of that setting for each of those view types.

  1. Open the instanceconfig.xml file for editing, located in:


  2. Locate the Table, Pivot, Trellis, Charts, Narrative, Ticker, and Treemap parent sections, in which you must add the elements that are described in the table below.
  3. Include the elements and their ancestor elements as appropriate, as shown in the following example:

    Note that this example doesn't include elements that might exist in the file, but that are centrally managed by Fusion Middleware Control and can't be changed manually.

  4. Save your changes and close the file.
  5. Restart Oracle Analytics Server.
About Common Elements that Affect the Display of Data in Views

You can use common elements to affect the display of data in views

The table describes the common elements that affect the display of data in views. If a user exceeds these values, then the Oracle BI Server returns an error message when the view is rendered.

Element Description Default Value Applicable Views


Specifies the default number of rows to display in views in analyses and dashboards. This number shouldn't exceed the number that's specified for the MaxVisibleRows element.

30 (10 for Simple Trellis)

Narrative, Pivot Table, Table, Trellis


Specifies the default number of rows that can be included in the view when it's displayed on a dashboard.

100 for Simple Trellis; 250 for Advanced Trellis, Table, and Pivot Table

Pivot Table, Table, Trellis


Specifies the default number of rows that can be included in the view when it's downloaded, such as to a PDF file.

65000 (6500 for Simple Trellis; 10000 for Advanced Trellis)

Pivot Table, Table, Trellis


Specifies the default number of rows that can be included in the view when it's downloaded to a CSV file.

For this to work, ODBC ResultRowLimit must be set to the same value.




Specifies the maximum number of cells or for a treemap, the maximum number of groups and tiles, to be displayed in a view. For pivot tables, tables, and trellises, this number shouldn't exceed the product of MaxVisibleColumns times MaxVisibleRows, which is what the system attempts to render.

50000 (1000 for Simple Trellis; 5000 for Treemap)

Pivot Table, Table, Trellis, Treemap


Specifies the maximum number of pages that can be included in the view when it's displayed on a dashboard.


Pivot Table, Table, Trellis


Specifies the maximum number of records that can be included in the view.


Narrative, Ticker


Specifies the maximum number of columns to be displayed in a view.

2000 (75 for Simple Trellis; 150 for Advanced Trellis, 300 for Pivot Table)

Graph, Pivot Table, Trellis


Specifies the maximum number of view prompts (or pages in PDF) to be displayed in a view.

1000 (10000 for Treemap)

Graph, Pivot Table, Table, Trellis, Treemap


Specifies the maximum number of sections to be displayed in a view.

This element doesn't apply when a slider is in place for a graph. The SectionSliderDefault and SectionSliderLimit elements apply to limit section values when a slider is in place. See Manually Configure Graphs and Gauges.

25 (10 for Simple Trellis; 50 for Advanced Trellis and Treemap)

Graph, Pivot Table, Table, Trellis, Treemap


Specifies the maximum amount of data that's sent to the browser for a single graph.



Manually Configure Settings to Fetch Data for Table Views, Pivot Table Views, and Trellis Views

You can use settings within the GridViews element (such as DefaultRowFetchSlicesCount) to specify how data is fetched for table views, pivot table views, and trellis views that use scrolling as the method to browse data.

Content designers specify the method to use to browse data (either scrolling or paging controls) in a table view, pivot table view, or trellis view in the Table Properties dialog: Style tab, the Pivot Table Properties dialog, or the Trellis Properties dialog: General tab, respectively. See Visualizing Data in Oracle Analytics Server.

  1. Open the instanceconfig.xml file for editing, located in:


  2. Locate the GridViews parent section, in which you must add the elements that are described in the table below.
  3. Include the elements and their ancestor elements as appropriate, as shown in the following example:
  4. Save your changes and close the file.
  5. Restart Oracle Analytics Server.
About Common Elements that Affect the Fetch of Data in Views

You can use common elements to affect the fetch of data in views

The table describes the common elements for fetching data.

Element Description Default Value


Specifies the maximum number of rows to be used in calculating the size of the scrolling view when it's initially displayed. When a user scrolls to the last row in the view, a link to fetch more rows (if there are more) is displayed.



Specifies the maximum number of columns to be used in calculating the size of the scrolling view when it is initially displayed. When a user scrolls to the last column in the view, a link to fetch more columns (if there are more) is displayed.



Specifies the number of rows to be returned to the client on an AJAX request (that is, when a user scrolls such that a request needs to be made to the server to get more rows into the table view, pivot table view, or trellis view).



Specifies the number of columns to be returned to the client on an AJAX request (that is, when a user scrolls such that a request needs to be made to the server to get more columns into the table view, pivot table view, or trellis view).



Specifies the default maximum width of table views, pivot table views, and trellis views in pixels.

Content designers can override this value using the Maximum Width field in the properties dialog for the view.



Specifies the default maximum height of table views, pivot table views, and trellis views in pixels.

Content designers can override this value using the Maximum Height field in the properties dialog for the view.



Specifies the Data View scrolling of table views, as follows:
  • true: sets reports to show the output with Data View as 'Fixed headers with scrolling content'

  • false: sets reports to show the Data View as 'Content Paging'.


Manually Configure Graphs and Gauges

You can configure various options that change the display of graphs, including funnel graphs, and gauges.

These views types are also affected by the settings that are described in Manually Configure for Data in Views.

  1. Open the instanceconfig.xml file for editing, located in:


  2. Search for the Charts sections, in which you must add the elements that are described in the table below.
  3. Include the elements and their ancestor elements as appropriate, as shown in the following example:
  4. Save your changes and close the file.
  5. Restart Oracle Analytics Server.

Configuration Settings for Graphs

You can use configuration settings for graphs.

The table describes the configuration settings for graphs.

Element Description Default Value


See Configure Fonts for Graphs for details.



Specifies the default type for rendering an image when a format hasn't been specified in the URL or in the XML file for the view. Valid values are:

  • flash

    In a browser that doesn't support the flash format, the image doesn't render. You should use the html5 value instead.

  • png (W3C Portable Network Graphics)

  • svg (W3C Scalable Vector Graphics)

    The svg value isn't supported in this update, so flash is used if svg is specified.

  • html5

    In a browser that doesn't support the html5 format, the image renders in the flash format instead.

Flash, png, and html5 images provide the greatest degree of interaction because they support mouse-over behaviors (such as popup data labels), navigation, and drilling.

DefaultWebImageType is honored for graphs only when renderFormat="default" in the report xml.



Specifies the default number of values that can be displayed on a section slider bar. A section slider displays members of one or more attribute or hierarchical columns as values on a rectangular bar and provides mechanisms to select a value.

For more information about defining section sliders in graphs, gauges, and funnels, see User's Guide for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.



Specifies the maximum number of values that can be displayed on a section slider bar.



Specifies the name of the source for downloading the Flash plug-in. The default download source for the Flash plug-in is the vendor's website. In some organizations, users are instructed to download the latest Flash software from a corporate location instead of the vendor's website. You can modify the setting to point to another location that holds the Flash code base. Then, when users view a graph and a newer version of the Flash software is available on the corporate server, they can be prompted to download the newer version.

vendor's web site


Specifies a custom global identifier (clsid) property for downloading Flash.

After modifying the Flash download directory using the FlashCodeBase element, you can enable a download prompt by creating a new classID for the Flash ActiveX control to add a custom global identifier property. You can obtain the current global identifier property from any computer where Oracle BI Presentation Services graphing is being used. (The global identifier property used by Oracle Analytics Server is D27CDB6E-AE6D-11CF-96B8-444553540000.) The custom global identifier property must contain the same number of characters and dashes as the global identifier used in the default Flash ActiveX control.

Test flash graphs independent of Oracle Analytics Server to ensure that they function with the custom global identifier property.

No default value

Configure Fonts for Graphs

There are two ways you can configure fonts for graphs.

  • Set the embed fonts element

  • Deliver font files for printing

Set the Embed Fonts Element

By default, graphs rely on users to have the appropriate device fonts installed on their system to display multilingual text in the graphs. When users enable rotation on O1 axis labels, the graphs can look unattractive at certain angles. The labels appear obscured without any anti-aliasing. You can set the EmbedFonts element to true to specify the use of embedded fonts instead of device fonts, which resolves this display issue.

Be aware that the use of embedded fonts can cause a loss of fidelity. Whenever end users select fonts, they see the Oracle-licensed Albany WT plain fonts by default. Because the graphing engine does not provide embedded fonts for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean locales, users with those locales might obtain unattractive results for label rotation.

Deliver Font Files for Printing

If you plan to print graphs in bi-directional languages to PDF or graphs in Chinese, Japanese, or Korean to PNG images, then you must deliver required font files (.TTF) as follows:

  • To print graphs in bi-directional languages to PDF, you must deliver the Albany family of fonts to this Java Runtime Environment (JRE) directory:


    where JAVA.HOME is the directory name as specified by the "java.home" system property.

  • To print graphs in Chinese, Japanese, or Korean to PNG images, you must deliver the font file that contains all the needed glyphs to this JRE directory:


For more information about font configuration files, see your Java documentation.

Configure Graph and Gauge Rendering

You can use the DefaultWebImageType element to specify the default type for rendering an image when a format hasn't been specified in the URL or in the XML file for the view.

Valid values are:

  • flash

    In browsers that don't support flash format, the graph or gauge won't render. You should use the html5 value instead.

  • png (W3C Portable Network Graphics)

  • svg (W3C Scalable Vector Graphics)

    The svg value isn't supported in this update, so flash is used if svg is specified.

  • html5

    In browsers that support only the flash format, the graph or gauge renders in flash format.

Flash and SVG images provide the greatest degree of interaction because they support mouse-over behaviors (such as popup data labels), navigation, and drilling.

Manually Change Alternating Bar Color

Both tables and pivot tables can have colored bars on alternating lines. Such formatting is sometimes called "green bar styling," and the default color for these alternating bars is green. For pivot tables, content designers can control formatting features when editing tables and pivot tables, including whether alternating bar color is enabled.

As the administrator, you can change the default color for alternating bars, by editing a style configuration file. To change the color, edit the views.css file in the b_mozilla_4 folder, as shown in the following list. Change the six-digit hexadecimal color value to a new color value.

  • Tables use the CSS selector:

    .ECell (for even-numbered rows)

    .OCell (for odd-numbered) rows.

  • Pivot tables use the CSS selector:

    .PTE (for odd-numbered rows)

The option for enabling the alternating bars is in the Edit View dialog and is labeled Enable alternating row "green bar" styling. If you change the color of the bars, then you might also want to change the label to indicate the color that you have set.

To change the label in the dialog for both the table and pivot table, open the tableviewmessages.xml file and find this entry:

WebMessageName = "kmsgTableViewEnableGreenbarReporting"

Copy the entry and the text line under it to a custom messages file in the custom messages folder, and change the text line appropriately. For example:

WebMessageName = "kmsgTableViewEnableGreenbarReporting"
<TEXT>Enable alternating row "RED bar" styling</TEXT>"

Manually Configure for Interactions in Views

You can configure various options that change the way that right-click interactions are handled in views for an analysis at runtime.

You can also set in the Console, see View Options.

The elements in the instanceconfig.xml file specify the default settings for a new or updated analysis. You can edit the properties of an analysis in Presentation Services to modify how the analysis handles right-click interactions in views.

  1. Open the instanceconfig.xml file for editing, located in:
  2. Locate the sections in which you must add the elements that are described in the table below.
  3. Include the elements and their ancestor elements as appropriate, as shown in the following example:
  4. Save your changes and close the file.
  5. Restart Oracle Analytics Server.

Configuration Settings for Interactions in Views

You can use configuration settings for interactions in views.

The table describes the configuration settings for interactions in views.

Element Description Default Value


Specifies whether the Add/Remove Values option is selected by default in the Analysis Properties dialog: Interactions tab.



Specifies whether the Create/Edit/Remove Calculated Items option is selected by default in the Analysis Properties dialog: Interactions tab.



Specifies whether the Drill (when not a primary interaction) option is selected by default in the Analysis Properties dialog: Interactions tab.



Specifies whether the Create/Edit/Remove Groups option is selected by default in the Analysis Properties dialog: Interactions tab.



Specifies whether the Include/Exclude Columns option is selected by default in the Analysis Properties dialog: Interactions tab.



Specifies whether the Move Columns option is selected by default in the Analysis Properties dialog: Interactions tab.



Specifies whether the Display/Hide Running Sum option is selected by default in the Analysis Properties dialog: Interactions tab.



Specifies whether the Display/Hide Sub-totals option is selected by default in the Analysis Properties dialog: Interactions tab.



Specifies whether the Sort Columns option is selected by default in the Analysis Properties dialog: Interactions tab.
