Localize Data Visualization

As the administrator, you perform various tasks to localize Data Visualization.

Localize Data Visualization Workbook Captions

You can localize the names of custom Data Visualization workbook captions. For example, you might localize a customized workbook name into Spanish and French.

To localize the names of Data Visualization workbook captions, you export captions for the Data Visualization workbook to a file, translate the captions, and then upload the translated captions back into the workbook. You must upload your translations to the same Oracle Analytics environment that you exported the captions from.

If you want to migrate caption localizations to a different Oracle Analytics environment, you can export your workbook captions to a snapshot and then import the snapshot on the target environment. Caption translations are included in the snapshot.

Export Workbook Captions

You can export workbook captions so that they can be translated.

  1. On the Home page, click the Navigator, and then click Console.
  2. Click Translations.
  3. Click the Export tab.
  4. Expand Shared Folders, select the folder containing the Data Visualization workbook caption files to localize, for example, \Shared Folders\OAC_DV_SampleWorkbook.
  5. Click Export to download and save the exported captions.zip file, containing the .JS files that you want to localize, to the browser's download folder.

Localize Workbook Captions

After you have exported your Data Visualization workbook captions, you deliver the captions.zip file containing language-specific JS caption files for each supported language, to the localization team. For example, if you're localizing the French captions file, the file that you update might be named @/Shared Folders/DataVizWorkbookFolderNameExample/WorkbookNameExample/NLS/fr/captions.js.

You and the localization team are responsible for resolving any errors in the translated text strings. Consider that the contents of the workbook are updated whenever objects are added, deleted, or modified.

  1. Browse to the workbook captions ZIP file that you exported, and extract the language-specific JS file that you want to update.
  2. Open the extracted language-specific JS file for editing.
  3. Enter translated names into the appropriate caption elements to replace the existing text strings.
    For example, if you created a visualization title caption in Canvas 2 named Sales performance by product category, you edit and replace the English text with the French translation which is Performance des ventes par categorie de produits.

    The French captions.js file before translation:
    Description of dv_localize_workbook_english.png follows
    Description of the illustration dv_localize_workbook_english.png

    The French captions.js file after translation:
    Description of dv_localize_workbook_french.png follows
    Description of the illustration dv_localize_workbook_french.png

  4. Save the updated language-specific JS file and then add it to the exported translated captions ZIP file.
  5. Optional: You can also use this method to import localized Classic catalog caption .XML files. You can add translated .XML files under the top level directory of the exported translated captions ZIP file. and zip them up together for import.
    For example:
    • ar/_shared_Common_captions.xml
    • cs/_shared_Common_captions.xml
    • ...
    • zh-TW/_shared_Common_captions.xml

Import Localized Workbook Captions

After you've localized your Data Visualization workbook captions in the required language, you deploy the language by uploading the translated ZIP file to the same Oracle Analytics environment that you exported the workbook captions from.

  1. In the Oracle Analytics Home page, click the Navigator, and then click Console.
  2. Click Translations and click the Import tab.
  3. Click Select a file or drop it here, and browse for, or drag and drop the ZIP file containing the translated JS file that you want to import.
  4. Click Import.
Oracle Analytics displays translated language-specific text strings in a browser that's suitably configured to use the correct captions file for the required language.