Prepare to Use the Catalog Utility

The catalog utility is installed in the following location:


Configure the Environment

You must configure each environment in which you run the catalog utility.

  1. Set the environment variables to the values in the following list:
    • path = ($HOME/BIPCatalogUtil/bin $path)

    • BIP_LIB_DIR = $HOME/BIPCatalogUtil/lib

    • BIP_CLIENT_CONFIG = $HOME/BIPCatalogUtil/config

    • JAVA_HOME = $HOME/java/jdk1.6.0_18

    The following example shows setting the environment variables for C-shell:

    % set path = ($HOME/BIPCatalogUtil/bin $path)
    % setenv BIP_LIB_DIR $HOME/BIPCatalogUtil/lib
    % setenv BIP_CLIENT_CONFIG $HOME/BIPCatalogUtil/config
    % setenv JAVA_HOME $HOME/java/jdk1.6.0_18
  2. Edit xmlp-client-config.xml. This configuration file is located under the BIPCatalogUtil/config directory.

    Specify the Publisher instance URL ("bipurl") and the user name and password of the Publisher instance from which you must export or to which you must import.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "">
            <comment>BIP Server Information</comment>
        <entry key="bipurl"></entry>
            <entry key="username">OPERATIONS</entry>
        <entry key="password">welcome</entry>

    If you do not want to store this information in the configuration file, then at the time of import/export you can also set the bipurl, username, and password as parameters in the command line to overwrite values defined in xmlp-client-config.xml.