Export the Reporting Objects

Use the export command to export either a single reporting object or a set of reporting objects under a specified folder.

Export commands:

  • -export — Use this command to export a single report object.

  • -exportfolder — Use this command to export a folder and its contents.

The table below describes the supported parameters for the -export and -exportfolder commands.

Parameter Used With Description


-export -exportfolder

The path to the object in the catalog. If there're spaces in any of the names, use the '+' sign as a substitute.



The destination directory in which to place the extracted reporting objects.



The base directory into which to place subfolders of extracted reporting objects. When present, data models are saved to {basedir}/datamodels; reports are saved to {basedir}/reports; style and subtemplates are saved to {basedir}/templates.


-export -exportfolder

The default is false, which means that the utility exports the reporting object in a zip format that contains all the related files such as '.xdo', '.rtf', and '.cfg'. Use the default option of exporting the reporting object to a zip format to handle the international characters. If you set the value to 'true', then the utility exports the reporting object-related files under the specified target folder.



When you specify a folder as the "catalogpath" parameter, you can use this "subfolders"' parameter to control whether to download all subfolder content. If you specify true, then all reporting objects in all subfolders are downloaded. If you specify false, then subfolder contents are not downloaded.


-export -exportfolder

Specify true to overwrite existing objects in the target area.

Example Export Command Lines

Refer to the examples below on how to use the utility to export the reporting objects.

Export a Single Report in Archive Format

The following example exports the reporting object in a zip format. The zip file contains all the reporting object related files such as .xdo, .rtf, .cfg, and so on.

To extract a report in archived format use the ".xdoz" extension for the target. To extract a data model, use the ".xdmz" extension.

$ BIPCatalogUtil.sh -export catalogpath=/Samples/Financials/Balance+Letter.xdo target=/home/bipub/reports/BalanceLetter.xdoz extract=false

Export a Single Report with Files Extracted

The following example extracts the reporting object-related files to a directory named "/home/bipub/reports/BalanceLetter". Existing files are overwritten.

$ BIPCatalogUtil.sh -export catalogpath=/Samples/Financials/Balance+Letter.xdo target=/home/bipub/reports/BalanceLetter extract=true overwrite=true

Export a Set of Reports to a Specified Folder

The following example extracts all the reporting objects under the "/Samples" folder and its subfolders in the catalog.

Data models are saved under {basedir}/datamodels. Reports are saved into {basedir}/reports. Style and subtemplates are saved into {basedir}/templates.

$ BIPCatalogUtil.sh -exportfolder catalogpath=/Samples basedir=/home/bipub/samples subfolders=true extract=true overwrite=true