Import the Reporting Objects

Use the import command to import either a single reporting object or a set of reporting objects under a specified folder.

Supported parameters for the import command:

  • catalogpath - Specify the catalog path to where you want to import the reporting object only when you want to override the default information. If you do not specify this parameter, then the reporting object is imported to the same location where it was originally exported from.

  • source - The directory where the reporting object is located. Use this parameter when you're importing a single report.

  • basedir - The directory that contains multiple reports or data models to be imported. Specify this parameter when importing a set of reports or data models.

  • overwrite - Specify 'true' to overwrite existing objects in the target area.

Typically, you import the reporting object to where it was originally exported from. When you export the reporting object with the utility, it generates a metafile (.meta) that contains the catalog path information. The utility uses this information to import the reporting object to the original location. To import the objects into a different location, you can override the original catalog path location by specifying the catalogpath parameter.

Example Import Command Lines

Refer to the following examples on how to use the utility to import reports.

Import a Report to an Original Location

The following example imports a report to a catalog path saved in its metafile (.meta). Existing reports are overwritten.

$ -import source=/tmp/Financials/BalanceLetter overwrite=true

Import a Report to a New Location

The following example imports a report into a new location in the catalog.

$ -import source=/home/bipub/reports/BalanceLetter catalogpath=/Production/Financials/Balance+Letter+Report.xdo 

Import a Zipped Report

The following example imports a zipped reporting object to an original location in the catalog.

$ -import source=/home/bipub/reports/BalanceLetter.xdoz overwrite=true

Import a set of Reporting Objects Under a Specified Folder

The following example imports all the reports under the base directory (basedir) into the original locations in the catalog.

$ -import basedir=/Users/bipub subfolders=true overwrite=true