Generate Translation Files and Checking for Translatability

The catalog utility supports the -xliff command to generate a translatable XLIFF file for a specific file.

The table below describes the supported parameters for generating XLIFF files.

The source file can be the report definition (.xdo) file, an RTF template file (.rtf), or a Publisher layout template file (.xpt). When the source is the .xdo file, the generated XLIFF file includes all user-entered strings from the report definition interface, for example: description, layout names, parameter names.

Parameter Description


The path to the report or template file (RTF or XPT) for which to generate the XLIFF file.


The location to save the generated .xlf document.


The directory to place the generated .xlf files into.

Generate a Translation File for a Report Definition File (.xdo)

The following example generates an XLIFF file for a single report definition file.

$ -xliff source=/home/bipub/reports/Balance+Letter/Balance+Letter.xdo target=/home/bipub/reports/Balance+Letter/Balance+Letter.xlf

To save the XLIFF to a base directory:

$ -xliff source=/home/bipub/reports/Balance/Balance+Letter.xdo basedir=/home/bipub/reports/Balance+Letter/

Generate a Translation File for an RTF Template

The following example generates an XLIFF file for a single RTF template file.

$ -xliff source=/home/bipub/reports/Balance+Letter/Balance+Letter+Template.rtf target=/home/bipub/reports/Balance+Letter/Balance+Letter+Template.xlf

To save the XLIFF to a base directory:

$ -xliff source=/home/bipub/reports/Balance/Balance+Letter+Template.rtf basedir=/home/bipub/reports/Balance+Letter/