Set Up a JDBC Connection to the Oracle BI Server

Make sure all prerequisites have been met before setting up a JDBC Connection o the Oracle BI Server.


If you installed Publisher with the Oracle Analytics Server, then this data source is automatically configured.

To add the Oracle Analytics Server server as a JDBC data source, follow the guidelines in Set Up a JDBC Connection to a Data Source with these specific guidelines.

Note that if Oracle BI Server is SSL-enabled, then you must copy the keystore to Publisher and provide it in the connection string.

The entries for Database Driver Class and Connection String must be as follows:

Database Driver Class —

Connection String — The appropriate connection string depends on your specific deployment. Clustered and SSL-enabled deployments require specific parameters to construct the URL. For example, if the Oracle BI Server is SSL-enabled, then you must copy the keystore to Publisher and provide it in the connection string.

The URL for the connection string requires the following format:

<URL>:= <Prefix>: [//<Host>:<Port>/][<Property Name>=<Property Value>;]* 


<Prefix> — The string jdbc:oraclebi

<Host> — The hostname of the analytics server. It can be an IP Address or hostname. The default is localhost.

<Port> — The port number that the server is listening on. The default is 9703.

<Property Name>:= <Catalog>|<User>|<Password>|<SSL>|<SSLKeyStoreFileName> |<SSLKeyStorePassword>|<TrustAnyServer>|<TrustStoreFileName >|<TrustStorePassword>|<LogLevel>|<LogFilePath>|<PrimaryCCS>|<PrimaryCCSPort>| <SecondaryCCS>|<SecondaryCCSPort> 

Valid property values are:

<Catalog>  — Any catalog name available on the server. If the catalog is not specified, you see the default. If the catalog name is not found in the server, then it still uses the default catalog and issues a warning during connect.

<User> — Specifies the user name for the Oracle BI Server.

<Password> — Specifies the password for the Oracle BI Server for the user name.

<SSL> True|False — Default is False. Specifies if the JDBC driver uses SSL or not. If true, then driver checks whether SSLKeyStoreFileName is readable; if not, it issues an error message.

<SSLKeyStoreFileName> — Specifies the name of the file that store the SSL Keys. This file must exist in the local file system and be readable by the driver.

<SSLKeyStorePassword> — Specifies the password to open the file pointed to by SSLKeyStoreFileName.

<TrustAnyServer> - True | False — The default is False. If SSL is set to "True" the property specifies whether to check the trust store for the server. If TrustAnyServer is set to "False", the driver verifies that TrustStoreFileName is readable.

<TrustStoreFileName> — If TrustAnyServer is set to false, this property is required to specify the trust store file name.

<TrustStorePassword> — If TrustAnyServer and TrustStoreFileName are specified, this property specifies the password to open up the file specified by TrustStoreFileName.

<LogLevel> — Specifies the log level. Valid values are


<LogFilePath> — Specifies the file path of the desired logging destination. Default is %TEMP% on windows, $TMP on UNIX. Driver needs to have write permission on the file. It creates a new entry marked as _0, _1 if the same file name exists.

<PrimaryCCS> — (For clustered configurations) specifies the primary CCS machine name instead of using the "host" to connect. If this property is specified, the "host" property value is ignored. The jdbc driver tries to connect to the CCS to obtain the load-balanced machine. Default is localhost.

<PrimaryCCSPort> — Specifies the primary CCS port number running on the PrimaryCCS machine. Default is 9706.

<SecondaryCCS> — Specifies the secondary CCS machine name instead of using the "host" to connect. If this property is specified, then the jdbc driver tries to connect to the CCS to obtain the load-balanced machine. Default is localhost.

<SecondaryCCSPort> — Specifies the secondary CCS port number running on the secondary machine. Default is 9706.

Following is an example connection string for a clustered deployment with SSL enabled:


Use System User — you must select this box to use the BISystem User. When you select this box, Publisher will use the BISystem Username and password to connect to the Oracle BI Server. The Username and Password fields are no longer editable.

Username — leave blank

Password — leave blank

Use Proxy Authentication — (Required) select this box. Proxy authentication is required.