Translate Templates

You can translate the RTF and Publisher (.xpt) templates from the Properties page.

Template translation includes:

  • RTF templates

  • RTF sub templates

  • Style templates

  • Publisher templates (.xpt)

To access the Properties page, click the Properties link for the layout in the Report Editor, as shown below.

From the Properties page you can generate an XLIFF file for a single template. Click Extract Translation to generate the XLIFF file.

Generate the XLIFF File from the Layout Properties Page

Generate the XLIFF file for report layout templates, style templates, and sub templates.

  1. To generate the XLIFF file for report layout templates, perform these steps.
    1. Navigate to the report in the catalog and click Edit to open it for editing.
    2. From the thumbnail view of the report layouts, click the Properties link of the layout (RTF or XPT) to open the Layout Properties page.
    3. In the Translations region, click Extract Translation.

      Publisher extracts the translatable strings from the template and exports them to an XLIFF (.xlf file).

    4. Save the XLIFF to a local directory.
  2. To generate the XLIFF file for style templates and sub templates, perform these steps.
    1. Navigate to the style template or sub template in the catalog and click Edit to open the Template Manager.
    2. In the Translations region, click Extract Translation.

      Publisher extracts the translatable strings from the template and exports them to an XLIFF (.xlf file).

    3. Save the XLIFF to a local directory.

Translate the XLIFF File

When you download a XLIFF file, it can be sent to a translation provider, or using a text editor, you can enter the translation for each string.

A "translatable string" is any text in the template intended for display in the published report, such as table headers and field labels. Text supplied at runtime from the data is not translatable, nor is any text that you supply in the Microsoft Word form fields.

You can translate the template XLIFF file into as many languages as desired and then associate these translations to the original template.

Upload the Translated XLIFF File to Publisher

You can run the Template Manager to upload the translated XLIFF file to Publisher.

  1. Navigate to the report, sub template, or style template in the catalog and click Edit to open it for editing.

    For reports only:

    From the thumbnail view of the report layouts, click the Properties link of the layout to open the Template Manager.

  2. In the Translations region, click the Upload toolbar button.
  3. In the Upload Translation File dialog, locate the file in the local directory and select the Locale for this translation.
  4. Click OK to upload the file and view it in the Translations table.