Use a Localized Template

You can create localized templates for reports.

If you need to design a different layout for the reports that you present for different localizations, then you can create new RTF file designed and translated for the locale and upload this file to the Template Manager.

The localized template option is not supported for XPT templates.

Design the Localized Template File

Use the same tools that you used to create the base template file, translating the strings and customizing the layout as desired for the locale.

Upload the Localized Template to Publisher

Upload localized template files in rtf format to Publisher.

  1. Navigate to the report, subtemplate, or style template in the catalog and click Edit to open it for editing.

    For reports only:

    From the thumbnail view of the report layouts, click the Properties link of the layout to open the Template Manager.

  2. In the Templates region, click the Upload toolbar button.
  3. In the Upload Template File dialog, locate the file in the local directory, select rtf as the Template Type and select the Locale for this template file.
  4. Click OK to upload the file and view it in the Templates table.