Import an .rpd or .zip File Into Your Semantic Model

Another developer can export a semantic model as an .rpd or .zip that you then upload into the semantic model on your environment.

When you import an .rpd or .zip file, you can choose to replace all content or add content and replace matching objects in the semantic model on your environment.
Oracle recommends that you use export and import to share files with other developers, but not for collaborative semantic model development. Exporting and importing a model creates a copy of the model, and developers who import the model aren't working on the same version of the model. For collaborative model development use permissions or Git. See About Collaborative Semantic Model Development.
  1. On the Home page, click Navigator and then click Semantic Models.
  2. In the Semantic Models page, click a semantic model to open it.
  3. In the semantic model editor, click Page Menu, and then select Import.
  4. In Import From File, choose if you want to replace all content or add content and replace matching objects in the semantic model on your environment.
  5. Click Select to browse for and select the .zip or .rpd file to import.
  6. Click Import.
  7. Click Save.