Create Datasets Using SQL Queries

These topics explain how to create datasets using SQL queries.

Enter SQL Queries

Use these steps to enter SQL queries.

To enter an SQL query:
  1. Click New Dataset and then click SQL Query.
  2. In the dialog to create a new dataset, enter a name for the dataset.
  3. The data source defaults to the default data source that you selected on the Properties page. If you aren't using the default data source for this dataset, select the Data Source from the list.

    You can also use your private data source connections as data sources for SQL query datasets.

  4. Select Standard SQL from the Type of SQL drop-down list. Standard SQL is used for normal SELECT statements interpreted to understand database schema.
  5. Enter the SQL query or click Query Builder to launch the Query Builder page.
  6. If you are using Flexfields, bind variables, or other special processing in your query, edit the SQL code returned by the Query Builder to include the required statements.

    If you include lexical references for text that you embed in a SELECT statement, then you must substitute values to get a valid SQL statement.

  7. After entering the query, click OK to save. For Standard SQL queries, the data model editor validates the query.

    If your query includes a bind variable, you're prompted to create the bind parameter. Click OK to have the data model editor create the bind parameter.

Use the SQL Query Builder

Use the Query Builder to build SQL queries without coding. The Query Builder enables you to search and filter database objects, select objects and columns, create relationships between objects, and view formatted query results with minimal SQL knowledge.

This section describes how to use the Query Builder and includes the following topics:

Overview of the Query Builder

The Query Builder page is divided into an Object Selection pane and a design and output pane.

  • Object Selection pane contains a list of objects from which you can build queries. Only objects in the current schema are displayed.

  • Design and output pane consists of four tabs:

    • Model — Displays selected objects from the Object Selection pane.

    • Conditions — Enables you to apply conditions to your selected columns.

    • SQL — Displays the query.

    • Results — Displays the results of the query.

Build a Query Using Query Builder

You can build a query using Query Builder.

To build a query using Query Builder:
  1. Select a schema.

    The Schema list displays all available schemas in the data source. You might not have access to all schemas in that list.

  2. Add objects to the Design pane and select columns.

    The Object Selection pane lists the tables, views, and materialized views from the selected schema. For an Oracle Database, the pane also lists synonyms. When you select an object from the list, it's displayed on the Design pane. Use the Design pane to specify how to use selected objects in the query.

    You might need to use the Search field to enter a search string.  If the data source includes more than 100 tables, use the Search features to locate and select objects.

  3. Optional: Establish relationships between objects.
  4. Add a unique alias name for any duplicate column.
  5. Optional: Create query conditions.
  6. Execute the query and view results.

Supported Column Types

Columns of all types display as objects in the Design pane. You can't select more than 60 columns for each query.

Supported Column Type Restrictions
Binary Large Object (BLOB) The BLOB can be an image, text, or XML data. When you execute the query in the Query Builder, the BLOB doesn't display in the Results pane; however, the query is constructed correctly when saved to the data model editor. BLOB data isn't supported for an Oracle BI EE data source due to limitations of the BIJDBC driver.

Use an RTF template if you want to use a BLOB data column with an Image data type.

Character Large Object (CLOB) Publisher doesn’t support querying of CLOB columns in an Oracle Analytics Server data source.

Add Objects to the Design Pane

Select each object you want to add to the Design pane.

  • When you add an object, an icon representing the data type displays next to each column name.

  • When you select a column, it appears on the Conditions tab. The Show check box on the Conditions tab controls whether a column is included in query results. Be default, this check box is selected.

  • To select the first twenty columns, click the small icon in the upper left corner of the object and then select Check All.

  • You can also execute a query by pressing the CTRL + ENTER keys.

To add objects to the design pane:
  1. Select an object.
  2. Select the check box for each column to include in your query.
  3. To execute the query and view results, select Results.

Remove or Hide Objects in the Design Pane

You can remove or hide objects in the Design pane of Query Builder.

  1. To remove an object, click Remove in the upper right corner of the object.
  2. To temporarily hide the columns within an object, click Show/Hide Columns.

Query Conditions

Conditions enable you to filter and identify the data you want to work with.

As you select columns within an object, you can specify conditions on the Conditions tab. You can modify the column alias, apply column conditions, sort columns, or apply functions.

Condition Attribute Description


The condition modifies the query's WHERE clause. When specifying a column condition, you must include the appropriate operator and operand. All standard SQL conditions are supported. For example:



IN (SELECT dept_no FROM dept)



Specifies the functions. Available argument functions include:




Group By

Specifies the columns to be used for grouping when an aggregate function is used. Only applicable for columns included in output.

As you select columns and define conditions, Query Builder writes the SQL for you. To view the underlying SQL, select the SQL tab.

Create Relationships Between Objects

You can create relationships between objects by creating a join. A join identifies a relationship between two or more tables, views, or materialized views.

About Join Conditions

When you write a join query, you specify a condition that conveys a relationship between two objects. This condition is called a join condition.

A join condition specifies how the rows from one object combine with the rows from another object.

Query Builder supports inner, outer, left, and right joins.

  • An inner join, also called a simple join, returns the rows that satisfy the join condition.

  • An outer join extends the result of a simple join.

    An outer join returns all rows that satisfy the join condition and returns some or all of those rows from one table for which no rows from the other satisfy the join condition.

Join Objects Manually

Create a join manually by selecting the Join column in the Design pane.

  1. From the Object Selection pane, select the objects you want to join.
  2. Identify the columns you want to join.

    You create a join by selecting the Join column adjacent to the column name. The Join column displays to the right of the data type. When your cursor is in the appropriate position, the following help tip displays:

    Click here to select column for join

  3. Select the appropriate Join column for the first object.

    When selected, the Join column is darkened. To deselect a Join column, simply select it again or press ESC.

  4. Select the appropriate Join column for the second object.

    When joined, line connects the two columns. An example is shown below.

  5. Select the columns to be included in your query. You can view the SQL statement resulting from the join by positioning the cursor over the join line.
  6. Click Results to execute the query.

Save a Query

Save the SQL query after building it in Query Builder.

  1. In Query Builder, after you've built a query, click Save to return to the data model editor.

    In the data model editor, the query appears in the SQL Query box.

  2. Click OK to save the dataset.

Edit a Saved Query

In the the data model editor, after you save a query from the Query Builder, you can also use the Query Builder to edit the query.

If you've made modifications to the query, or didn't use the Query Builder to construct it, you might receive an error when you launch the Query Builder for editing the query. If the Query Builder can't parse the query, you can edit the statements directly in the text box.

You can't edit a customized or an advanced query by using Query Builder.

  1. In the the data model editor, under Data Sets, select the SQL dataset you want to edit.
  2. On the toolbar, click Edit Selected Dataset to launch the Edit Dataset dialog.
  3. Click Query Builder to load the query to the Query Builder.
  4. Edit the query and click Save.

Add a Bind Variable to a Query

After you create a query, you can add a bind variable to the query to pass a parameter to limit the results.

  1. In the Query Builder, click the Conditions tab.
  2. For the column you want to add a bind variable, enter the parameter name in the following format:.

    After you edit the query, the Query Builder can no longer parse it. You must make any additional edits manually.

For example, in the employee listing, you can choose a specific department.

The image shows the columns in the department table.

Add a Bind Variable Using a Text Editor

Use the Data Model Editor to update a SQL query.

  1. In the Edit Data Set dialog box, update the SQL query by adding the following after the where clause in your query:


    for example:


    where P_DEPTNAME is the name you choose for the parameter, as shown below.

  2. Click Save.
  3. In the data model editor, select the parameter that you entered with the bind variable syntax as shown in the image.
  4. Click OK to enable the data model editor create the parameter entry for you.

Add Lexical References to SQL Queries

You can use lexical references in SQL queries to replace the clauses appearing after SELECT, FROM, WHERE, GROUP BY, ORDER BY, or HAVING.

Use a lexical reference when you want the parameter to replace multiple values at runtime. You can also use lexical references to include flexfields in your query. Lexical references are only supported in queries against applications in Fusion Applications Suite.

Create a lexical reference in the SQL query using the following syntax:


  1. Before creating your query, define a parameter in the PL/SQL default package for each lexical reference in the query. The data engine uses these values to replace the lexical parameters.
  2. In the data model editor, on the Properties page, specify the Oracle DB Default Package.
  3. In the data model editor, create a Before Data event trigger to call the PL/SQL package.
  4. Create your SQL query containing lexical references.
  5. When you click OK to close your SQL query, you are prompted to enter the parameter.

    For example, create a package called employee. In the employee package, define a parameter called where_clause:

    Package employee
     where_clause varchar2(1000);
    Package body employee
    where_clause := 'where DEPARTMENT_ID=10';

    Reference the lexical parameter in the SQL query where you want the parameter to be replaced by the code defined in the package, for example:

  6. When you click OK on the Create SQL Dataset dialog box, the lexical reference dialog box prompts you to enter a value for lexical references you entered in the SQL query, as shown in the image that follows. Enter the value of the lexical reference as it's defined in the PL/SQL package.

    At runtime, the data engine replaces &where_clause with the contents of where_clause defined in the package.

About Defining SQL Queries Against the Oracle BI Server

Remember the following points when you define SQL queries against the Oracle BI Server.

  • When you create a SQL query against the Oracle BI Server using the SQL Data Editor or the Query Builder, logical SQL is generated, not physical SQL like other database sources.

  • Hierarchical columns aren't supported. The highest level is always returned.

  • Within a subject area, the join conditions between tables are already created; therefore you don't have to create joins in the Query Builder. The Query Builder doesn't expose the primary key.

    You can link datasets using the data model editor's Create Link function. See Create Element-Level Links. For datasets created from the Oracle BI Server, there's a limit of two element-level links for a single data model.

  • In the Query Builder, the functions Sort Order and Group By shown on the Conditions tab aren't supported for queries against the Oracle BI Server. If you enter a Sort Order or select the Group By check box, the Query Builder constructs the SQL, and writes it to the Publisher SQL Query text box, but when you attempt to close the Dataset dialog, the query fails validation.

    To apply grouping to the data retrieved by the SQL query, you can use the data model editor's Group by function instead. See Create Subgroups.

  • If you pass parameters to the Oracle BI Server and you choose Null Value Passed for Can Select All, make sure you handle the null value in your query.

Define SQL Queries Against the Oracle BI Server

When you launch the Query Builder against the Oracle BI Server, the Query Builder displays the subject areas from the catalog. You can drag the subject areas to the Query Builder workspace to display the columns. Select the columns to include in your data model.

  1. In the data model editor, click New Dataset and then click SQL Query.
  2. Enter a name for the dataset.
  3. From the Data Source list, select the Oracle BI Server connection, usually shown as Oracle BI EE .
  4. Click Query Builder to launch the Query Builder page.

    You can also enter the SQL syntax manually in the SQL Query text box in the data model editor. However, you must use the Logical SQL syntax used by Oracle Analytics.

  5. From the Catalog drop-down list, select a subject area as shown below. The list displays the subject areas defined in the Oracle Analytics.
  6. Select tables and columns for the query.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Click OK to return to the data model editor. The generated SQL is Logical SQL that follows a star schema (that is, it isn't physical SQL).
  9. Save your changes to the data model.

Notes for Queries Against Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications Tables

Special considerations for Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications customers apply when writing queries against the Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications tables

  • You cannot return month name from sysdate using to_char(sysdate,"mon"). This function returns the month number. To display month name, use one of the following solutions:

    • Format the date field in your layout using the following syntax: <?format_date:fieldname;MASK)?>

    • To display month name based on month number, use the following syntax in your layout:

      <?xdoxslt:month_name(month, [abbreviate?], $_XDOLOCALE)?>

      where month is the numeric value of the month (January = 1) and

      [abbreviate?] is the value 0 for do not abbreviate or 1 for abbreviate.

      For example:

      <?xdoxslt:month_name(1, 0, $_XDOLOCALE)?>

      returns January

    • To add an expression in the data model, use the following expression:

      Format_date(date, format_String)

      For example:


      returns Nov (when the current SYSTDATE is November)