Preview a Template

The Preview menu group enables you to preview the RTF template with sample XML data.

From the Preview group, select the output format. If you haven't saved the template as an RTF file, then you are prompted to do so. Ensure that you've loaded sample data to the Template Builder to preview the report.

  • PDF

    You must have Adobe Acrobat Reader version 5.0 or higher installed to preview documents in PDF format.

  • HTML

    Launches the default browser to display the report.


    To use this option, you must have Microsoft Excel 2003 or later. If you have Excel 2007, this option generates the document in .xlsx, the default Office Excel 2007 XML-based file format.

    If you have Excel 2003 this option generates the document in MHTML and opens the document in Excel.

  • EXCEL 2000

    Generates HTML and launches Microsoft Excel to render it. Embedded images such as charts and logos are not supported in this output type. If you do not have Microsoft Excel 2003 or later, use this option.

  • RTF

    Generates the report in Rich Text Format.

  • PowerPoint

    Requires Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 or 2007.