Test Data Models and Generate Sample Data
The data model editor enables you to test your data model and view the output to ensure your results are as expected.
After running a successful test, you can choose to save the test output as sample data for your data model. You can also use the Export feature to export sample data to a file. If your data model fails to run, you can view the data engine log.
To test your data model:
In the data model editor, select the Data tab, as shown below.
For SQL Query, Analysis, and View Object datasets: On the Data tab, select the number of rows to return. If you included parameters, enter the desired values for the test.
Click View to display the XML that is returned by the data model.
Select one of the following options to display the sample data:
Use Tree View to view the sample data in a data hierarchy. This is the default display option.
Use Table View to view the sample data in a formatted table like you see in Publisher reports.
You can create a report based on this data model.
To save the test dataset as sample data for the data model:
After the data model has successfully run, click Save as Sample Data. The sample data is saved to the data model.
To export the test data:
For SQL Query, Analysis, and View Object datasets: On the Data tab, select the number of rows to return.
After the data model has successfully run, click Export. You are prompted to open or save the file to a local directory.
To view the data engine log:
Click View Data Engine Log. You are prompted to open or save the file to a local directory. The data engine log file is an XML file.
To test UCM dataset:
For Content Server, based on the document ID and the content type, the document content is retrieved from the content (UCM) server. However, if the Document ID is empty or null, then the document content will be empty.