Download Repository Command

Use the downloadrpd command to download the repository used by the service instance.

The Download Repository command extracts the repository from the archive (BAR) file for the service instance. Oracle recommends only working with the downloaded repository for offline diagnostic and development purposes such as testing. In all other repository development and maintenance situations, you should use BAR to utilize BAR's repository upgrade and patching capabilities and benefits.

You run the utility through a launcher script, on Linux and datamodel.cmd on Windows.

If the domain is installed in default folder then the location of the launcher script looks like the following:

Oracle_Home/user_projects/domains/Domain_Name/bitools/bin/ or datamodel.cmd on Windows.

See What You Need to Know Before Using the Command.


You must have BI Service Administrator privileges to run the downloadrpd command and issue any of the commands. You must also have membership in the Administrators group in WebLogic security.


The downloadrpd command takes the following parameters:

downloadrpd -O RPDname [-W RPDpwd] -SI service_instance -U cred_username [-P cred_password] [-S hostname] [-N port_number] [-SSL] [-H]


O specifies the name of the repository that you want to download.

W specifies the password for the repository. If you don't supply the password, you're prompted for the password when the command is run. For security purposes, Oracle recommends that you include a password in the command, only when using automated scripting to run the command.

SI specifies the name of the service instance.

U specifies a valid user's name to be used for authentication.

P specifies the password corresponding to the user's name that you specified for U. If you don't supply the password, a prompt displays for the password when the command is run.

S specifies the host name. Only include this option when you're running the command from a client installation.

N specifies the port number. Only include this option when you're running the command from a client installation.

SSL specifies to use SSL to connect to the Oracle WebLogic Server to run the command. Only include this option when you're running the command from a client installation.

H displays the usage information and exits the command. Use -H or run .sh without any parameters to display the help content.

What You Need to Know Before Using the Command

You can learn about the download and upload repository commands, and to the list and update connection pool, rename and delete users and application roles, list and update repository commands.

System Privileges

For either the server installation or client installation, you must have BI Service Administrator privileges to run the command line utility and issue any of the commands.

Passwords in Commands

The commands provide options for including a user's password and a repository passwords. If you don't supply passwords, then you're prompted for passwords when you run the command.

For security purposes, Oracle recommends that you include passwords in the command only if you're using automated scripting to run the command.

Trust Store Key File for SSL

WebLogic Server provides Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) support for encrypting data transmitted between WebLogic Server clients and servers, Java clients, Web browsers, and other servers. When using SSL, you must use the WebLogic Server's trusted keys file if the server is using a self-signed certificate. This is the case when a domain is first created, as the server's identity certificate is generated when the domain is created.

If you replace the WebLogic Server's default self-signed identity certificate with a certificate signed by a recognized signing authority, then the standard Java trusted certificate list validates it and the extra settings aren't needed.

The location of the WebLogic Server's trusted key file is:


The default password for the DemoTrust.jks file is:


The location of the trusted key file and its password are passed to the system properties and For example,

java \$ORACLE_HOME/wlserver/server/lib/DemoTrust.jks \ \
-jar bi-commandline-tools.jar <argsā€¦>

Upon installation, the and data-model-cmd.cmd scripts are delivered with the trusted key file locations included. For server installations, you don't need to update the trusted key file locations.

For client installation, you must put the trusted keys file in the correct location. Oracle recommends that you copy and paste the files from the WebLogic Server to the proper location.

Hostname, Port Number, and Use of SSL

For server installations, the command line utility by default queries the endpoint manager which provides the host name, port number, and whether SSL is available. The user doesn't need to include these options in the command.

For client installation, you must include the S host name, N port number, and SSL, use SSL to connect to the WebLogic Server to run the command options in the commands.