About Updating Row Counts in Native Databases

Learn when you can use the Update Rowcount function.

If the following are true:

  • You're using the Update Rowcount in the Model Administration Tool in offline mode.

  • You're running a heterogeneous environment such as the Oracle BI Server on Linux, while remote administrators run the Model Administration Tool on Windows computers.

When using the Update Rowcount functionality in offline mode, the Model Administration Tool uses local data source connection definitions on the client computer, not the server data sources. Configure Oracle Database client on the Windows computer running the Model Administration Tool so that the following conditions are true:

  • Data sources point to the same database identified in the Oracle BI obis.properties file on the Linux server.

  • The name of the local data source matches the name of the data source defined in the Connection Pool object in the physical layer of the Oracle BI repository (.rpd) file.

If the above conditions aren't true, and if the server and client data sources are pointing at different databases, then erroneous updated row counts or incorrect results appear.