Settings for Data Source Connections Using Native Gateways

Learn about the environment variable settings that you must configure for Oracle Database using native gateways.

For Oracle Database:

  • The Oracle BI Server uses the Oracle Call Interface (OCI) to connect to the database. OCI is installed by default with Oracle Analytics Server. You must use the bundled version to connect.

  • In the tnsnames.ora file, the Oracle Database alias, the defined entry name, must match the Data Source Name used in the repository connection pools of all physical Oracle databases.

    When connecting to an Oracle Database data source, you can include the entire connect string, or you can use the net service name defined in the tnsnames.ora file. If you choose to enter only the net service name, you must set up a tnsnames.ora file in the following location within the environment, so that the Oracle Analytics Server can locate the entry:


  • Edit the file to set environment variables for the database client.

Sample Entries for Oracle Database

This example shows sample entries in for Oracle Database on various platforms.

The shell script excerpts shown are examples only and aren't recommendations for particular software platforms. See Configure Data Source Connections Using Native Gateways.

# Linux: Oracle BI 32 bit mode
#set +u

# Oracle Parameters
# Make sure that Oracle DB 32 bit Client is installed
#export TNS_ADMIN
#export PATH

# If you have Linux 64 bit Platform, and would like to run Oracle BI 32 bit
# then you must install Oracle DB 64 bit client, and this client comes with 
# 32 bit libraries under $ORACLE_HOME/lib32. The LD_LIBRARY_PATH in this case
# shall be like this:
# Oracle Parameters
# Make sure to install Oracle DB 64 bit Client
#export TNS_ADMIN
#export PATH
#export LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64
# Oracle Parameters
#export TNS_ADMIN
#export PATH
#export SHLIB_PATH

# AIX: Oracle BI 64 bit mode
#set +u
# Oracle Parameters
#export TNS_ADMIN
#export PATH
#export LIBPATH

Configure Data Source Connections Using Native Gateways

You can connect to Oracle Database using native gateways.

  1. Open the file located at:


  2. Include the appropriate environment variable settings for the database client of your choice. Ensure that you point to the appropriate libraries, depending on whether you're using a 32-bit or 64-bit database.
  3. Save and close the file.
  4. Restart OBIS1.