Upload Repository Command

Use the uploadrpd command to upload the repository to Oracle BI Server.

Uploading the repository to Oracle BI Server allows BI Server to load the repository into memory on startup and makes the repository available for queries.

You can only upload the repository to a specific service instance.

Oracle provides the downloadrpd and uploadrpd commands for offline repository diagnostic and development purposes such as testing, only. In all other repository development and maintenance situations, you should use BAR to utilize BAR's repository upgrade and patching capabilities and benefits.

You can use this command to upload the Oracle BI repository in RPD format. You can't use this command to upload a repository composed of MDS XML documents.

You run the utility through a launcher script, datamodel.sh on Linux and datamodel.cmd on Windows. If the domain is installed in default folder then the location of the launcher script looks like the following:

Oracle_Home/user_projects/domains/Domain_Name/bitools/bin/datamodel.sh or datamodel.cmd
on Windows.

If the client install doesn't have domain names, the launcher script location is as follows:

Oracle_Home\bi\bitools\bin\datamodel.sh or datamodel.cmd on Windows.

See What You Need to Know Before Using the Command.


The uploadrpd command takes the following parameters:

uploadrpd -I <RPD filename> [-W <RPD password>] [-D] [KG <groups>] [-RG <groups>] -U <cred_username> [-P <cred_password>][SI <service_instance>] [-S <host>] [-N <port>] [-SSL] [-H]


I specifies the name of the repository that you want to upload.

W is the repository's password. If you don't supply the password, then you're prompted for the password when the command is run. Oracle recommends that you include a password in the command only if you're using automated scripting to run the command.

SI specifies the name of the service instance.

U specifies a valid user's name to be used for authentication.

P specifies the password corresponding to the user's name that you specified for U. If you don't supply the password, then you're prompted for the password when the command is run. Oracle recommends that you include a password in the command only if you're using automated scripting to run the command.

S specifies the host name. Only include this option when you're running the command from a client installation.

N specifies the port number. Only include this option when you're running the command from a client installation.

SSL specifies to use SSL to connect to the Oracle WebLogic Server to run the command. Only include this option when you're running the command from a client installation.

H displays the usage information and exits for the command. Use -H or run .sh without any parameters to display the help content.

-D removes all the existing customization groups on the server, for example:

datamodel.sh uploadrpd -I orders.rpd -SI ssi -U weblogic -D

You can select to keep some of the existing groups and other all of the other groups, using -D -KG, for example:

datamodel.sh uploadrpd -I orders.rpd -SI ssi -U weblogic -D -KG "group1, group2" The upload repository command keeps group1 and group2, and deletes any other existing groups.

You can delete some of the existing groups, but keep all of the other groups, using -D -RG, for example:

datamodel.sh uploadrpd -I orders.rpd -SI ssi -U weblogic -D -RG "group1, group2"

The upload repository command deletes group1 and group2, and keeps any other existing groups.


datamodel.sh uploadrpd -I repository.rpd -SI bi -U weblogic -S server1.example.com -N 7777 -SSL