Use the Object Pruning Utility

You must create the input file that contains the list of repository objects to delete, and then, run the object pruning utility at the command line, passing the input file as an argument.

This section contains the following topics:

Create the Input File

The prune utility accepts the list of repository objects you want to delete as a text file.

The utility can accept multiple input files at a time. Object names in the input file must match the fully qualified name that's used in the repository. Wildcards such as "*" and "?" aren't supported in the object name. The syntax rules for the input file are shown in the table.

Object Type Example Action


D "Paint"

Deletes the database named "Paint."


  • T "W_AGREE_D"

  • T "DB"."Catalog"."Schema"."Table"

  • Deletes the table or alias named "W_AGREE_D" from the Physical layer.

  • Deletes the table or alias named "Table" from the schema named "Schema," contained in the catalog named "Catalog," located in the database named "DB," from the Physical layer.



Deletes the column named "AGREE_CD" located in a table or alias named "W_AGREE_D" from the Physical layer.

Initialization block

I "External Metadata Strings"

Deletes the initialization block named "External Metadata Strings."



Deletes the variable named "CURR_USER."

For example, a text file that contains instructions to delete a database named Stock Quotes and a physical column named S_NQ_ACCT"."USER_NAME would include the following entry:

D "Stock Quotes" C "S_NQ_ACCT"."USER_NAME"

Use white space as a delimiter in the input file: a single space, tab, or multiple spaces.

Run the prunerpd Utility

Learn how to use the prunerpd utility.

The location of the prunerpd utility is:



The prunerpd utility accepts the following parameters:

prunerpd -s source_rpd [-p rpd_password] -f input_file -o output_rpd -l output_log_file -e error_log_file [-8]


source_rpd is the name and location of the target repository file.

rpd_password is the repository password for the source repository.

The password argument is optional. If you don't provide a password argument, you're prompted to enter a password when you run the command. To minimize the risk of security breaches, Oracle recommends that you don't provide a password argument either on the command line or in scripts. The password argument is supported for backward compatibility only, and is removed in a future release. For scripting purposes, you can send the password through standard input.

input_file is the input file name, in text format, that contains the list of repository objects to remove. Separate multiple file names by spaces. Enclose spaces within a filename with double quotes (" ").

output_rpd is the name and location of the output repository file, also known as the pruned repository.

output_log_file is the name and location of the output log file. All actions performed on the repository are written to this file, including descriptions. The output log file is in XML format. Other messages such as progress indicators are sent to the standard output stream.

error_log_file is the name and location of the error log file. The pruning utility writes exceptions and errors to this log. The error log file is in XML format. Other errors are sent to the standard output error stream.

-8 specifies UTF-8 encoding.

Use -H or run .sh without any parameters to display the help content.


prunerpd -s C:/OBI/Server/Repository/BIApps.rpd 
-f "C:/Remove Oracle EBS Objects.txt"
-o "C:/OBI/Server/Repository/BIApps Pruned.rpd"
-l "C:/temp/BIApps Prunning.log" -e "C:/temp/ BIApps Prunning.err"
Give password: my_repos_password