Work with Hyperion Financial Management and Hyperion Planning Data Sources

Learn about importing and querying metadata from Hyperion Financial Management and Planning data sources.

This topic contains the following sections:

Import Metadata from Hyperion Financial Management Data Sources

When you import metadata from Hyperion Financial Management data sources, both measures and dimensions are imported into the Physical layer.

The Hyperion Financial Management hypercube model is exposed in the Physical layer in the following ways:

  • Hyperion Financial Management has one measure, called Value. The Value measure is modeled as a single fact column in the Physical layer. The column is called Value.

  • The Value measure column uses the DOUBLE data type.

  • The Value measure has three base properties: CellText, CurrencyType, and Attribute. These properties are all represented as additional fact columns.

  • The Attribute property has additional properties such as IsReadOnly. These properties are exposed as additional columns.

All Hyperion Financial Management dimensions are modeled as parent-child hierarchies in the Physical layer. Alternate hierarchies and unbalanced hierarchies are supported.

Shared members from Hyperion Financial Management or Hyperion Planning data sources aren’t supported. The Oracle BI Server can't support shared members on Hyperion Financial Management sources because the shared member key value returned by HFM doesn't always match the member key value for the parent member. If the Oracle BI Server ignores the prefix for the shared member key, the result negates the uniqueness of the member key making it impossible for the Oracle BI Server to differentiate instances of the shared members and the parent. For example, if Hyperion Financial Management returns the ConsolGroup3.EasternUSA value for a shared member of the parent key value, DomesticEntities.EasternUSA, and the Oracle BI Server removes the ConsolGroup3 prefix to try to match the group members, the instances all have the key, EasternUSA. Modify the data model modified in the Hyperion Financial Management layer to ensure unique member keys on the Hyperion Financial Management server.

Dimension member properties are exposed as columns such as Name, Description, and ShortName. An additional column called Sort Order is also displayed for each dimension. This column contains custom sort information retrieved from the Hyperion Financial Management data source.

Each Hyperion Financial Management dimension has a corresponding Point of View (POV) value that provides customized information for different users. This POV value is exposed as the Default Member in the Hierarchies tab of the Dimension dialog. Although the Default Member field is populated upon import, you might need to update the default values according to your user needs.


Don't select the Default member type ALL option for Hyperion Financial Management hierarchies.

Import Metadata from Hyperion Planning Data Sources

When you import data from Hyperion Planning data sources, both measures and dimensions are imported into the Physical layer.

Hyperion Planning Server version or above is required for importing and querying metadata from Hyperion Planning Data Sources.

The Hyperion Planning model is exposed in the Physical layer in the following ways:

  • The imported Hyperion Planning data source contains multiple Value columns to support measures of different data types.

  • Some measures specific to Hyperion Financial Management aren't imported for Hyperion Planning data sources.

  • The Attribute property has additional sub-properties, such as IsReadOnly. These properties are also exposed as additional columns.

All Hyperion Planning dimensions are modeled as parent-child hierarchies in the Physical layer. Shared members, alternate hierarchies, and unbalanced hierarchies are supported.

Dimension member properties are exposed as columns such as Name, Description, and ShortName. An additional column called Sort Order is also displayed for each dimension. This column contains custom sort information retrieved from the Hyperion Planning data source.

Each Hyperion Planning dimension has a corresponding Point of View (POV) value that provides customized information for different users. This POV value is exposed as the Default Member in the Hierarchies tab of the Dimension dialog. The Default Member field is populated upon import. You might need to update the default values according to the user needs.


Don't select the Default member type ALL option for Hyperion Planning hierarchies.

About Query Support for Hyperion Financial Management and Hyperion Planning Data Sources

Both member queries (dimensional browsing) and data queries (measure analysis) are supported for Hyperion Financial Management and Hyperion Planning data sources.

Use the EVALUATE_PREDICATE Logical SQL function to access these functions specific to Hyperion Financial Management and Hyperion Planning:

  • PeriodOffset used to access prior or future periods through an offset.

  • SuppressDerived, SuppressInvalidIntersection, SuppressNoAccess, SuppressZero, SuppressError NA suppression functions specific to Hyperion Financial Management.

  • Base to return the leaf members below a given ancestor member.

  • CommonChildren.

  • User-defined functions.

Oracle Analytics Server supports PERF_PREFER_SUPPRESS_EMPTY_TUPLES for inserting the SuppressMissing function into the Hyperion Financial Management or Hyperion Planning data query to suppress missing cells. The PERF_PREFER_SUPPRESS_EMPTY_TUPLES function controls whether empty tuples with empty cell values are eliminated. PERF_PREFER_SUPPRESS_EMPTY_TUPLES doesn't change the null suppression behavior on the final result set.

There is no native support for time series functions. Time series functions are only supported through data modeling.