Migrating from Oracle Business Intelligence 11g

Install Oracle Analytics Server in a new server and migrate your metadata and configuration from Oracle Business Intelligence 11g environment to Oracle Analytics Server.

You can use Oracle Analytics Server Console or command line to migrate the metadata and configuration from the Oracle Business Intelligence system to the Oracle Analytics Server system.

Migrating using the Console

Use Oracle Analytics Server Console to migrate the content you created in Oracle BI EE 11g to Oracle Analytics Server. Before you start, download the migration utility.

  1. Download the migration utility.
    1. In Oracle Analytics Server Home page (URL format: https://host:port/dv), click the Navigator and select Console, and then click Snapshots.
    2. Click the Page menu Page menu , select Migrate, and then click Download BI EE 11g Migration Utility. Follow the instructions to save the migration-tool.jar file locally.
  2. Copy the migration utility JAR file to your Oracle BI Enterprise Edition 11g environment.
  3. Run the migration-tool.jar file in your Oracle BI Enterprise Edition 11g environment.


    The JDK version must be JDK 1.8.0_131 or higher. You must verify that a certified JDK already exists on your system by running java -version from the command line.


    java -jar migration-tool.jar out oracle_home domain_home instance_home_optional export_jar_location

    For example:

    java -jar migration-tool.jar out /u01/app/oracle/bi /u01/app/instance/domains/example.com/myDomain /u01/app/instance/BIInstance /tmp/myBIEE11gContentBundle.jar
    The tool exports your content to a file. In this example, the file is named myBIEE11gContentBundle.jar.
  4. Upload your Oracle BI Enterprise Edition 11g bundle and restore the content on Oracle Analytics Server.
    1. In the Oracle Analytics Server Home page (URL format: https://host:port/dv), click Console and then click Snapshots.
    2. Click the Page menu Page menu , select Migrate, and then click Upload and Restore BI EE11g Migration Bundle.
    3. Click Select to navigate to the migration bundle (JAR file) containing the content you want to migrate.
    4. Enter the password for the repository (semantic model) (RPD file) included in the JAR file.
      It's important to enter the correct password here. Content migration fails if the password you enter doesn’t match the password required to access the repository (semantic model).
    5. Click Upload and Restore.

    Allow a few minutes for the content to upload and refresh through your system. The time it takes depends on the size of your content bundle. Sign out, then sign back in after approximately 15 to 20 minutes to see new content and to inherit any newly restored application roles.

  5. Verify that your subject areas, analyses, and dashboards are available as expected.
  6. If your migration bundle included deliveries, you must restore them and activate them.

Migrating using the Command Line

You can migrate the content you created in Oracle BI Enterprise Edition 11g to Oracle Analytics Server using the command line.

Generating the BI Migration Tool (bi-migration-tool.jar)

The BI Migration Tool (bi-migration-tool.jar) is self-executing and self-contained. You must generate the BI Migration Tool jar file by using the BI Migration Script (migration-tool.sh|cmd). The BI Migration Script is made available after you configure the Oracle Analytics Server domain. This step packages the components of the BI Migration Tool into a single, self-executing jar file, so that it can be easily transported on to an 11g system. To do this, you must have access to a Oracle Analytics Server with a configured domain. You must set up the Oracle Analytics Server domain to provide sufficient infrastructure to run the BI Migration Tool and allow it to repackage itself. The Oracle Analytics Server domain can be empty at this stage.

To generate the BI Migration Tool jar:
  1. The BI Migration Script (migration-tool.sh|cmd) is available at the following location:
    (UNIX) DOMAIN_HOME/bitools/bin/
  2. Run the following command to generate the BI Migration Tool:
    (UNIX) DOMAIN_HOME/bitools/bin/migration-tool.sh package bi-migration-tool.jar

    Table 3-6 Command Description

    Option Description
    DOMAIN_HOME/bitools/bin Specifies the location of the BI Migration Script.
    package Specifies the BI Migration Script to perform the packaging operation.
    bi-migration-tool.jar Specifies the file name of the migration tool jar file where the output is written. In this documentation, the bi-migration-tool.jar file is referred as the "BI Migration Tool" and the migration-tool.sh script is referred as the "BI Migration Script".
  3. Copy the BI Migration Tool to the host system from where you want to export data.

Creating the Export Bundle

The export bundle is a ".jar " file and consists of the metadata information from the 11g Oracle home.

To create an export bundle:
  1. Change to the directory where you created the bi-migration-tool.jar file.
  2. Run the BI Migration Tool without passing parameters. Enter the following command:
    (UNIX) JDK_HOME/bin/java -jar bi-migration-tool.jar


    The JDK version must be JDK 1.8.0_131 or higher. You must verify that a certified JDK already exists on your system by running java -version from the command line.

    This command displays the list of parameters that you can include for the BI Migration Tool to locate various parts of the 11g system.
  3. Run the BI Migration Tool with the following parameters this time to create an export bundle.

    Table 3-7 Parameter Description: Creating Export Bundle

    Parameter Description
    out Indicates the BI Migration Tool to run in Export mode.
    <oracle 11g home> Specifies the Oracle home directory. This is typically the directory Oracle_BI inside Middleware home.
    DOMAIN_HOME Specify the Domain home directory. This is typically the directory user_projects/domains/bi/ inside the Middleware home.
    <output export bundle path> Specifies the file name of the export bundle where the output is written. The output is not a BAR file. The file name of the export bundle must include the "jar" extension.
    Following is a sample command for creating an export bundle:
    (UNIX) JDK_HOME/bin/java -jar bi-migration-tool.jar out ORACLE_HOME/Oracle_BI1 DOMAIN_HOME/tmp/migration-tool-test/test_export.jar

    Table 3-8 Parameter Values: Creating Export Bundle

    Parameter Description
    ORACLE_HOME/Oracle_BI1 The path where the Oracle home directory is located.
    DOMAIN_HOME The path where the Domain home directory is located.
    /tmp/migration-tool-test/test_export.jar The location where the export bundle is created.


    Make sure to replace these file paths with the respective paths on your system.
    The following message indicates a successful export:

    Export succeeded

Copy the export bundle in to the Oracle Analytics Server system.

Importing with the BI Migration Script (migration-tool.sh|cmd)

You must import the export bundle using the BI Migration Script (migration-tool.sh|cmd). The BI Migration Script automatically determines the Oracle home and the Domain home directories.

You can include the following parameters while running the BI Migration Script to import the export bundle in to the Oracle Analytics Server system:

Table 3-9 Parameter Description: Importing the export bundle

Parameter Description
in Indicates the BI Migration Script to import the bundle.
config Indicates the BI Migration Script to overwrite the configuration files during the import process. This allows you to also migrate the configuration along with the data.
<export bundle> The path where the export bundle is located.
<service instance name> Specifies the name of the service instance, which is ssi.


The default service instance name is "ssi". However, if you install Oracle BI in a silent mode using a response file, you can specify a service instance name during the product installation. In that case, you must specify the service instance name you have specified in the response file.
To import the metadata and configuration in to the Oracle Analytics Server system:
  1. Run the BI Migration Script with the following parameters:
    (UNIX) DOMAIN_HOME/bitools/bin/migration-tool.sh in config <export bundle> <service instance name>
    For example,
    DOMAIN_HOME/bitools/bin/migration-tool.sh in config /tmp/migration-tool-test/test_export.jar ssi

    Table 3-10 Parameter Values: Importing the export bundle

    Parameter Description
    in Indicates the BI Migration Script to import the bundle.
    config Indicates the BI Migration Script to overwrite the configuration files during the import process.
    /tmp/migration-tool-test/test_export.jar The path where the export bundle is located.
    ssi Specifies the name of the service instance.
  2. If the migration is successful, you see the output such as the following:
    Import succeeded
    About to close down logging to: DOMAIN_HOME/bilogs/migration/migration-2016-05-05-06-13-05.log
    This is so that the log file can be archived into the diagnostics zip
    Any remaining log entries will go to '/tmp/migration.log', and will not appear in the diagnostics zip
    Migration action succeeded
You can now start the Oracle Analytics Server system. For more information about starting the Oracle Analytics Server system, see Administering Oracle Analytics Server.


It takes about 10 more minutes for the application roles and policies to migrate after the migration process is complete.

After completing the import process, you must start OBIS1 and OBIPS1 which you stopped before beginning the migration process.